30 October 2007

BitComet v0.95 Beta 20071027 - Build 27.10.2007

GUI Improved: display "play" button in task list for flv video file when it download finished
GUI Improved: hot key Ctrl+R in add download group dialog will fill max value of wildcard automatically
GUI Bugfix: icons in task log display incorrectly in Windows Vista
GUI Bugfix: task auto stop function can not work if this task has been previewed
GUI Bugfix: Scheduler will not refresh task list after pause all task
Core Improved: improve preview download mode of BT task, decrease CPU usage
Core Improved: eMule plugin can handle ED2K link opened from IE
Core Improved: when BitComet creates task in eMule plugin, the task category of new task will be set to _bitcomet_imported
Core Improved: when BitComet downloads BT task from eMule plugin, if the same file already exists in plugin's download queue, downloaded data will be imported
Core Bugfix: private torrent didn't disable persistent seeding

Based on the stable version v0.94

Website: http://www.bitcomet.com/doc/download-beta.htm

Folder: http://download.bitcomet.com/beta/

Azureus - B05 (Beta 5) 29 Oct 2007

2007.10.xx Azureus

FEATURE: Core global download speed limit can also limit the number of outgoing requests, this should improve TCP performance [The 8472]
-it downloads from as few peers as possible when the global limit is reached
-prioritizes downloads which are on the head of the queue
FEATURE: Core IP binding now provides primitive round-robin load balancing for users with multiple internet connections; accepts interface names and IPv6 binding (if supported on the platform) [The 8472]
FEATURE: UI Piece distribution view is now also available as a peer subview [The 8472]

CHANGE: Core Revised piece picking code to deal better with some edge cases and snubbed peers [The 8472]
CHANGE: UI Added private torrent indicator to the general tab [The 8472]

2007.10.04 Azureus

FEATURE: UI Added "All Peers" view [amc1]

CHANGE: Core Added workarounds for some buggy UPnP router implementations [parg]
CHANGE: UI NAT status bar indicator and health icons now ignore UDP and LAN-local connections [The 8472]

BUGFIX: Core Fixed bug where a torrent's save location is "forgotten" when a recheck is done in some circumstances [amc1]
BUGFIX: UI times > 365 days (such as the uptime) are now displayed properly [The 8472]

To use, rename the downloaded AzureusXxxx-Bxx.jar file to Azureus2.jar to replace your old jar in the Azureus program dir: ChangeTheAzureusTwoJarFile
Azureus v2 vs. v3 (Vuze) FAQ
Azureus3035-B05.jar - 29 Oct 2007 07:14:46 PM [9797174 bytes]
Homepage: http://azureus.sourceforge.net/index_CVS.php

28 October 2007

Universal Extractor 1.6 updated October

- Support for IS up to 5.2.2 (Inno setup unpack up to V 5.22)
- 7z Plugin 4.56
- UnPe Compact v2.x
- UnRAR 3.71
- ISUnp
- InnounpW
- Updated UPX
- and many more unpacker

Skip setups and extract them. Skip / bypass setup installer passwords and all other crap what installer do in background. Universal Extractor is a program do to exactly what it says: extract files from any type of archive, whether it's a simple zip file, an installation program, or even a Windows Installer (.msi) package. This is still a work in progress (see details below), but so far it's proven quite useful and I feel others can also benefit from it. I should stress that this application is not intended to be a general purpose archiving program. It will never replace WinRAR, 7-Zip, etc. What it will do is allow you to extract files from virtually any type of archive, regardless of source, compression method, etc. The original motivation behind this project was that I wanted an easy, convenient way to extract files from installation packages, such as Inno Setup or Windows Installer packages, without pulling up a command line every time. In the process I got a little carried away and ended up throwing in support for every kind of archive format I possibly could find. Universal Extractor, like most of my Windows programs, is written in AutoIt, a powerful open source scripting language. Universal Extractor itself, however, is just a front-end that uses many other programs to do the dirty work. Please see the Credits section below for additional information. Universal Extractor file/destination GUI

Homepage: http://www.legroom.net/software/uniextract

Download updated pack October 2007: uniextract16beta_noinst.rar - Mirror

older Version

Java(TM) 6 Update 3 Java Environment

Java 6 Update 3 Java EnvironmentJava Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 Update 3 - The Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) allows end-users to run Java applications. Installation Instructions ReadMe ReleaseNotes Download: jre-6u3-windows-i586-p.exe

Website: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp

27 October 2007

Thunder Ayu - Ads Free

* 搜索框增加了视频搜索分类
* 增强病毒预警功能,反馈多引擎查毒结果
* 修正了安全组件可能导致迅雷自动退出的BUG
* 修正了删除emule任务可能崩溃BUG

md5 (Thunder.v5.7.4.401.NoAD-Ayu.exe) = 07c620c4491cb03a0b9ea4981bb54e1e

Download: Thunder.v5.7.4.401.NoAD-Ayu.zip

Updates and Translation follow soon.

19 October 2007

eMule 0.48a Mephisto v1.0



by Stulle
- 18.10.2007 -
based on eMule 0.48a ScarAngel 2.4 compiled with vs2003 SP1

NOTE: This is the new official branch of the ScarAngel mod with slotfocus.
NOTE: All preferences will be stored in the [ScarAngel] settings group.

Added: Slotfocus (always enabled) [Stulle]
Added: full/trickle for GUI purpose [Stulle]
+ F for full, T for trickle in speed column
Added: Display if last UploadBandwithThrottler reached bandwith [Stulle]
+ R for reached, NR for not reached in TransferWnd Splitter
Added: Mephisto version check [Official/MorphXT/Stulle]
Added: Mephisto GFX [eMule-web.de staff]
Added: Multiple friendslots [ZZ]
+ 1:3 ratio (friends excluded) will be enforced
Added: Option to configure slot opening due to missing trickle (0=off) [Stulle]
+ You better leave this option!
Added: Links for Server list and nodes file [Stulle]
Added: Diabolic Easteregg [Stulle]
+ Hell, I really wanted to do that for a long time now! XD

Changed: Superior clients are added after the last superior in UL list [Stulle]
Changed: Resort uploads if PowerShare or friendslot changed [ZZ/MorphXT]
Changed: Replaced ScarAngel references with Mephisto [Stulle]
Changed: Startup Sound [Stulle]
Changed: Status column sorted by slot number [Stulle]

Fixed: Resume mode combobox in Categorie dialog (ScarAngel) [Stulle]
Fixed: Auto Update IP2Country on startup (ScarAngel) [Stulle]

Removed: Several Xtreme upload settings [Xman]
Removed: Xtreme full/trickle upload handling [Xman]
Removed: Always Maximize Slotspeed (redundant) [Stulle]
Removed: ScarAngel version check [Official/MorphXT/Stulle]



SourceForge Mirrors

18 October 2007

Shareaza 20071018

These builds are intended for experienced Shareaza users who accept the fact that these are development builds and as such can crash, lose downloads, or crash the computer, as well as a number of other unpredictable things. The storage format of downloads has changed in the development versions so downgrading to previous versions is generally not possible without losing the downloads.

These builds are created each day at 03:17 (UTC-5). They can be downloaded in two different "flavors":
  • Installer - This is the full installer and the normal way Shareaza is distributed.
  • Standalone - This is just the Shareaza.exe and can be placed directly into an existing Shareaza installation. Most of the time this one can be used just fine but sometimes changes are made to the installer and Shareaza.exe won't function correctly until the installer is run. It is recommended that Installer be used instead of Standalone.

If you would like to receive an email each time a new build is created then you can sign up for the mailing list. It will include the links to download Shareaza and the commit log for the last 24 hours.

The Shareaza Daily Updater Script can be used to update to the latest daily without user interaction.
If you find any bugs then report them in the Bugs & Beta Testing Forum.


Change Log

Installer: Shareaza_20071018.exe(9.26 MB)
standalone: Shareaza_20071018.zip(8.97 MB)

IPNetInfo v1.10

IPNetInfo is a small utility that allows you to easily find all available information about an IP address: The owner of the IP address, the country/state name, IP addresses range, contact information (address, phone, fax, and email), and more.
Download IPNetInfo (in ZIP file) Download self-install executable for installing IPNetInfo with uninstall support

WhoisThisDomain v1.20
This utility allows you to easily get information about a registered domain. It automatically connect to the right WHOIS server, according to the top-level domain name, and retrieve the WHOIS record of the domain.
It support both generic domains and country code domains.
Download WhoisThisDomain (in ZIP file) Download self-install executable for installing WhoisThisDomain with uninstall support

Many more great freeware applications from NirSoft:

eMule 0.48a beba v1.6 by Tuxman

eMule 0.48a beba v1.6 [the bellaItalia edition]
** released October 17 2007

- added: Nodes.dat update via URL [Xanatos]
- added: Tits [Tuxman]
* note that they are displayed by a random generator; to stop displaying them at all, add the line "EasterEgg=0" to the [beba] section of the file preferences.ini.

