eMule 0.49b Xtreme 7.0

eMule v0.49b Xtreme v7.0 Final
Xtreme 7.0
Main Features:
- Maella Bandwidthcontrol, calculates the real Overhead
- NAFC (network adapter feedback control)
- advanced Uploadbandwidththrottler with adjustable slotspeed
- Xtreme Downloadmanager for a clever source-handling
- improved Xtreme-Creditsystem
- Powerrelease with dynamic Hide OS
- IP to country - show country-flags
- Dynamic Leecher Protection (DLP)
- Multi-threaded disc access with threading-queue
- hundreds of code improvements
supported languages:
german, english, spanish, french, italian, chinese, turkish, czech
based on emule 0.49b
compiled with:
libpng 1.2.28
zlib 1.2.3
crypto 52.1
CxImage version 6.00
Xtreme 7.0
* this version is moded by zz_fly
- updated to 0.49b codebase
- updated to DLP v33 + DLP v4
based on DLP v33, merged DLP v4
- updated UPnP
- updated simp. chinese language file
- adjusted some parameters
- add: show UPnP status in network info dialog
- add: rebind UPnP on IP-change
- add: Fake Shareaza detection
- add: open a default website when nodesURL is invalid
- add: safehash: installation dir unsharing
- change: no reserved release-slot for partfiles
you can release any files. but reserved release-slot only work for completed files.
- change: UPnP Internal Search: send more request
- fixed: stop rehashing of files with foreign language name
- fixed: avoid deadlock when disable network adapter
- remove: Fix Connection Collision (no more needed in .49b codebase)
- remove: always call setLinked_client (no more needed in .49b codebase)
- remove: improved socket closing, it would cause high memory usage
1. Xtreme 7.0 does not exact calculate the overhead. Xtreme shows more overhead as other eMule Mods.
2. Website info: http://www.xtreme-mod.net will not more be the official site of Xtreme Mod. The New site is: http://www.emule-mods.de/?mods=xtreme.
3. "CLEAN INSTALL" recomended.
Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/emulextreme/
Bin: http://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/emulextreme/emule0.49b-Xtreme7.0.7z - Mirrors
SRC + AntiLeech34 dlp: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=129450
Latest Xtreme Mod SE:
eMule 0.48a Xtreme 6.1-SE2
Fix: WHOIS function
Update: SPAM-filter
Added: HDD Protection (Skynetman)
Added: Show paused files in grey (Morph Mod)
Added: Show downloading files in color (KTS)
Added: Show Total Up/Down column in uploadlist & queuelist (iOniX Mod)
Added: Show RQR/Speed column in uploadlist (iOniX Mod)
Added: New icons from Phoenix Mod
Added: WHOIS from Downloads, Uploads and Queue windows (KTS)
Added: Automatic shared files updater (Monki)
Added: Enhanced Client Recognization (Spike2)
Added: Invisible Mode (HotKey: Alt+Z) (Morph Mod)
Added: ChunkDots (Slugfiller)
Added: ConfirmedDownload (xrmb)
Added: Connect only to servers support obfuscated connection (to prevent connect to Fake-servers) (Morph Mod) Tag:MORPH lh require obfuscated server connection
Changed: Minimum upload limits/capacities to 2 kb/s (for dial-up users)
Changed: Minimum queue size to 1000
Changed: Maximum file bufer size change to 7.5 Mb
Changed: Ban time to 24 hour
Changed: Maximum upload session time to 24 hour
Changed: Minimum upload slots to 1
Changed: Slotspeed range 1.5 kb/s <=> upload limit
Removed: Failed download ban
Removed: Global DeadSourceList
Removed: Filter clients caused an error
Removed: "received an IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, NAFC-Adapter will be checked" message
Tweaked: Some default settings (default ports, file buffer size, spamfilter...)
by Andrey23 (srv01.sharereactor.ru; forum.sharereactor.ru)
Homepage: Xtreme-SE
emule0.48a-Xtreme6.1-SE2-binary.zip 4.62 MB DDL1 DDL2
emule0.48a-Xtreme6.1-SE2-sources.zip 6.24 MB DDL1 DDL
emule0.48a-Xtreme6.1-SE-binary.zip 4.62 MB DDL
emule0.48a-Xtreme6.1-SE-sources.zip 6.25 MB DDL
emule0.48a-Xtreme6.0-SE-binary.7z 3.38 MB DDL
emule0.48a-Xtreme6.0-SE-sources.7z 3.71 MB DDL
Где новые Xtreme 7.0 SE версии Andrey23???
eMule-0.49b-Xtreme7.0-SE-bin - by Andrey23???
This features are all missing in standard Xtreme 7.0 by zz_fly, plus reserved release-slot for partfiles is removed. Thats why I wonder Version 7.0 works like a duck after update from 6.1-SE and SE2 even from 6.0 by testing compared to the new Xtreme 7.0 ...
Other SE Mods: