eMule 0.49b ECB Mod 0.5

eMule v0.49b [ECB Mod v0.5] by Tr0nYx (European Community Board Mod)
ChangeLog ECB Mod 0.5
ADDED: MissingPrefs [NeoMule]
ADDED: PrefSlider [X-Ray](changed Color)
ADDED: Dont draw uploadcolor for powershareFiles [Tr0nYx (thx to MarioHH)]
FIXED: Costum SlotSpeedSettings [Tr0nYx]
FIXED: Some things @ ModPrefpage [Tr0nYx (thx to MarioHH)]
ADDED: Some Strings to antileech.ddl & some things to leechers.dat
ADDED: Vagaa Detection [zz_fly]
ADDED: Drop Leecher @ drop Bad (drops only leecher you´re not downloading from [Tr0nYx]
ChangeLog ECB Mod 0.4
FIXED: Bug in QuickStart [Tr0nYx]
ADDED: DropSources [Xanatos]
ADDED: Auto Hard Limit [Wizard]
ADDED: IpFilter AutoComplete [Shadow2004]
ADDED: Ed2K-Updates [Shadow2004]
ADDED: ManualSourceDrop [Xanatos]
ADDED: Clipstat [Wizard]
ADDED: Remote Queue Satus [Yun.SF]
ADDED: Total up/Down in uploadlist [Xman]
Older Changelogs:
ADDED: Powershare [Wizard]
ADDED: ReleaseSlot Managment [Xanatos]
ADDED: Mark community in lightblue [Tr0nYx]
ADDED: Mark powershare Files in red [Tr0nYx]
ADDED: QuickStart [Xanatos]
ADDED: Reask on IDCHange [Xanatos]
ADDED: FileFeedback [Xanatos (Little Fix Tr0nYx)]
ADDED: some Fixes & Optimations from X-Ray
ADDED: SplashscreenEx [NeoMule]
ADDED: Clientpercentage [Fafner/Slaham]
CHANGED: Some things around creditsystem [Tr0nYx]
ADDED: eChanblard Fake [umek/updated Tr0nYx]
ADDED:emulate Community Nickaddons [MagicAngel]
merged Bandwidthcontrol & uploadbandwidththrottler to the newest one
from NeoMule [Tr0nYx]
Added: CommunitySlotSettings [Tr0nYx]
Fixed: Added Argos fixes from Morph4u (thank u)
Changed: Credistsystem (based on Xman´s (simply modified by me)
Added: Bandwidthcontrol [Pawcio/Taken from NeoMule]
Added: Uploadbandwidththrottler [NeoMule]
Added: European community [Tr0nYx/Nightsky10]
++Sharelevel (only partfile, nothing, all (to community is always shared))[umek]
++CommunityMemberCounter [Nightsky10]
Added: accurate speed measure [Xanatos]
Added: Diffqr [X-Ray]
Added: Uploadcolors [??]
Added: NAFC [Xman/Xanatos]
Added: Pinger [Xanatos]
Added: NeoFile-ScoreSystem [Xanatos]
Added: fixes from xray
Added: SLS [Xman/enkeyDev]
Added: Ip2Country File Origin[Wizard]
Added: Kick-System [umeK]
FIXED: Destroy downloadqueue before knownfiles to prevent crash [Dazzle]
many many thx to my Betatesters MarioHH, system28 and B@nsh€€ & to umeK 4 the sharelevels
Based upon emule 0.49b Argos Edition 1.0 [morph4u](thx for this great work)
Download: emule 0.49b ECB Mod v0.5.rar 2.42 MB
ed2k (required European Community enabled eMule mod to download!): emule 0.49b ECB Mod v0.5.rar
eMule 0.49b ecb Mod v0.4.rar 2.45 MB
older Versions
ecb 0.6
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