eMule 0.48a ScarAngel v2.0
based on eMule 0.48a Xtreme 6.0 compiled with vs2003 SP1
Added: Anti fragmenting [netfinity] - Stulle
Added: KAD vista fix [godlaugh2007] - Stulle
Added: Safe KAD [netfinity] - Stulle
Added: KAD speed optimizations [netfinity] - Stulle
Added: Display reason for zero score [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Automatic shared files updater [MoNKi] - Stulle
Added: Emulate others [WiZaRd/Spike/shadow2004] - Stulle
Added: Anti Uploader Ban (0 = disabled) [Stulle]
Added: Recognize MlDonkey XS Answer [Spike2/ideas by Wiz] - Stulle
Added: Spread Credits Slot [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Pay Back First [AndCycle/SiRoB/Stulle] - Stulle
Removed: WebCache [WC team/MorphXT] - Stulle/Max
Anti Uploader Ban - Stulle
+ Case 1 - UL >= Limit:
- clients who uploaded more but the limit don't get banned
+ Case 2 - UL-DL >= Limit
- clients with a difference between up- and download which is higher but the
limit won't get banned until the difference reaches the limit
+ Case 3 - UL-DL >= Limit
- clients with a difference between up- and download which is higher but the
limit won't get banned until the difference reaches 0 (if session ends before
0 is reached the client will have to reach the limit again in the next session
to have ban-prevention
Spread Credits Slot - Stulle
+ every X slots a slot is given to a client that never uploaded to us, downloaded from us,
receives no small file push, is no leecher and does not request a PS file
+ Full Chunk Transfer has to be enabled!
Spread Credits Slot debugging:
+ @ Spr N = usual Spread Credits Slot (0 up/ 0 down)
+ @ Spr O = got a SCS but was removed early
Full Changelog
Homepage: http://scarangel.sourceforge.net/
Latest binaries (v 2.0):
HTTP (SourceForge) : eMule0.48a-ScarAngel_v2.0-bin.rar
eD2k : eMule0.48a-ScarAngel_v2.0-bin.rar
Latest sources (v 2.0):
HTTP (SourceForge) : eMule0.48a-ScarAngel_v2.0-src.rar
eD2k : eMule0.48a-ScarAngel_v2.0-src.rar
Language packages:
totranslate.txt (includes all strings differing from Xtreme)
Available so far:
Download older versions of the ScarAngel mod and language sources here:
Source Forge mirrors
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