- improved: added the obfuscation's padding length setting to the "hidden preferences" [Tuxman]
- improved: auto-clean bad Kad keywords [BlueSonicBoy]
- improved: automatically switch default search type, depending on the network settings [taz]
- improved: better passive source finding [Xman]
- improved: Inform Clients is also valid for eMule+ [Spike2]
- improved: Nodes.dat will be saved every 4 hours [Avi3k/Xanatos]
- improved: request AICH hashset only if necessary [WiZaRd]

- fix (b): Client Analyzer information wasn't displayed (rofl) [Tuxman]
- fix (b): Filename Disparity Check displayed the wrong icon [Tuxman]
- fix (b): Friends Details dialog couldn't be closed correctly [Tuxman]
* changed the dialog to a basic one [SLUGFILLER/Xanatos]
* we don't need to call the whole ClientDetailsDialog here ...
- fix (o): unhandled floating point exception in Contact.cpp [NetFinity]

- changed: disabled eD2K network by default [Tuxman]
* why does anyone need it when there's Kademlia?
- changed: disabled "show dl info on cat tabs" by default again [Tuxman]

Homepage: Website
Download @emulefuture

16 October 2007

emule.de 0.48a V 18 (Adware / Malware Mod)


eMule.de Version from emule.de (emule-services.com, emuleforum.net) are category Adware/Malware Mods
Mods from emule.de are advertisement compiled emule clients. Web links and Popups to alphaload, firstload and others open from alone in regular time delay. The transfer list is through advertisements in the form of screen ads and others (see on the button of them website advertiser links).

Weblink: http://www.emule.de/downloads.html

Binaries .exe » Download as rar
Binaries .exe » Download as zip

The sourcecode should be: Download Source

source-48a-v18.rar - Mirrors

more info:
Threads from official Forum:

advanced user can try to dissemble with OllyDbg v1.10
download this
Version 2.0 - Pre-alpha code

eMule 0.48a PP-EdItIoN v0.6 public beta *HOTFIX* by hexistenz

eMule 0.48a PP-EdItIoN v0.6 Public Beta *HOTFIX*
eMule 048a PP-EdItIoN v0.6 public beta
(PP = power-portal)

ARGOS Anti Leech System [from x-ray mod]
DynamicBlockRequest [netfinity]
Slot Control [sivka/hexistenz]
SafeHash [Slugfiller/SiRoB]
Drop Stalled Sources [netfinity]
Save Upload-Queue-Wait-Time [moonlight]
Connetion Checker [eWombat/WiZaRd]
ReAsk Sources after IP Change [maella/Stulle]
AutoSoftLock [David Xanatos]
SourceDropSystem [sivka]
Toolbar [J.C.Conner/duke2601]
many Improvements [Xman/WiZaRd/David Xanatos/SiRoB]

more features:

adapted to Xtremelibs
DelayedNNP [netfinity]
SaveLoadSources [enkeyDEV/WiZaRd]
MultiFileStatusBars [Xanatos]
Clipstats [WiZaRd]
BetterClientAttaching [Xanatos]
KadInterfaceImprovement [Xanatos]
AICH Security [WiZaRd]
Many Fixes around the code [fafner/Xman/ilmira/leuk_he/Tuxman/JvA/shadow2004/Stulle/Wizard]
Part Import/Export [enkeyDEV]
Uploading Problem Client [Xman]
Extened Credit Table Arragement [Xman]
Rebind UPnP on IP-Change [Spike2]
Sourcecache [Spike2]
IP-Filter and Sockets improvements [BlueSonicBoy]
Changed FullChunk [WiZaRd]
server.met URL allready inside [WiZaRd/hexistenz]
Design Settings [eWombat]
Power Release [Xman]
Safe KAD [netfinity]
Emulate others [Spike2]
Anti-Fake-IP [WiZaRd]
Tabbed Prefs [TPT]
KadBootStrap + UpdateNodesDat [Xanatos]
dir vista officla fix [godlaugh2007]

Homepage and BBS
eMule_0.48a_PP-EdItIoN_v0.6_public_beta_BIN.rar 13-Oct-2007 14:18 4.1M
eMule_0.48a_PP-EdItIoN_v0.6_public_beta_SRC.rar 13-Oct-2007 21:04 7.9M
Dir: http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/nitro-mod/

@sourceforge mirror osdn
Download PP-EdItIoN v0.6 *Hotfix* Binary
Download PP-EdItIoN v0.6 *Hotfix* Source

15 October 2007

Sign up and discussion

Dear valued Visitors
Discussion and Chatroom come soon.
We plan to open a discussion place, simple cgi bulletin so that everyone can easy give feedback but also spam protected (word filter and url filter).
No restrictions or other limitations, special permissions as others have. We don't ban visitors and want share with all of you.
Thanks for all emails we will soon response and include the discussion place.

Thank you all.

WebTeam ZA

Restorator 2007 3.70

Restorator is an award-winning utility to edit windows resources in applications and their components, e.g. files with .exe, .dll, .res, .rc, .dcr, extension

Change, add, remove resources such as text, images, icons, sounds, videos, version, dialogs and menus in almost all programs.

Restorator is used for translation/localization, customization, design improvement and development.

This resource editor comes with an intuitive user-interface, complete documentation with many examples and prompt user support in the discussion forums or via email.

Digidea's Blog

restorator_2007_v3.70.1709.zip 3.26 MB

eMule Updater - eMule IP Filter + ip-to-country + fakes.dat + antiLeech.dll updater

Universal Multi eMule Security Updater:
  • IP Filter dat
  • ip-to-country.csv
  • fakes.dat
  • antiLeech.dll
copy IP filter updater to emule main folder where emule.exe is.

Version with ip filter dat from eMule-security.net

have a look to: http://upd.emule-security.net/fakeservers.txt

Version with ip filter from eMule Pawcio:

vista users attention! If emule failes to load the new antiLeech.dll (have a look at your Log) restart emule.

uTorrent + BitTorrent IP Filter and flags Updater v2.0.5

      uTorrent + BitTorrent IP Filter and flags updater openMedia, ozzy, pawcio
 Creates Shortcut under Program Files/uTorrent, BitTorrent
 You can select wheter you want ozzy's IP filter, openMedia Full or pawcio's
 Update once a week is recomended but not more often!!!
 It also updates flags.conf and flags.bmp.
 A backup from the old files will be saved with the extension .bak
°¨¨° MoDs.sub.cc °¨¨°

 * * * * * *

 °¨¨° Where Information Is Free °¨¨°

 uTorrent IP Filter Dat Updater v2.0.5.2
BitTorrent v6 IP Filter Dat Updater v2.0.5.2

=#####= -####= -####M.
/#### u #### u ####=
+###: ;####: ;###=
%###X=. ;XXX%- -+M##$
M#####M; =M#####M
+#######H/- -+H#######%
:############$=, .-%############;
M#####$H########@%. .+@M#######X$######
-///: .:/$M#####@H#####@%/=. -///-
.,X######X. -@######$,
,/XHH@M######/. ,$######M@HX+-
$##########M+. -$##########M;
@#########@ =##########M
-==H#####/ %######M$;,
.$###X $###H=

Speed it up
Go Get 'Em

All-In-One IP Filter and flags Updater for uTorrent and BitTorrent 6.
Ozzy Support Forum: http://www.mom-community.to/...
Download only IP Filter Dat for P2P applications eMule and BitTorrent:

All in one as WinRar Pack for BitTorrent and uTorrent:

Installer Pack for BitTorrent v6:

Installer Pack for uTorrent:

Only IP Filter dat from ozzy:

The Updater need Internet access to download the update files!
Do not update more than once a week. The IP filter dat are updated ever 2 weeks!

eMule 0.48a ScarAngel v2.4

- 14.10.2007 -
based on eMule 0.48a Xtreme 6.1 compiled with vs2003 SP1

Changed: Override max upload session time for PBF clients [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Override max upload session time for friends [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Keep friends in upload like PBF clients [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Do not reserve 1/3 if ratio is max 1:2 [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Only give back waitingtime if transferred <>

Fixed: Possible buffer overun in Enforce Ratio code [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: Do not reserve 1/3 of your uploadlimit for emule [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: Missed to enable Auto IPfilter update by default [Stulle] - Stulle


14 October 2007

Bitcomet 0.94 Optimizated version Ads Free

BitComet is based on BitTorrent protocol p2p free software. Efficient network core, multi-task while downloading remains very little CPU memory footprint. A Torrent of support in the choice of the documents downloaded. Disk caching technology, high-speed random read and write effectively reduce the damage on the hard drive. Only one monitor ports can be downloaded to meet all needs state preservation downloaded automatically, without re-scanning documents Continuingly for seeds need not scan documents; support multi Tracker; internal network users apply equally; green software, no installation, operation only when linked. torrent documents; multi-language interface. Formerly SimpleBT.

Note: there can be still after the installation advertising customers, as long as the all temporary files removed (empty temp folders).

