22 May 2008

Azureus Hacked Shu Mod

Key Features: Runs on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux
Open source. Multiple, concurrent downloads. Intelligent queue and bandwidth management. Peer connection and download speed optimization. Peer communication through firewalls (UPnP and NAT traversal). Trackerless support (Mainline and Azureus DHT). Multiple user interfaces (Simple, Advanced, Classic)
Over 50 plugins to customize functionality.

Homepage: http://azureus.sourceforge.net
Changelog Azureus Core http://azureus.sourceforge.net/changelog.php

Here is latest shu mod converted to Mac OSX:
Download for OSX:
Mirror1 - Mirror2

Download Azureus.jar (universal) - Windows (not tested), *nix (Linux) etc. - Mirror
Download Plugins - Mirror

Minimum Requirements: Sun Java Version 6 installed

For Windows:

Install and replace azureus2.jar
Thanks for submittion

Download site Ads block: *popunder.adsrevenue.net/* *popunder.paypopup.com/*


Anonymous said...

DPCs CPU Load 15 - 40 % idle after install.
Whats that process "Deferred Procedure Calls" meaning?

Anonymous said...

DPCs CPU Load 15 - 40 % idle after install.
Whats that process "Deferred Procedure Calls" meaning?

Anonymous said...


< error opening process >

never was before

Anonymous said...

Disable Network Card Hardware then re enable


Anonymous said...

Maybe your router play crazy if run Azureus

Anonymous said...

Install TreeSize Pro
Delete in Folder
System Volume Information
File by file the older etnries in subdirs.
This folder is can't browse with windows explorer. You get no access

Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer


run process explorer

check whats running with cpu/mem usage

maybe you did download from torrent a trojan file and java is compromised.

Anonymous said...

It is not from Shu mod! the file have been scanned before!!!

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