21 April 2007

Firefox Extension Megaupload SX 4.3

This Extension enable Download from Megaupload by limited or full Download slots just like the Megupload Toolbar without the need to install the Toolbar by it self. A highly recommended Extension for Firefox user.

Installation instructions (English Version)

To install the megaupload extension click the button below to start the installation.
If it does not start try clicking with right mouse button and Save target as...
Then save it to your desktop, go to File > Open File (Firefox) and open the file you have downloaded.
The installation will start.

Homepage: http://pbreak.freehostia.com/site/megaupload/



Anonymous said...

is this extension work in us???

Anonymous said...

please can you tell me how to install. open file is not working for me ?
thank you

Anonymous said...

open the extension manager, darg n' drop with mouse the extension file in to it.

Anonymous said...

Try this have install button enabed in extension manager: Firefox

Anonymous said...

THe prog doesnt work It still says download exceeded form ip

Anonymous said...

It looks like it only works with Firefox ver. 2.0.0 and below. So if anyone of you folks have automatically updated your browsers, then tough luck.

Recon said...

Work with all Version.
I use the nightly allready FF 3 and FF

how to make application, extension max compatible string higher:

Manual methode:
open the xp in 7zip
edit the file install.rdf with notepad
em:maxVersion >2.0 (if here is 2 means limit to ff 2.0 change this to value 3.* = means max version up to FF 3 < /em:maxVersion>
space after < (without space)

looks like:


1. use Nightly tester tools extention to use older extension with later ff builds it makes the same or Mr tech local install

After this every extension have no limit anymore to the upcoming and now latest firefox builds even nightlies work!!!

Anonymous said...

xpi file of course compress back with 7zip.... after editing

Anonymous said...

just updated to this version.
it works.
thanks mate.

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