Coder Homepage: http://xiaose.net.ru

This version features:
1. Removed all the advertising.
2. A meticulously comprehensive optimization, increase the maximum speed of the network.
In the installation version the online network you can select connection speed optimization for the program
3. DHT Accelerate
4. BitComet Accelerator 3.2 Chinese Version. BitComet Accelerator 3.2 is known as not save (Malware/Adware) and can be removed by deleting later!
5. Emule Plugin
6. All Languages added
7. Installer Version include latest IP Filter dat

Download Multilanguage Bitcomet 0.94 Optimizated Version (no installer):
BitComet 0.94 - Ads Free.rar (6.44 MB)

Installer Build:
BitComet0.94setup.exe (9.07 MB)

Sky Drive Mirrors:

Java 7 (1.7) Build b22 - October 12, 2007

Sun Java SE 7 Runtime Environment PRE-Release (Contains JDK and JRE) The JDK Development Kit can be uninstalled.
Summary of changes in JDK 7 build b22

Windows Offline Installation, Multi-language JDK file
jdk-7-ea-bin-b22-windows-i586-12_oct_2007.exe, 53.54 MB
Windows AMD64 self-extracting JDK file
jdk-7-ea-bin-b22-windows-amd64-12_oct_2007.exe, 39.21 MB
other OS: http://download.java.net/jdk7/binaries/

eMule v0.48a EastShare 13.4 by Pretender

eMule v0.48a [EastShare v13.4]
based on eMule 0.48a MorphXT v10.4

EastShare Mod Team: AndCycle, linekin, Pretender, TAHO, and special thanks to so8so.

      --= EastShare v13.4 Release =--
[EastShare v13.4] 以 MorphXT 10.4 (eMule 0.48a)為修改基礎,

eMule v0.48a EastShare v13.4 更新記錄 [10/14/2007]
以 [MorphXT 10.4] 為修改基礎

整合:原始碼更新至MorphXT 10.4 (eMule 0.48a) [Pretender]
Pretend tender


Dev. nfo: http://pre-tender.myweb.hinet.net/misc/info.html
BBS: eMule ES Mod 中文討論版
older Version and info eMule v048a Eastshare v13.3

AntiARP-DNS Ver. 3.6.4

In your campus network, your network is frequently dropped calls? Whether frequently visited Web pages or can not slow? Whether frequent IP conflict? Whether your network by network management software speed limit? (ARP attack now common software: Poly Health Network Management, P2P Terminator, network agents, network scissors in hand, LAN Terminator and so on ...)
The above problems belong to deceive the ARP attack. ARP attack in the absence of deception before the data flow: Gateway machine. ARP spoofing attacks, the flow of data into: Gateway attacker machine, this machine and all communications gateway between the data will flow through the attacker, and thus the subjugation of the inevitable.
So there will be a AntiARP - DNS, Hei hei. Campus Network strongly recommend the use of a friend, can effectively solve these problems, its effectiveness.

1. AntiARP - DNS [main program]
It includes the ARP and DNS deception real-time monitoring and attack the defense, the attack will prompt record tracing the attacker and control the extent to attack the lowest. LAN can effectively prevent the illegal ARP or DNS deceive attack, especially applied to the campus network. It can also be resolved after the attacks of IP conflicts. Annoying boxes. If your machine is in the ARP-like virus, please download using Windows Update to address, the use of this procedure only auxiliary. (ARP mandatory anti-deception, please refer to the official related article.)
2. IP-Mac Scan [auxiliary scanning procedure]
It used for LAN IP corresponding quantities within the true MAC scans to ensure that the information be accurate MAC. But it has also been provided to facilitate batch conversion bundled IP-MAC to facilitate the network management needs.
Ps: This software is free software pure green, the driver does not need any support from the underlying operating system does not need, to use a more stable more convenient. I will continue to update that more family support.

Small Tip:
Some machines use always the problem, the specific reasons for the system cause problems.
There may be too much garbage system, plug-in too much, and so on ... can be considered heavy equipment system! After testing the system in the clean operating environment is very stable.
Compatible: 2000/NT/XP/2003/Vista If you found a Bug, please inform the author

2007-10-14 Ver:3.6.4 Preliminary version of the transition
1. Attacks source out; new packet loss test pages
2. IP-MacScan have been integrated into the History Log and expansion
3. Set up in the re-wrote the Gateway will no longer make mistakes
4. Set up in the new IP conflict maker detection
5. Local antivirus; DNS bundled in a more humane friendly (example: Automatic Updates can be automatically added, automatic control list)
6. More amended BUG
Note: The next version will be a relatively substantial upgrading. If found later new ideas the program will continue to update.

By JiaJia QQ:82713957 http://Www.YuLv.Net
Homepage: http://www.yulv.net/jiajia/article.asp?id=3
Download Ver. 3.6.4: Click on the green landscaping stable version download

The GUI is Chinese but after a while playing with the application the operation is possible.

13 October 2007

BT Engine v5.04.071010

BT Engine v5.04.071010BT download powerful auxiliary tool. BT download is popular but most of the time we can not connect to all of BT seeds and no ability to download. BT Engine is only a professional optimization tool sets BT download through BT Engine optimized computer will enhance BT When downloading speed of the connection, while the connection and speed up the seed to see speed. under normal circumstances. BT Engine can accelerate download faster than 100%.
BT Engine v5.04.071010
BT Engine v5.04.071010

Download:BT Engine v5.04.071010

Official Homepage:http://www.soft4kids.com
share:http://w15.easy-share.com/7486771.html (629.18 KB)
TE Release Filename: te-bte54.zip - Mirror - Mirror

Windows Live SkyDrive Beta expanded storrage space from 500 MB to 1GB

Windows Live SkyDrive development team has just released its home page with the latest update notice, the new SkyDrive improved as follows:
  • 1 GB of space - now all users 1 GB space
  • RSS Feeds - can now be in your public folder for RSS Feeds for friends to see your updates.
  • Adds contact sharing functions, in collaboration with Hotmail and Messenger.
  • Permissions who can see upload documents - more detailed document attributes, we can see who upload documents.
  • Non-Live ID can be shared - Only Live ID before people can see that you contact the sharing of content. Any E-mail addresses can it be.
Homepage: Windows Live SkyDrive Beta

Windows Internet Explorer 7 MUI Pack IE7 Multilanguage packages

Windows Internet Explorer 7 MUI PackInternet Explorer 7 MUI. You can add multi-language IE7 appearance. If the language pack is installed you can set the default Group Policy language. After installing, IE can use the language you are familiar with the operation and the language version without any difference.
At present, including Arabic, Belgium language, simplified and traditional Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, Finnish, German, Greek, Hungarian, Swedish, Japanese, Italian, Korean, Li Tao WAN language, Latvian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and Turkish ...

Windows Internet Explorer 7 MUI Pack for Windows XP SP2
Windows Internet Explorer 7 MUI Pack for Windows Server 2003 SP1 IA64 or Server 2003 SP2 IA64
Windows Internet Explorer 7 MUI Pack for Windows Server 2003 SP1 or Server 2003 SP2
Windows Internet Explorer 7 MUI Pack for Windows 64 bit Client/Server
Win2k3 x86 (Windows Internet Explorer 7 MUI Pack IE7 Multi-language packages)

ExeInfo PE ver. B by A.S.L public Final

ExeInfo PE ver. B by A.S.L
freeware version for Windows XP

Windows 32 PE executable file checker , compilators, exe packers ....
with solve hint for unpack / internal exe tools

Internal Tools Menu :
- overlay remover - generate new file without overlay data
- save overlay as external file
- Rolo Lamer Protector v0.1b - work on standalone exe < 1MB - EP Corrector ( for Delphi ) - generate many exe file with Entry Point - XoR permutator - create one file with xor data ( 255x2000 bytes ) - Section splitter - save exe sections as files & exe header - 8 / 16 bit string finder - enter 8 bit string = searching 16 bit strings & 8 bit ( F7 key ) - REGistry call finder - find registry call & regedit.exe strings File Menu :
+ Rename file
+ Copy file As.. *.bak
+ Execute - create executable process ( exe )
+ Execute - windows ext. associate ( dll ,zip ... )
+ Delete file
+ view log file ( c:\Raport-exeinfo-log.txt )

Rippers Menu :
- www address searcher inside exe - work on any file
- ExE inside ExE ( Win32 Pe windows executable) - work on any file
- Zip archives inside ExE www.winzip.com - work on any file
- Rar archives inside ExE www.rarlab.com - work on any file
- CAB MS archives inside ExE (for MSI installers ) - work on any file

keys :
F1 key - keyboard help
F3 key - external view ( hiewdemo.exe or hiew32.exe ) path directory
F4 key - external test ( peid.exe ) path directory
F5 key - external test RDG Packer Detector ( I read location from Win registry )
F6 key - external test DiE.exe Detect it Easy ( I read location from Win registry - shell integration req.)
F7 key - 8 / 16 bit String finder
Alt+Delete - delete file
"+" ,"-" - Numeric KEY = adjust transparent Form

Non executable file detection :
zip , 7zip , rar , msi , jpg

Overlay detector ( added on ver. A - H ) :
01. zip archives
02. cab archives
03. SWF Flash object ( packed & unpacked format )
04. Executable PE file
05. 7 zip archives
06. RAR archives

- Plugins like a Peid.exe ( 70 % compatible :-( )

