21 September 2007

VeryCD eMule 0.48a Build 070920

VeryCD inherited not only the Chinese version of the English original, all characteristics, but also with the use of Chinese netizens habits on the basis of Chinese localization propagates to the original complex professional software easier to use.

EDonkey2000 network infrastructure to the new peer-to-peer file-sharing tools, it offers all the standard eDonkey features, but also provides many additional functions, and loved by many netizens! The latest version of eMule integrated Kad connectivity, further beyond the boundaries of the server, with more than two million of the world eMule users share resources.

eMule v0.48a Build 070920 Stable [2007-09-20]
* Deadlock revised several procedures to enhance stability procedures
* Update some server configuration files to ensure that the normal link
* Updated version of the DLP

Homepage: http://www.emule.org.cn/download/

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