24 October 2008

eMule 0.49b X-Ray MOD 1.6

X-Ray MOD 1.6 by JvA

Updated Crypto++ code to v5.5.2 (9/24/2007)/ NewCrypto++
Updated MiniUPnP code to v1.2 (07/10/2008)
Updated Argos code by adding some new detection methods for fake emules / Argos
Minor optimization in CPartFile::UpdatePartsInfo
Skip DupCheck if it is not necessary / Optimizations
Automatic Restart eMule Client if necessary / AutoRestartIfNecessary
Save Date of the last SharedFileRequest to avoid removing requested files / SaveLastRequest
Relative Chunk Display / RelativeChunkDisplay
Added H.264 and 3vid FourCC Codes to the MediaInfo Detection / MoreFourCCCodes
Added DownloadChunkDisplay also to the Downloading Clients List / DownloadChunkDisplay
Added some more information to the SharedParts Chunklist / SharedParts
Change Bad Sources (identified by Argos) won't be sent via SourceExchange / Argos
Fixed (hopefully) major source finding bug
Fixed minor official draw bug around SharedFiles Filter on Language change
Fixed minor draw bug around Toolbar on low resolutions (Hiding speedmeter now) / Speedgraph
Fixed minor crash bug around Collections (caused by Modeless Dialogs) / ModelessDialogs
Fixed minor crash bug around ReqFileCtrl (caused by my own stupidity) / MultiFileStatusbars

Xtra removed official Ratio 1:3 / RayLexed

Download: eMule_v0.49b_X-Ray_v1.6-bin.rar 3.53 MB

Source: eMule_v0.49b_X-Ray_v1.6-src.rar