ACM* - anti cheat mechanism

www site: www.exeinfo.go.pl host: www.geocities.com/exeinfo_pe ( download limits ! )
Mirror: www.exeinfo.cjb.net

ExeInfo detect list :
001. RealArcade Wrapper ( Microsoft Visual C++ ) 50%
002. Borland Delphi ( 2.0 - 7.0 )
003. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 5.0 ~ 6.0 ( exe )
004. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 7.x ( exe ,dll)
005. PEtite 2.x -> Ian Luck
006. UPX exe 0.89.6 - 1.02 / 1.05 - 1.93B -> Markus & Laszlo
007. UPX dll file - 1.93Beta -> Markus & Laszlo
008. Aspack v2.12 -> Alexey Solodovnikov
009. EXECryptor v.2.3.1-6 ( www.strongbit.com )
010. Morphine ver.2.7b ( plugin Peid.exe )

011. AC protect 2.0 by RIScO Software Inc. ( www.ultraprotect.com )
012. ASprotect 2.1 reg ( www.aspack.com/asprotect.htm ) only exe files DLL files detect as ASpack :)
013. AHTeam EP Protector ver.0.3 priv
014. WinUpack 0.39 final by Dwing ( http://dwing.51.net ) :-((
015. Software Compress ver. 1.2 Lite - www.bgsopt.com
016. PEcompact ver.2.78a - www.bitsum.com
017. nsPack ver.2.3 unreg - by North Star - www.nsdsn.com
018. nsPack ver.3.0 reg - by North Star - www.nsdsn.com
019. Mole Box 2.5.7 by Teggo. - www.molebox.com

020. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 8 ( ??? )
021. EXE Guarder 1.8 (2006 unreg) www.exeicon.com/exeguarder
022. EXE Wrapper ver. 2.3-2.5 ( www.533soft.com/exewrapper ) - how to remove password
023. Exe password protector (protect/unprotect)
024. TASM / MASM
025. MS Visual Basic 5.0-6.0 dll
026. MS Visual Basic 5.0-6.0 exe

027. Armadillo 4.4x - 4.62 32bit - www.siliconrealms.com ( effectiveness = 60% )
028. Enigma protector v1.1x - www.enigma.izmuroma.ru © Sukhov Vladimir 2004-2006
029. SVK-Protector v1.32 demo - Pavol Cerven - www.anticracking.sk

030. Generic check : ASprotect 1.? old version ( www.aspack.com/asprotect.htm ) exe only
031. Generic check - AC protect 1.? by RIScO Software Inc. ( www.ultraprotect.com )
032. Packman v1.0 Brandon LaCombe ( http://packman.cjb.net )
033. modified exe , EP code = Borland Delphi ( 2.0 - 7.0 )
034. ExeStealth V2.76 www.webtoolmaster.com
035. FSG v2.0 F[ast] S[mall] G[ood] - www.xtreeme.prv.pl

036. Generic check - Aspack v2.1x -> Alexey Solodovnikov
037. Aspack v2.12b? -> Alexey Solodovnikov
038. Program protector v2.1unreg ( exe password - DECODE PASS ! ) - www.blumentals.net
039. Obsidium v1.3 software protection system (demo) - www.obsidium.de
040. ARMprotector v0.1 by SMOKE 2004
041. ARMprotector v0.3 by SMOKE 2004
042. SDProtector Profesional Edition v1.12 ( 2003 ) - www.sdprotector.com

043. Themida 1.0 -1.3? - Adv.Win.Software Protection System (c) 2004-2005 Oreans Technologies - www.oreans.com
044. yodas Protector v1.03.3 - http://yodap.has.it 2004-2006
045. yoda's Crypter v1.3 - Ashkbiz Danehkar 2004-2005
046. PE-Pack v0.99 (c) 1998 by ANAKiN
047. WATCOM C/C++ 1988-1995
048. Microsoft CAB SFX module
049. Generic check : Microsoft Visual C++ vx.x
050. UPX -> Markus & Laszlo ver. [ 2.00 ] <- version info from file 051. PeSpin v1.304 public by CyberBob - http://pespin.w.interia.pl 052. UPX -> Markus & Laszlo ver. [ ] - EXE modified!!!
053. UPX -> with extra sections - Real EP resolver ( [ ] - required Fast scan unchecked )
054. PolyEnE v0.01+ Polymorphic Encryptor (c) 2001 Lennart Hedlund ( [ ] - required Fast scan unchecked )
055. Nullsoft PiMP Stub - ( read from Ovl : NullsoftInst3" )
056. eXpressor PE Packer v1.4.5.1 - www.cgsoftlabs.ro ( exe , dll )
057. Thinstall 2.4x - 2.5x -> Jitit Software - www.thinstall.com
058. Thinstall 2.7x -> Jitit Software - www.thinstall.com
059. Nullsoft scriptable install system 2.xx - ( read from Ovl : NullsoftInst )
060. Inno Setup Module [SFX] - Borland Delphi Inno Setup Module [unknown]

061. Private EXE Protector 1.7 ( 2003-2006 ) www.setisoft.com
062. Excalibur v1.03r (c) by forgot -> read from file [ Excalibur (c) DFCG ] , http://www.breezer.ful.cn
064. ShareGuard Loader V3.6 Zapper Software - www.zapperSoftware.com
065. Borland C++ 1999
066. Zip Sfx Archive
067. Rar Sfx Archive
068. 7-Zip Sfx Archive
069. WinZip Sfx ver. 8.x www.winzip.com
070. Zylom Game Installer zip Sfx ( MS Visual C++ 7.0 )
071. Borland C++ - Copyright 2002 Borland Corporation
072. WinZip Sfx ( generic check ) www.winzip.com
073. Lock Express 2.0 Build 9.2 - 1997-2006 Sciensoft Research Inc
074. FreeBASIC Compiler v0.14-0.17 (c) 2004-2006 Andre Victor T.Vicentini - console App.
075. generic check : InstallShield 2003 ( MS Visual C++ 5/6.0 )

