11 April 2007

eMule 0.47c Hardstyle v2.1

Emule 0.47c Hardstyle v2.1

[Add/fix??] wc-release is save [Spe64]
[Add] Source cache [Xman]
[Add] Aux Ports support [Lugdunumaster from emulefuture]
[Add] Antihideos [Netfinity from emulefuture]
[Add] ICS [EnkeyDev from emulefuture]
[Add] Do NOT alter DVD-Video files VOB,IFO,BUP,etc [BlueSonicBoy]
[Add] Slot control [Spe64]
[Add] Upnp Support [Xtreme mod]
[Add] Kad Interface Improvement [Xanatos]
[Add] Clean up temporary handle maps[Xman]
[Add] Proper EditDelayed [Xman]
[Add] Use hideos without powershare [Spe64]
[Fixed] Bug In Getfiletypeex() [Avi-3k]
[Change] Custom set Slotspeed method (more efficient) [Spe64]
+ some little fixed [Spe64]

Emule 0.47c Hardstyle v2.0

[Add] Quick start[Stulle]
[Add] Quick start after ip change [Stulle]
[Add] Quick start can work with kad only [Spe64]
[Add] choosable Modname [Spe64]
[Add] Static Global hideos [Spe64]
[Add] Choosable priority [Spe64]
[Add] push rare file [Hawkstar]
[Add] push part files [Spe64]
[Add] push finished files [Spe64]
[Add] push by types files [Spe64]
[Add/fix??] powershare is save [Spe64]
[Change] Splashscreen + icons [Spe64 (icons from kokaine icons)]

splash : http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/8020/logost1.jpg

Based on Emule 0.47c r-mod 1.1 from Pp

[R-Mod 1.1]
Added : reconnect on IPchange v2 [xman1/maella]
Added : ModIcons from Boardcontest [funnypixels @ r4u]
Added : Dynamic HideOS for PowerShare, switch added [xman1/slugfiller]
Added : Addon-Directory [shadow2004/eMuleFuture 0.2]
Added : Ip2C upgrade: File origin [wizard]
Added : Ip2Country [Eastshare/eMuleFuture 0.2]
Added : Icons for other Softwares [pP, icons from spike2 mod]
Added : Auto-update for ModIconMapper [shadow2004/eMuleFuture]
Added : ModIconMapper dll [Wizard/eMuleFuture]
Added : ClientAnalyzer v1.5 [Wizard/Tombstone]
Added : Some icons for other ClientSofts [spike2 mod]
Added : ClientPercentages [MorphXT 9.2]
Added : Glitchfix in DownloadClientsCtrl.cpp [wizard]
Added : ISP throtteling fix in HttpDownloadDlg.cpp [leuk_he]
Changed: Cleaned up Powershare code a bit
updated: ModIconDll, new Icons added, activated forgotten icons in original package
Updated: Packet handling for WebCache [Spike2 mod]
Fixed : Delayed coloring/uncoloring of PS files in SharedFileList
Removed: Rescources and Vars of old AntiLeech

[R-Mod 1.0]
added: Friend/FriendSlot controls in all important lists
changed: Filebuffer raised to 15 MB
added: Dynamic Flushtimes for larger filebuffer
added: MorphXT: Don't draw hidden rect
added: some more list coloring (Queue, Uploads & Downloads)
added: ColorRefs for list coloring ($icK$)
added: netfinity: Dynamic Compression
added: some list coloring, inspired by x-treme mod [WiP]
updated: netfinity: DynamicBLockRequests
added: netfinity: Delayed NNP
added: netfinity: Reask part status on NNP
added: Listcoloring for LowIDs [xman1]
added: Code Improvement for choosing to use compression [xman1]
(combined with netfinities ActiveRatio)
added: Push2upload for PowerShare files
added: Checkbox to enable CrashDumps [pP]
added: dumpfile enumeration - TAG: WiZaRd::Dumpfile Enumeration
added: Improved dumping - TAG: WiZaRd::Better dumping
Added: simple global AutoHL [pP]
Added: AutoUpdater for IPFilter (24 hrs recheck)
Added: Slotlimiter [pP]
Added: Support for Multiple Friendslots [Wizard/Tombstone]
Added: FunnyNicks [xrmb, taken from ionix 4.0]
Added: enhanced priority control [pP]
Added: Global & local source dropps [LSD, edited by pP]
Added: simple Droptimer [pP, recoded]
Added: UDP-FNF fix [Wizard/Tombstone]
Added: Some icons from Sion/Neo Mod
Added: Prefsdialog with TreeOpts
Added: AntiNick-/ModThief [Wizard/Tombstone]
Added: BadNick/BadMod detection [iONiX Banlist]
Added: Simple PowerShare [based on ZZUL, changed by MikeG]
Added: Basic visualization stuff
-----> Chunkdots [SF-iom/CB]
-----> Bold DLs
-----> Colored DLs
Added: Calm down CPU [Wizard/Tombstone]
Added: ReadBlockFromFile Thread [MorphXT]
Added: Flush Thread [MorphXT]
Added: DynamicBlockRequests [Netfinity]
Added: Variable Compression [ --"-- ]
Added: Active Ratio [ --"-- ]
Added: WebCache 2.0 [Stulle/Max, ScarAngel]
Added: various little fixes...

Download: Emule 0.47c Hardstyle v2.1 bin.rar (4.41 MB) - (Mirror)
Download SRC
eMule 0.47c Hardstyle sources Pre 2.1 version fixed.rar (4.36 MB)
old Versons:
eMule0.47c-Hardstyle v7.0 beta 4-bin.rar (5.59 MB)

all Versions BIN + SRC DDL here


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