14 August 2008

eMule 0.49b Titandonkey v5.1 by Ekliptor

Applejuice Ekliptor Mod updated to eMule 0.49b code base

Changelog 5.1:

- merged to eMule v0.49b
- improved Community features
- http://www.titanmule.to file search
- removed Razorback 3 Servers
- many improvements

spezial features:
-adjustable Highspeed Credit System (Applejuice)
- Dual Server Connect
- advanced security features (e.g. AES 256 Bit)
- Highspeed Community

Mod Homepage: http://www.emule-mods.biz/titandonkey-titanesel/
BBS Applejuice: http://www.futuremods.de/forum/forum.php

Download BIN: eMule.v0.49b.Titandonkey.v5.1.bin.zip 2.77 MB http://www.applejuice.redp.de/eMule-Titanmule/eMule.v0.49b.Titandonkey.v5.1.bin.zip
ed2k link: eMule.v0.49b.Titandonkey.v5.1.bin.zip
as NSIS Installer Pack: eMule.v0.49b.Titandonkey.v5.1.installer.exe 2.24 MB http://www.applejuice.redp.de/eMule-Titanmule/eMule.v0.49b.Titandonkey.v5.1.installer.exe

http://titandonkey.futuremods.de > http://www.titanmule.to/?ref=TD

Connect by startup to: vps3091.alfahosting-vps.de

Without UseNext:
eMule.v0.49b.Titandonkey.v5.1.bin-No Usenext 2.27 MB

- Ratio (near 0 up) (1kb/s only - unlimited down speed) might be possible



Anonymous said...

Very good Mod - b.t.w. and very good Downloadportal as well :)

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