076. InstallAware Setup Squeezer InstallShield - www.installaware.com ( 7zip archive )
077. Installer Nullsoft PiMP Stub ( UPX pack )
078. Generic check : Nullsoft PiMP Stub installer
079. ASprotect 1.1c old version ( www.aspack.com/asprotect.htm )
080. Microsoft Visual C# / Basic.NET
081. Setup Dev INSTALLER – Version 1.3 © Shere Khan – November 2005 ( MS Visual C++ 5/6.0 )
082. Dev-C++ Compiler v4.9.9.2 - Bloodshed Software ( www.bloodshed.net )
083. Generic check : EXE STICKER like DotFix FakeSigner
084. DotFix FakeSigner v3.4 ( ASPR Stub ) http://fakesigner.dotfix.net
085. PeLock v.1.x Bartosz Wójcik www.pelock.prv.pl
086. MS IExpress 2.0 - Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor
087. generic check : MS IExpress x.x - CAB installer ( in section II )
088. InstallShield (R) Setup Launcher v.7.x CAB file ( MS Visual C++ 5/6.0 )
089. PEcompact ver.1.68 - v1.84 - www.bitsum.com
090. ORiEN ver.2.11~2.12 - ( 1994-2003 http://zalexf.narod.ru )
091. VMProtect v.1.2x (demo) 2003-2006 PolyTech - www.polytech.ural.ru ( only EP protection )
092. FASM ver. 1.67 50% detection
093. Private exe Protector v1.9x - www.setisoft.com ( morph )
094. Krypton The Krypter ver.0.3 by Yado - www.lockless.com
095. MEW 11 SE 1.2 by Northfox (2004) - Northfox.uw.hu
096. PEncrypt 4.0 Public Release / 4.0 Phi -> junkcode - www.junkcode.cjb.net
097. SDProtector Pro Edition v.1.16 ( 1.1 SDP! ) <- info from file. www.sdprotector.com 098. PE Diminisher v.0.1 ( 1999 ) - www.phrozencrew.com/~teraphy 099. !EP (EXE Pack) v1.0 g-l-u-k [TeaM - X] 2005 - www.softprot.cjb.net 100. [G!X]'s Protector v1.2 - http://breezer.ys168.com 101. Active PE Scrambler / APES / v. 1.0 (2005) [TeaM - X] - www.team-x.ru 102. (UPX) PowerArchiver 2006 [ ZIP/ CAB/ unknown ] SFX v.9.63.x - www.powerarchiver.com 103. GameHouse.com installer ( MS Visual C++ ) inside Wise Installer 104. Dev-C++ Compiler v4.9.9.2 ( MINGW 32 v5.x.x ) - Bloodshed Software ( www.bloodshed.net ) 105. Hide&Protect v1.0x ( 2005 ) - www.SoftWar-protect.com 106. WWPack32 ver 1.xx ( 1997,98 ) by P. Warezak and R.Wierzbicki 107. CHAOS Self Extractor 3.9 (1998-2006) ( WWPack-ed ) http://safeSofthome.com !108. Xtreme-Protector v.1.08 (c) 2003 www.oreans.com/xprotector/xprot.htm 109. LCC Win32 v1.x ( Jacob Navia ) http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~lcc-win32/ 110. LCC Win32 v1.x DLL ( Jacob Navia ) www.cs.virginia.edu/~lcc-win32 111. Hmimys-Packer v1.0 112. ExeFog v.1.1x - 2005 - www.bagie.xost.ru 113. PolyCrypt PE v.2.1.x ( 2004-2005 ) - www.jlabsoftware.com (exe/dll) 114. SimplePack v1.0 - 1.2 ( LZMA / APLIB - Packman compression library 1999-2005 Igor Pavlov ) 115. SimplePack v1.11 - 1.2x ( Method 2 NT ) 116. Unopix Version 1.10 Final 2006 Scrambler for PE files ( exe/dll ) !117. PPC PROTECT ver 1.1 ( 2006 ) Alexey Gorchakov www.ppc-protect.com 118. Inno Setup Uninstaller - Borland Delphi 119. Armadillo v2.5x - v2.6x - www.siliconrealms.com 120. DotFix NiceProtect v1.2 by GPcH Soft ( 2006 ) - www.niceprotect.com 121. CreateInstall v4.x Gentee ( 2004 - 2006 ) - www.createinstall.com 122. Gentee Programming Language © 2004-2006 www.gentee.com 123. RLPack v.1.11 BasicEdition ( uses aPLib 0.42 ) http://ap0x.jezgra.net 124. ReversingLabsProtector 0.7.4beta http://ap0x.headcoders.net 125. Install Creator Pro ver.2.0 ( 2003 ) - www.clickteam.com 126. PowerBasic /CC 3.0x/CC 4.0/Win 7.0x/Win 8.0x - www.powerbasic.com 127. WinUHA ver.2.0 Sfx Archive - www.winuha.com ( UPX ) 128. ZipGenius 6.0.x Sfx Archive - www.zipgenius.it ( Borland Delphi ) 129. PEbundle ver.3.20 ( 2003 ) Jeremy Collake - www.bitsum.com / / Alloy Executable Compressor v.4.x- Copyright © 2000-2006 PGWARE - www.pgware.com 130. Lazy Assembler Version 0.53 (26 Sep 2006) Freeware (c) 2000-2006 Stepan Polovnikov 131. nPack v1.1.300 (aPlib ) by NEOx ( 2006 ) www.uinc.ru 132. Installer - Setup Factory 6.0 - 7.0 Indigo Rose Corporation ( 2006 ) MS V C++ 6.0 133. dePack by deNULL - www.ooooQ.cn 134. Goat's PE Mutilator v.1.6 ( 2005 ) - www.geocities.com/killereaglesoftware 135. RLPack v.1.14-1.18 BasicEdition ( uses aPLib 0.43 / LZMA 4.30 ) http://ap0x.jezgra.net 136. VBOWatch protector v2.0 Copyright [c] 2006 MoonLight - www.ooooQ.cn 137. Generic check : build like - Private exe Protector v2.0 - www.setisoft.com 138. Easy Code v.1.0x ( GUI for assembler ) Ramon Sala - www.easycoder.org 139. Mole Box 2.6.1 by Teggo. - www.molebox.com 140. SLVcOdeProtector v.1.12 by SLV - www.ooooQ.cn 141. Exewrap MFC Application v.1.0 ( 2003 ) 142. Microsoft Visual C++ 8 compiler ( 2006 ) 143. RosAsm -V2.039c - http://betov.free.fr ( effectiveness 80 % ) 144. Software Compress ver. 1.4 Lite - www.bgsopt.com 145. Intel (R) C++ Compiler 146. FreePascal ver : FPC 1 - 2 Win32 -> (Berczi Gabor, Pierre Muller & Peter Vreman)
147. Open WATCOM C/C++32 Portions Copyright (c) Sybase 1988-2002
148. File2Pack SFX v.2.0 2006 (F2P Self Extractor ) SHOW PASSWORD! - www.mental9production.com ( MS VB5/6 )
149. PV Logiciels dotNet Protector 4.0 2003-2005 http://dotnetprotector.pvlog.com
150. ReflexiveArcade Game wrapped file ( *.RWG )
151. DAStub Dragon Armor (BamBam0.0.4.1) from Orient 2006 www.ooooQ.cn
152. Akala EXE Lock ver.3.20 www.zero2000.com (Aspack v2.12 -> Alexey Solodovnikov) - PASSWORD DECODER(N) OR HOW TO REMOVE PASSWORD
153. BeRoEXEPacker - Version 1.00 - Copyright (C) 2006, Benjamin BeRo Rosseaux ( Exe/DLL )
154. EXE Password Protector v.1.1 (MSV C++ v7) - www.eltima.com/products/exe-password - INFO HOW TO REMOVE PASSWORD
155. AGInstaller 1.9.12 ( UPX pack ) Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Agentix Software - www.aginstaller.com
156. CreateInstall v2003.3.5 www.createinstall.com/www.gentee.com ( EP check & OVL )
157. Protection PLUS - Instant plus (software key) (2005) - www.softwarekey.com Concept Software
158. Wise Installation System! std/pro 9.02 (c) Wise Solutions Inc. - www.wise.com
159. Wise Installation System! ver. ?.? (c) Wise Solutions Inc. - www.wise.com
160. Wise Uninstaller Wizard (sec3) - www.wise.com - MS Visual C++ ver.6
161. m9P Editor Plus v.1.0.300 Distributable Executable Rich Text - DERT™ X ©mental9Production, 2005 - www.mental9Production.com - INFO HOW TO REMOVE PASSWORD
162. Nullsoft uninstaller - www.nullsoft.com - ( UPX packed )
163. Nullsoft uninstaller - www.nullsoft.com
164. Softwrap (XTREAMLOK) ver. 1.x~3.x - www.softwrap.com ( exe/dll )
165. RLPack v.1.14-16 Full Edition - False signatures unichecker
166. RLPack v.1.14-16 Full Edition ( uses aPLib 0.43 / LZMA 4.3x ) http://ap0x.jezgra.net
167. Salfeld Computer EXE Password 2004 v trial - www.salfeld.com ( Borland Delphi )
168. Wise for Windows Installer pro 4.21 ( CAB ) - www.wise.com
169. Tarma Installer ver. 2.99.2156 (2005) Tarma Software Research Pty Ltd. - www.tarma.com ( MS Visual C++ )
170. NTkrnl Secure Suite v.01 packer or protector - www.ntkrnl.com ( exe )
171. NTkrnl Secure Suite v.01 packer or protector - www.ntkrnl.com ( dll )
172. [dUP2 -> diablo2oo2] v.2.1x patchengine ( patch ) - Mircosoft MacroAssembler - http://diablo2oo2.cjb.net
173. [dUP2 -> diablo2oo2] v.2.1x patchengine ( loader installer ) - Mircosoft MacroAssembler - http://diablo2oo2.cjb.net
174. PE password encryptor 31-01-2000 by SMT ( asm ) - [ OEP finder included ]
175. WinUDA 0.271 sfx ( 2004 ) by Dwing http://dwing.51.net
176. kkrunchy 0.1x >> radical exe packer - www.farbrausch.de/~fg/kkrunchy
177. kkrunchy 0.23 alpha 2 >> radical exe packer (c) f. giesen 2003-2005 - www.farbrausch.de/~fg/kkrunchy
178. CyberInstaller Suite 2006 1.1 - SilverCyberTech 2003-2007
179. Eurora3D - free installator - www.extramedia.co.yu/eurora3d ( ASM )
180. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 7.1 [DEBUG] exe
181. Fucking Fake File 1.0 by wspomagacz 2005.11( EXE Binder exe,jpg hidden inside] )
182. Anskya Polymorphic Packer V 1.3 Code By Anskya
183. Self-Extracting Archive Utility (SEAU) ver. 15.0 2006 ( Aspack v2.12 -> Alexey Solodovnikov ) - http://gammadyne.com
184. PE-Pack v 1.0 (c) 1998 by ANAKiN
185. PKLITE32(tm) - Version 1.1 02-15-1999 ( exe )
186. PKLITE32(tm) - Version 1.1 02-15-1999 ( DLL )
187. EncryptPE V2.2006.10.25 China Cracking Group - www.encryptpe.com
188. CC386 Version Copyright (C) (GPL) LADSoft 1994-2006
189. PC Guard for Win32 V5.01 - www.sofpro.com
190. JDPack ver 1.01 ( 2005 ) - www.tlzj18.com ???
191. Netopsystems AG INSTALLER FEAD(R) SFX (MS C++) - www.netopsystems.com ( packed UPX & not packed )
192. Borland C++ 1995~1998 - www.borland.com
193. eXpressor PE Packer v1.5.0.1 - www.cgsoftlabs.ro
194. Excelsior Installer v1.0 2003-2007 ( MS Visual C++ 6.0 ) - www.excelsior-usa.com
195. tElock v0.98 Freeware PE-Compressor/Encryptor (c) 2000-2001 by tE!
196. UPX Lock v1.02 (2007.02) - www.team-x.ru
197. softSENTRY 3.00 1999 - 20/20 Software Inc. www.twenty.com ( site closed )
198. DxPack ver 0.86 ( 2001.06 )
199. Neolite 2.0 -> Neoworx Inc. ( 1999.03.20 ) - www.neoworx.com ( site closed )
200. ZipWorx SecureEXE v3.0 (2004-2007) www.zipworx.com (Neolite packed)
201. [ PE-DIY Tools V1.10 2004 ] by A.Young (PoJieYong) - www.w-yong.com ( how to unprotect,oep info )
!202. aUS v0.5 beta ( upx scrambler 2005.08 ) - http://ap0x.headcoders.net ( bad link? )
203. EXE protector 2.01a Eyhab Hillail ( 1998-2003 )- http://oxygen72.tripod.com ( how unprotect pass )
204. 32Lite 0.03a -> Oleg Prokhorov www.????
205. aPackage SFX v.1.14 2001-2002 Joergen Ibsen [32Lite v0.03a packed]
206. NTPacker V2.1 by ErazerZ (2005.12) ErazerZ@gmail.com ( zPlib / XOR / aPlib+xor )
207. WinHKI v1.77 SFX 2000-2007 by Hanspeter Imp ( hki archive only ) www.winhki.com (packed PEcompact ver.2.7x)
208. nBinder 5.1.0 ( 24.03.2007 MSV C++ 8.0 ) NKProds Software - www.nkprods.com
.209. (Basic check) : Securom 7.1 -> Sony DADC - www.securom.com
210. Cexe Executable Compressor v1.0b Copyright 1999, Tinyware, Inc. - www.tinyware.com by Scott Ludwig
211. ASprotect 2.3 SKE ( www.aspack.com/asprotect.htm ) 25%
212. Easypano Virtual Tour player ( MSV C++ ) - www.easypano.com
213. PeX v0.99 bart/CrackPl (2000) (APLib 0.26 by J.Ibsen) - longdiy.myrice.com
214. YZPack v.2.0b.aplib (c) UsAr ( 2007.03 )
215. YZPack v.1.1 LZMA (c) UsAr ( 2006.08 )
216. YZPack v.1.2 aplib/LZMA (c) UsAr ( 2007.03 )
217. ExeStealth V2.72 (Share.ver) - www.webtoolmaster.com
218. Generic check : ExeStealth V?.? (share.ver) - www.webtoolmaster.com
219. ExeStealth V2.x (Regg.ver) - www.webtoolmaster.com
220. nsPack ver.1.x - x.x by North Star - www.nsdsn.com
221. Microsoft Visual C++ 6 DLL
222. exe32pack 1.42 Copyright 1999-2004 www.SteelBytes.com
223. Protect Exe 0.4 Beta ( PROEX ) 2002 - www.dpaehl.de.cx ( UPX packed )
224. SexyPacker v. ( c ) 2001 - www.smalleranimals.com ( SFX ) MSV C++ 5.0
225. ID Executable Password 1.2 (c) 2005 Fastlink2 Build: 08/08/2005 - www.idsecuritysuite.com - !SHOW PASSWORD!
226. ID Application Protector v.1.2 Unreg (c) 2005 Fastlink2 - www.idsecuritysuite.com ( OEP info ,how to clear TRIAL)
227. Pelles C for Windows v2.xx - 4.50 ExE ( 1999-2006 ) - www.smorgasbordet.com/pellesc
228. Wise for Windows Installer pro ?.?? ( CAB in section 4 ) MS C++ - www.wise.com
229. WinUtilities 5.2 EXE Protector 1.0 ( 2002-2007 ) YL Computing Inc. - www.ylcomputing.com - ( Info how Pass remove/unprotect )
230. [section protection] VMProtect v.1.25 - 1.x (demo) 2003-2006 PolyTech - www.polytech.ural.ru
231. REALbasic 2007 R2 Standard Edition ( 1997-2007 REAL Software ) - www.realbasic.com ( exe only )
232. UPX 3.0 -> Markus & Laszlo ver. [ 3.00 ] <- info from file. ( sign for DEV C++ compiler ) 233. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 7.1 EXE/DLL (3 bytes sign - easy to false) 234. Beria v0.07 public WIP ( 2005 ) - symbiont ( aPlib ) 235. NoodleCrypt version 2 by NoodleSpa ( 2000.08 ) 236. VPacker v0.02.10 by tt.t (exe only 2006.04 aPlib) 237. Private exe Protector v.2.00-2.15 ( 18.04.2007 ) www.setisoft.com 238. Free Pascal Compiler v.2.1.4 i386 GUI APP ( 11.05.2007 ) Berczi Gabor - www.freepascal.org 239. Free Pascal Compiler v.2.1.4 i386 CON APP ( 11.05.2007 ) Berczi Gabor - www.freepascal.org 240. Free Pascal Compiler v.2.1.4 i386 DLL APP ( 11.05.2007 ) Berczi Gabor - www.freepascal.org 241. Installshield v.12 (MSV C++ ) www.installshield.com / www.macrovision.com 242. generic check2 : InstallShield v.12-14 2008 ( MS Visual C++) www.installshield.com / www.macrovision.com 243. FASM ( 1.3x -1.67 ) 2004-2007 http://flatassembler.net - Tomasz Grysztar 244. Thinstall VS 3.0.x -> Jitit Software - www.thinstall.com
245. Astrum InstallWizard v2.24.20 ( 1999-2006 ) - www.thraexsoftware.com ( MS Visual C++ )
246. WinZip SelfExtractor 3.0 ( MSV C++ v7 ) 1996-2006 WinZip Int. LCC - www.winzip.com
247. Wise Instalation Express v7.0 2006 (SFX CAB) MSV C++ - wise.com / ALTIRIS
248. VisageSoft Installer ? WISE for Win/.msi ( MSCF CAB ) Borland C++ - www.visagesoft.com

