16 June 2008

eMule 0.48a E-MuleX

eMule v0.48a (E-MuleX)

With this version:

* You can download any file without uploading.
* You get many more search results
* You needn't share any file
* No credit problem
* No Adware, No Spyware

If you want to compile it yourself, here is the source code to download.

You need also the following libraries in order to compile:

* Crypto5.1
* id3lib 3.8.3
* ResizableLib 1.3
* zlib 1.2.3


Download site: http://emulex.evinrude.org/download.php?id=73
DDL: http://files.evinrude.org/public/emuleX/emuleX-0.48a.exe (18.41MB MSI Installer!!!)
send browser referer by dl file request emulex.evinrude.org to files.evinrude.org

Bin only: E-MuleX 0.48a.zip 2.40 MB
(Only the eMule from the 18 Mbit installer pack)
To extract installer: Try universal extractor "uniextract" msi installer twice packed!

please download source by them website. For any reasion them server do not complete the file download here to the filesize of ~7mb: http://emulex.evinrude.org (registration)
libraries: libs.zip 1.76 MB

Installer doesn't look "clean" I would not run it, here the "trash" rests from the installer source: InstallerTrash.zip 6.87 MB


Anonymous said...

the source code is incompelte 50% lol.... and this mod it's very slow whitout upload

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