emule 0.49b PrE Mule v1.0

eMule PrE v1.0 by Sarutobi
Based on NeoMule 4.55
PrE Mule changeLog
+ No Upload
+ Upload Protection
+ ShareLevels (dazzle)
+ No Publish file to network
+ QueueLevels *do whatever you want to your queue*
+ PrC Credit System
+ NickThief
+ FakeRank
+ MultiKick
+ MultiBan
+ Start Upload
+ Timer Change Server
+ Shutdown Pc or Emule on all downloads completed
+ Color active downloads
+ Color server list
+ Auto Ip Filter Update
- Ratio
+: Added Feature
-: Removed Feature
*: Fix/Change
Neo Mule 4.55 Changelog
Updated to 0.49b
some minor fixes
Download: emule_0.49b_pre_mod_v1.0.rar 5.08 MB
ed2k link: eMule 0.49b PrE-Mod v1.0.rar
Good new mod from Italy!
can select down and upload limit independend: eMule 0.49b PrE-Mod v1.0 - No Ratio.7z 4.88 MB