249. ST Protector v1.5 SE ( 2006 ) - Silent Software - www. ???
250. (exe) Visual Protect v2.5.7 ( 2000.12 www.visagesoft.com
251. (dll) Visual Protect v2.5.7 ( 2000.12 www.visagesoft.com
252. eXpressor PE Packer v1.5.0.1 (MODE: Protection) - www.cgsoftlabs.ro
253. The Enigma Protector 1.31 unreg (2007.06.15) - Vladimir Sukhov - www.enigmaprotector.com ( exe/dll )
254. generic check: (exe) Visual Protect ( 2000? ) www.visagesoft.com
255. RCryptor 1.6d by Vaska ( 2007.01 ) only exe file protector - ( OEP info )
256. Polymorph Crypter,Beta Morphnah (c) puccxak.com ( 2007.05 ) - ( OEP info )
257. Pohernah v1.0.3 puccxak.com ( 2007.03 )
258. QIP[Crypt] ( 2007.06 ) Borland Delphi Crypter
259. SimbiOZ (RUS) ! Rootkit exe hider ! ( OEP info - for C++/Delphi )
260. AsdPack2 ( EP overflow exe - Delphi or C++ detector ) [ detection 75% ]
261. QSetup Instalation Suite - 26.05.2007 - www.pantaray.com
262. Perplex PE-protector v1.01devel 2002-2003 by [tc] GiveMe5/BliZZaRD
263. Mole Box 2.6.4 by Teggo. - www.molebox.com
264. !EP (exe pack) v1.4 (lite) final - Team-X ( 2007.04 ) www.team-x.ru , http://exetools.blog.com.cn
265. DalKrypt 1.0 by DalKiT - www.dalkit.fr.st (26.10.2003) Anti-SI, Anti-Debug, Anti-Dump
266. NackedPacker v1.0 by BigBoote ( 2004.01-2007.06? )- www.PEArmor.com
267. WATCOM C/C++32 Run-Time system (c) Sybase Inc, 1988-2000
268. MS Visual C++ v.5 DLL Method 1 ( MS VBasic kit library ) ACM*
269. Open Source Code Crypter 1.0 by p0ke (9.06.2007) - www.swerat.com - http://unnamed.bot.nu ( Borland Delphi )
270. Private Personal Packer (PPP) Version 1.0.2 (13.03.2007) - www.ConquestOfTroy.com ACM*
271. Wise for Windows Installer v.?.?? ( CAB in section 4 ) MS C++ 7.0
272. Inteli check : unknown Installer - MSCF Cab file
273. Armadillo x.x ~ 5.0 32bit [exe -low protection only]
274. Armadillo x.x ~ 5.0 32bit [Dll-std protection]
275. Inteli check : MASM assembler ( no signature )
276. Inteli check : unknown ver. WATCOM C/C++32 (c) Sybase 1988-200?
277. inteli check : Dev - ( MINGW 32 v ?.?.? ) - Bloodshed Software ( www.bloodshed.net )
278. Borland Delphi 2006 ? - www.borland.com
279. Borland C++ - ( DLL ) Copyright 1994/96 , 1999 Borland Intl.
280. CRYPToCRACk's PE Protector 0.9.3 (2007.01) Lukas Fleischer - cryptocrack.de
281. Break-Into-Pattern, a.k.a BIP, v0.1 (2006.01) - http://n0name.exmuros.net http://undergroundkonnekt.net
282. DotFix NiceProtect 2.5 (with internal packer) GPcH Soft - www.niceprotect.com
283. DotFix NiceProtect 2.5 (Krypton sign) GPcH Soft - www.niceprotect.com
284. DotFix NiceProtect 2.5 (SVKP 1.3x sign) GPcH Soft - www.niceprotect.com
285. DotFix NiceProtect 2.5 (Visual C++ sign) GPcH Soft - www.niceprotect.com
286. Borland Delphi ( Component ) xxxx - www.borland.com
287. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. x.x DLL (5-8)
288. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 8.0 DLL ( 83 ) ACM*
289. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 7.xx DLL ( 83 )

