04 September 2007

eMule 0.48a Neo Mule v4.50 B2 by David Xantos

Neo Mule 4.50Neo Mule (Beta) v4.50 BETA2e by: David Xanatos

eMule 0.48a Neo Mule v4.50 B2

Beta 2c
CUT - [CleanUploadTiming]
FB - [FeedBack]
MOD - [SearchHash]
some bugs in the upload moderation, save upload queue wait time and other minor things

/******** Beta 2 ********/
NSTI - [NewSystemTrayIcon]
STI - [StaticTray]
IM - [InvisibelMode]
TPP - [TrayPasswordProtection]
PSM - [PlusSpeedMeter]
CCF - [ColloredCategoryFlags]
SI - [SysInfo]
MOD - [Percentage]
MOD - [SessionDL]
MOD - [RelativeChunkDisplay]
MOD - [ChunkDots]

NTS - [NeoTreeStyle]
NA - [NeoArgos]

PP - [PasswordProtection]

Full Changelog click here

Neo Mule v4.50 Binary - Mirrors
Neo Mule v4.50 Debug Binary - Mirrors
Neo Mule v4.50 Sources - Mirrors

Neo Mule v4.50 Binary - Mirrors
Neo Mule v4.50 Debug Binary - Mirrors
Neo Mule v4.50 Sources - Mirrors

Neo Mule v4.50 Binary - Mirrors
Neo Mule v4.50 Debug Binary - Mirror
Neo Mule v4.50 Sources - Mirror
Beta 1:
Neo Mule v4.50 Binary
Neo Mule v4.50 Debug Binary
Neo Mule v4.50 Sources

http://eselfarm.info/user/xanatos/dlp.rar - Mirror

Note: Some 4.25 files are not compatible to the new 4.50 this files will be replaced with new ones, but don't be concerned only not critical files are affected, like *.neo, *.src or knownprefs.met

Note: The clients.met created by the old 4.25 version is bogus and can not be loaded properly, please delete it before starting the new version.

Note: Some features are still missing in beta 1 and included in this beta 2!
Support BBS: Neo Mule 4.50 Beta 2e
Homepage: http://neomule.sourceforge.net/

older Builds:
Neo_Mule_v4.50_Beta2c_bin.zip(2.81 MB)
Neo_Mule_v4.50_Beta2b_bin.7z (2.14 MB) - Neo_Mule_v4.50_Beta1_bin.7z (2.11 MB) - dlp.rar (27.62 KB)


Anonymous said...

My favorite emule. Thanks for the news updates

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