07 June 2007

eMule 0.48a MorphXT v10

Always use official package from emulemorph.sourceforge.net for security reason!

Changelog for eMule 0.48a MorphXT v10.0
Merged to 0.48a [Stulle]

* ADD: FollowTheMajority, a new feature that will auto rename your file with majority used, default action
* can be changed from ModOptions->EastShare->FollowTheMajority, can be direct active from right click
* or disable by any rename operation per file based. [AndCycle]
* ADD: FairPlay, at least upload one copy of downloaded file with priority. [AndCycle]
* REMOVED: WebCache (http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=124737)
* FIXED: Obfucated server only connect on first startup, Always send cryptping.
* ADD: Safe KAD :slows down the spreading of bad KAD nodes & kad cpu optimizations. (netfinity)
* FIX: KAD: save in correct directory to prevent loosing kad pref under vista. (godlaugh2007)
* ADD: CryptTCPPaddingLength added to advanced preferences.
* Add: Anti Mod Faker [Xman]
* CHANGED: Never ask confirmation when emule stopped with "eMule.exe exit"
* CHANGED: Send non existing "morph 9.7" to old mods to work arround bug in morph anti leecher.
* CAHNGED: Do not save obfuscated sources [Xman]
* CHANGED: Calculate own score the new way for >= 0.48a clients
* FIXED: Official bug when dis/enabling Queuelist/Clientslist (Xman)
* FIXED: Official bug when checking for empty userhash (ilmira)
* FIXED: Hang(deadlock) on exit (xman)


* French (nicolas_FR)
* italian(idro),
* Simplified chinese(pennyliu123),
* Portugese_braziallian(heiler bemerguy),
* Spanish(guijarrelson))

Source code:
emule_all.sln & emule_71.vcproj removed. Replaced by emule.sln with depenancies.

Homepage: http://emulemorph.sourceforge.net/

Download: eMulev0.48a.-MorphXTv10.0-bin.zip New Today
eMulev0.48a.-MorphXTv10.0-src.zip New Today
Language files
older Versions


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