290. Private exe Protector v.2.25 ( 28.06.2007 ) www.setisoft.com
291. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 9.0 exe ( E8 )
292. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 9.0 DLL ( 8B )
293. PEiD Plugin -> Exe Converter v.1.00 ( BobSoft )
294. MarjinZ EXE-Scrambler SE ( MS Visual C++ 8.0 )
295. Microsoft Visual C++ v7.10/8.0/9.0 DLL ( 8B )
296. Borland VCL Component for .NET ( Borland Developer Studio 4 (c) 2006 v.10.0.2 )
297. PDF2EXE v1.0 CoolPDF Software - www.pdf2exe.com ( 2006.10 ) - PASSWORD DECODER :-)
298. RealBasic v.?.? ExE - www.realbasic.com
299. RealBasic v.?.? DLL - www.realbasic.com
300. Generic check - Aspack vx.x -> Alexey Solodovnikov
301. generic ckeck : FreePascal ver : FPC 1.x.x
302. UPX -> (exe) Markus & Laszlo ver. 0.72 OBSOLETE VER. ( 12.05.1999 ) ACM*
303. UPX -> (dll) Markus & Laszlo ver. 0.72 OBSOLETE VER. ( 12.05.1999 ) ACM*
304. ScanTime UnDetectable by MarjinZ ( STUD RC4 1.0 ) Marjinz-Crypter.exe
305. Free Pascal Compiler version 2.0.4 [2006/08/21] for i386 ACM*
306. Active Basic v4.24.00 © 2006.04.08 (exe) Discoversoft - www.activebasic.com ( Japan ) *ACM
307. Aspack v2.0 -> Alexey Solodovnikov - www.aspack.com
308. Play Basic v.1.0x - 1.63 ( 2D game creator ) www.playbasic.com

309. (exe) UPX obsolete ver. 0.50 - 0.72 -> Markus & Laszlo
310. ANDpakk2 v0.06 (Jul 18 2006) Dmitry "AND" Andreev - http://and.intercon.ru
311. ANDpakk2 v0.18 (Jul 16 2007) 2006,2007 Dmitry "AND" Andreev - http://and.intercon.ru
312. PEiD-Bundle v1.03 by BoB (2007.03.30) - www.secretashell.com/BobSoft
313. Exe Stealth Packer or Protector v.3.16 - www.webtoolmaster.com (NTkrnl)
314. 20to4 v2004.04.18 Copyright 2001-2004 20to4.net
315. Borland C++ 1995 DLL *ACM
316. nBinder LIMITED v4.0 2006 - www.nkprod.ro ( MSV C++ 8.0 )
317. mkfpack llydd (aPlib) 28.05.2007
318. KByS 0.28 beta EXE ( shoooo ) china 2006.05.23 *ACM
319. KByS 0.28 beta DLL ( shoooo ) china 2006.05.23 *ACM
320. Microsoft Visual C++ ver. 8.0 DEBUG / Visual Studio 2005 (FF) *ACM
321. mPack - mario PACKer version 0.0.2 (c) DeltaAziz
322. WinUDA 0.291 clasic sfx 2005 by Dwing http://dwing.51.net
323. Cryptic v2.1 - EXE Crypter Copyright [c] 2007.09.26 Tughack ( MS Visual Basic exe stub )
324. aSm Protector v1.0 Copyright [c] 2007.09.29 AT4RE
325. AverCryptor v.1.02beta by Sec|Null os1r1s ( 2007.08.23 ) - www.secnull.org
326. Muckis Protector 2 coded 2007 by Mucki *ACM
327. Rewolf DLL packager v1.0 V.2007 http://rewolf.prv.pl ( OEP info )
328. x86 Virtualizer ReWolf ( VIII.2007 ) - http://rewolf.pl

Download Sites: http://www.exeinfo.cjb.net/ - www.exeinfo.go.pl


I was on vacation in Malaysia.
A short collection of the news:

- WinXP SP3 BTA is wide range available with more or less complete documented info based on the first public Torrent from Read.com (thanks to China).
- nLite v1.4 RC2 - Release Candidate 2 contains 2 bugfixes. Txt sif setup is still not fixed by during changes in the first text mode setup more than twice.
- BitComet 0.94 Final released: http://www.bitcomet.com
- Pure P2P UDP Version released: http://2ch.ru/beta/v/kareha.pl/1191659130/
- Hacked Shu Mod Beta Public hacked Shu Mod released. Can be a "third" editors edition (not DDJ's original mod).
- eMule 0.48a SharkX v0.4b on them Homepage
- eMule 0.48a MorphXT v10.4 on Sourceforge Projectpage
... more MorphXT 10.4 based mods:

09 October 2007

eMule 0.48a Spike2+ v0.4

eMule 0.48a Spike2+ v0.4
eMule 0.48a Spike2+ v0.4 Changelog:

- Merged with Spike2 1.2

- Add Random Modstring

- Add in Download Queue:
Reask NNS
Reask FullQ
Ask Server for New Src
Ask KAD for New src
Reask Client
Kick Client
Ban Client

Homepage: http://leecher-and-co.blog.com/

Download 3.96 MB: Spike2+ v0.4.rar - Mirrors

older Version

08 October 2007

RapGet 1.40


{ Rapget }
{ Description: }
{ * Rapget is a downloader with code recognition for such share }
{ servers as rapidshare.de, megaupload.com, slil.ru and others }
{ }
{ Version : 1.40 (07.10.2007) }
{ Author : Alexander Shiryaev }
{ WWW : http://www.rapget.com }
{ E-mail : rap@rapget.com }

v1.40 from 07.10.2007
[*] Fixed rapidshare.com
[+] Added bigshare.net

Download: rapget140.rar - Mirror

Requirements: You need install SSL libraries for correct working: Win32OpenSSL_Light-0_9_8e.exe, (1189 KB) - Mirrors

nLite v1.4 RC

nLite v1.4 RC
Whats new in nLite 1.4 RC:
* new: Password expiration Unattended option
* upd: Addons (added [Strings],[UpdateCabs] and automatic i386 files detection for 64bit)
* upd: KB937143,kb925398 direct integration
* fix: Argentina added to the Location setting
* fix: My Computer - Context Menu tweaks
* fix: 1689 error during Intel textmode driver integration
* fix: x64 sp2 unattended IIS install (was breaking installation)
* fix: FIPS compliant
* fix: Win2k Iswow64 error on Slipstream Select
* fix: Shell HW Detection service can't start
* fix: Network Monitor removal (breaking Computer Browser in 2k3)
* rem: Removed a few Visual Effects in Tweaks (bsod at logon on German Windows)
* rem: Removed Network DDE for Win2k (hanging at saving settings)

Download v1.4RC Self extracting archive:
nLite-1.4.rc.exe 2,28 MB (2.392.884 bytes)
MD5: c1863c876d6d53f0ef1077f73d40f219 nLite-1.4.rc.exe

Installer v1.4 RC:
2.45 MB MD5: 4BEF2D2DFA99C8F53DDF8E418B5CF64E nLite-1.4.rc.installer.exe
download Mirrors: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05

ATTENTION YOU NEED RefControl FF Extention and config to send by file download request referrer http://www.nliteos.com to the download file: http://home.midmaine.com/~nlite/nlite/nLite-1.4.rc.exe and all other links!
File have hotlink protection you need to spoof the referrer by request url!!!

For those who can not operate them webbrowser with settings spoof ua/ref, by request, post...
Fileshare link: nLite-1.4.rc.exe
Fileshare link: nLite-1.4.rc.installer.exe

06 October 2007

Windows XP SP3 Beta Build 3205 October 2007 available on connect for invited Beta Tester

SP3BTAThis morning I received an email from the Connect team advising that the Windows XP SP3 Beta program has been expanded to include those already in the Vista SP1 and Windows Server 2008 Beta trials.

The actual file name for the beta hasn't changed since the pre beta.

It seems like Windows XP SP3 is moving through the final stages of testing before release. That's good news.

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Beta - Build: 2600.xpsp.070831-1912 (Service Pack 3, v.3205)
Exact Build Number:----------------------------------------------^
Year, month, day, hour, minute of build:---------------^

windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-enu.exe (file format: SFXCAB.EXE)
File info:
6.2.0029.0 (SRV03_QFE.031113-0918)

It's been released in 3 Languages (enu, jpn, deu) English, Japanese, German.

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Beta @connect (Invitation ID Required)

KB 936929 available:
 windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-enu.exe 334.92 MB
 windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-jpn.exe 366.76 MB
 windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-deu.exe 335.52 MB

Whats new in SP3 (01. September 2007) Beta release:

・Descriptive Security Options UI Security
The Security Options control panel in Windows XP Service Pack 3 now has more descriptive text to explain the settings and prevent incorrect configuration of settings.

