04 April 2008

Innounp, Inno Setup Unpacker enhanced version 0.23 (Build: 080318)

Innounp, Inno Setup Unpacker enhanced version 0.23 (Build: 080318) for Inno Setup up to Version Inno Setup 5.2.3
According to source version of this, function to strengthen unpack support.

Update too dense, maybe a lot of people looking for it.

Special thanks:

Htracky, cwx

Innounp, Inno Setup Unpacker enhanced version 0.23 Build: 2008-03-18


Build :08-03-18 Improved password access function

Build: 08-03-13 update to unpacked Inno Setup 5.2.3 version

Build: 08-01-08
Improvement "- k" parameter functions to more effectively exhaustive version

Improve access to password function can be more easily be

for changes (more switches/options) since 0.20 Beta see 0.21, 0.22 January etc...

Original is Chinese I add for international user InnounpW.exe as GUI

For Universal Extractor simply put this latest innounp.exe to the bin folder and replace the old one so that it can unpack all inno setup version up to the latest (new inno setup 5.2.3 signature needs to be added too)!

Older Version:

My Shared Folder to browse:
More Inno Tools
info (use online translator): http://bbs.skygz.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=7

Blog: http://blog.skygz.com/post/4.html
Chinese Version: http://bbs.skygz.com/viewthread.php?tid=3

Download English Innounp 0.23 with Gui innounp+v0.23(2008-03-18).rar Mirror@SkyDrive: innounp+v0.23(2008-03-18).rar
Mirror @USAUpload: innounpv0.232008-03-18.rar

Only Innounp 0.23: innounp.exe

older Version Support for IS up to 5.2.2 http://innounp.sf.net/test020.rar on Sourceforge site: http://innounp.sourceforge.net/ old BBS (english only): Inno Setup 5.2.3 support
Latest inno Setup: Inno Setup 5.2.3 - Homepage: http://www.jrsoftware.org/

Test latest DirectX 10 for Windows XP installer - DirectX10 RC2 Fix 2 unpacked (done with inno 5.2.3)
Here the content of the installer: dx10_xp unpack.rar
from http://www.lwgame.net/

nothing is more sad as if you can not look into the files and unpack the
files / archives /setups and packed things what others put together for your
safety before execute anything of the unknown!
I'm not pretty sure if
Antivirus can unpack all and scan inside so I suggest to unpack manually.


Anonymous said...

great blog, got a lot of usefull info here, keep this good work and i hope to see more soon, cya

kchanlee said...

The download link is not available any more. Would you please send the enhanced version to me (kchanlee43[at]gmail.com)? Thanks a lot!

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