・Enhanced security for Administrator and Service policy entries Security
In System Center Essentials for Windows XP Service Pack 3, Administrators and Service entries will be present by default on any new instance of policy. Additionally, the UI for the "Impersonate Client After Authentication" user right will not be able to remove these settings.

・"Black Hole Router" Detection Networking
Windows XP Service Pack 3 includes improvements to black hole router detection (i.e., detecting routers that are silently discarding packets), and turns it on by default.

・Microsoft Kernel Mode Cryptographic Module
Microsoft Kernel Mode Cryptographic Module (FIPS.SYS) is a FIPS 140-1 Level 1 compliant, general-purpose, software-based, cryptographic module residing at the Kernel Mode level of the Windows Operating System. It runs as a kernel mode export driver (a kernel-mode DLL) and encapsulates several different cryptographic algorithms in an easy-to-use cryptographic module accessible by other kernel mode drivers. It can be linked into other kernel mode services to permit the use of FIPS 140-1 Level 1 compliant cryptography.

・Network Access Protection Networking
NAP is a policy enforcement platform built into Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 (now in beta testing), and Windows XP Service Pack 3 (which includes the NAP Client for Windows XP, now in beta testing) that allows you to better protect network assets by enforcing compliance with system health requirements. With NAP, you can create customized health policies to validate computer health before allowing access or communication, automatically update compliant computers to ensure ongoing compliance, and optionally confine noncompliant computers to a restricted network until they become compliant.

・Windows Product Activation Setup
As in Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2, and Windows Vista, the user may now complete setup without having to provide their product key. They will be prompted for the product key as part of Genuine Advantage during subsequent use.

Of the 1,073 (detail list see ini, inf n' cab's) included updates, 114 are for security-related issues. The remainder are updates to performance & reliability, bugfixes, improvements to kernel-mode driver modules, and many BSOD fixes.

Windows XP Service Pack 3

Beta Release Notes, October 2007

Microsoft® Windows XP®

Information in this document, including URLs and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice and is provided for informational purposes only. The entire risk of the use or results of the use of this document remain with the user, and Microsoft Corporation makes no warranties, either express or implied. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, people, and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, person, or event is intended or should be inferred. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user...

© 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Info Release Document: Windows XP Service Pack 3 Beta Preview Release Notes.docx

News source: Connect
Yesterday Windows XP SP3 Beta Version (KB936929) has been released on Connect.
(Build Info Version: 5.1.2600.3205 070901 filedate updated KB936929)

Local BT download, in need of it quickly, slow speed but also relatively stable or -WinBeta: alt.binaries.cd.image

Download: Windows XP Service Pack 3 Beta (Build Version: 5.1.2600.3205, 2007.09.01, KB936929) BT seeds
Note, and delivered them to the species itself, the beginning may not speed fast.

The old August v3180 Version is available at: http://dl.thehotfixshare.net/windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-enu.exe
required to send referrer: http://thehotfixshare.net/
in ff using refcontrol to bypass server hotlink protection (http://www.stardrifter.org/refcontrol/)

IE7 version is reported as Version 6

On a machine with the Windows XP Service Pack 3 Beta installed, when viewing the About dialog via the IE7 Help menu, the IE version is reported as Version 6, even though it is IE7. This is a known compatibility issue with IE7 and Windows XP Service Pack 3. There is no workaround in the Beta.

Fix: Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.13 for Windows XP SP2
can be installed later or slipstreamed in a unattended CD.
Download IE 7.0.5730.13:
| English | Finnish | French | German | Japanese | Spanish

UXTHEME.DLL enable all Themes without valid signatures use uxtheme.dll or nLite (slipstream and patch tcpip.sy_; uxtheme.dl_; syssetup.dl_; syssbck.dl_; sfc_os.dl_
for after install e.g. P2P unlimited connection patch TCP.sys use XP-Antispy
Driver Updates

In hope slipstreamer/unattended cd creators get it once and do not trash out the old bundled 1000x plus bugfixes with sp2 nLite finalized unattended CD's if there is now the 2nd sp3 out. usb 3 work with it as well usb speed sense bandwidth info.
If you slipstream sp3 you need to replace pidgen.dll with one from sp2 before burning your disk so you can use your sp2 cd key on a clean (not nlite or others recompiled, repacks) unmodded retail XP Pro. This have been tested and works as update or standalone. Later the last Version from IE7 and Mediaplayer can be integrated.
The sp3 files unpacked have some special CPU and other support files. Folder IC,... IKP,... istart belongs under i386. Content in folder name "root" into the CD root dir.

Do not apply Anti wpa or Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) patches (with or without backdoors and other virii inside), they are not required!

P.S.: Service Pack 3 Beta 6.2.0029.0 (SRV03_QFE.031113-0918) have the same MD5 checksum and is the same. Its mean the packed windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-enu.exe file nfo (SFXCAB Executable) = self extracting cabinet file.

- July Build v.3180 (found in public in the 2nd August week)

- August Build v.3205 (have been released for public official testers on 4th October)
Last File changes and finalized: 5.1.2600.3205 (xpsp.070831-1912):

Signature="$Windows NT$"


BUILDTIMESTAMP = "20070901.012633"

Better to inspect some numbers in pid.inf in dirs: \ic\; \ikc\; \iknc\; \iknp\; \ikp\; \ip\; \istart\; ...

Google Search
DDL Search
Fileshare parts

ED2K: ed2k://|file|Windowsxp-Kb936929-Sp3-x86-Enu.exe|348955008|393EAF2B2D478FB2931773DC6EB90178|/

05 October 2007

GSTorrent Version 0006 released

GSTorrent (Server- und Client-Software) Version 0006 released.

GSTorrent is client/server implementation of the bittorrent protocol. A background process handles all the connection and file transfer tasks, a gui client program allows to control the background process. GSTorrent needs at least Qt 4.3!. Why separating the user interface from the main program?

The server could run on a gateway computer or even a router without installed X. The bittorent protocol can also be interesting for companies to distribute content. With GSTorrent there is only one central server, which can easily secured. The actual control of the up- and download can be done from any computer within the intranet. GSTorrent allows to connect an (almost) arbitrary number of GUI clients simultaneously to one server. So whereever a computer is running, the admin can keep an eye on his bittorrent traffic.

Of course, having the main program and the GUI separated has other advantages, too. It is easy to update the user interface separately. 3rd-party developers can easily support their own clients. Bittorrent protocol experts can easily focus on their stuff, without need to think about boring user stuff (ok, perhaps only boring for them ;-)).

If this works so great, why limit GUI client access to the intranet? Simple, because this is where my focus lies now. As soon as I got the server stable enough and a sufficiently presentable GUI client, I will implement enough security features to make it save to connect to the GSTorrent server from most places, though not necessarily from an internet cafe. ;-).

Homepage: http://gstorrent.sourceforge.net/
Download: @Sourceforge

Tribler v4.1.6 (BitTorrent-Client)


Tribler 4.1.6

Tribler 4.1.6 for Windows
Download Tribler for other platforms (including Ubuntu Linux).

- Easy downloading

Adds more than simple keyword search, youtube grid

- Recommendation and Friends

See what other people like, related files, find person with the same taste

- Video on Demand

When the download is on its way, you can use the integrated video player to start watching ASAP

- Wealth of content

Search both Bittorrent, Youtube, and Liveleak for content.

- All-in-one interface

No need to hunt down .torrent files on websites, upgrade to the latest Divx codecs, install the Flash plugin. Tribler has one-stop shopping

Please disable uTorrent Peer Exchange following these instructions. 4.1.7 will fix this.

Update: It appears 4.1.6 is still problematic. The problem appears to occur in large swarms and be due to our uTorrent Peer Exchange implementation. You can disable it by:

  1. Stopping Tribler,
  2. Going to the C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\.Tribler directory. To locate this directory, you may have to enable "Show hidden files and folders" in the "Tools / Folder Options / View" menu of the Windows explorer. On Linux/Mac the directory is $HOME/.Tribler
  3. Open abc.conf with a text editor
  4. Change the line
    ut_pex_max_addrs_from_peer = 16
    ut_pex_max_addrs_from_peer = -1
  5. Restart Tribler

Apologies for the inconvenience. End of update

4.1.6 fixes a nasty concurrency problem on Windows which causes downloads to hang for minutes at a time, also burning the CPU. May also occur on Mac. It is caused by unnecessary use of the (not ideally implemented) DNS resolver and slow DNS servers. Bad ABC. Bad Python. Bad sysadmins ;o)

New starting 4.1.5 is the remote search feature: searching in the Files view now also checks the torrent collections of the people you are connected to at that point in time. Also new is mainline DHT and uTorrent Peer Exchange support, for improved download speeds. And more GUI improvements such as list views.

You can also download Tribler for Ubuntu Linux by adding our Ubuntu repository. Older releases can be found on our SourceForge page.

Homepage: https://www.tribler.org/
download & screenshots

