24 December 2008

eMule 0.49b Xtreme 7.1 Final

Xtreme 7.1

Main Features:

- Maella Bandwidthcontrol, caculates the real Overhead
- NAFC (network adapter feedback control)
- advanced Uploadbandwidththrottler with adjustable slotspeed
- Xtreme Downloadmanager for a clever source-handling
- improved Xtreme-Creditsystem
- Powerrelease with dynamic Hide OS
- IP to country - show country-flags
- Dynamic Leecher Protection (DLP)
- Multi-threaded disc access with threading-queue
- hundreds of code improvements

supported languages:
german, english, spanish, french, italian, chinese, turkish, czech

based on emule 0.49b
compiled with:
libpng 1.2.28
zlib 1.2.3
crypto 52.1
CxImage version 6.00

Xtreme 7.1
* this version partially based on Stulle's source
- update: DLP v36 (thanks WiZaRd)
- update: MediaInfo.dll
- update: Turkish language file (erdem444)
- update: Italian language file (DarkForge.it)
- add: skin - purple Xmas(toolbar only) (thanks Xtreme test team, Yangge)
- add: faster end game: drop stalled downloads (netfinity)
- add: Friend Links (MorphXT) and fixed a memleak (dolphin87)
- add: H.264 and 3vid FourCC Codes to the MediaInfo Detection (X-Ray)
- add: Push Small Files (sivka)
- add: SR13-Import-Parts (roversr13/MorphXT)
- fixed: disable preallocate while eMule allocating (dolphin87)
- fixed: official bug around userhash initialization (Enig123)
- fixed: avoid userhash collision (DreaMule)
- fixed: corrupted BarShaderInfo (fafner)
- fixed: improper English (ginger)
- fixed: Special case when socket is closing but data still in buffer (netfinity)
- fixed: minor official draw bug around SharedFiles Filter on Language change (X-Ray)
- improved: free unused memory when a download is completed/cancelled (Enig123)
- improved: optimized Upload Bandwidth Throttler
- improved: make source add action thread safe (Enig123)
- improved: use a prime table to initiate ClientCreditsList
- change: let nick name and location controls resize together with the source detail dialog
- change: support 24k send buffer

- 使用Maella带宽控制系统,准确计算额外开销
- 使用NAFC系统,更适合ADSL用户使用
- 使用Xtreme下载管理系统,来源处理更加智能
- 使用Xtreme积分系统
- 支持Powerrelease和动态隐藏文件块,文件发布更迅速
- 支持IP2C数据库,显示国家旗帜
- 支持DLP,使得吸血鬼无所遁形
- 数以百计的代码改进

下载:eMule Xtreme 7.1

* 这个版本部分基于Stulle的源码
- 更新 DLP v36 (感谢 WiZaRd)
- 更新 MediaInfo.dll
- 更新土耳其语语言文件 (erdem444)
- 更新意大利语语言文件 (DarkForge.it)
- 加入皮肤 紫色圣诞节(只包含工具条)(感谢Xtreme测试小组,Yangge)
- 加入快速完成, 丢弃阻塞的来源 (netfinity)
- 加入好友链接模块 (MorphXT) 并且修复一处内存泄漏错误 (dolphin87)
- 加入H.264和3vid的FourCC代码检测 (X-Ray)
- 加入推送小文件 (sivka)
- 加入从现有文件中导入文件块 (roversr13/MorphXT)
- 当eMule正在分配磁盘空间时,暂时禁用预分配磁盘空间功能 (dolphin87)
- 修正官方在UserHash初始化上的一系列问题 (Enig123)
- 修正UserHash碰撞的问题 (DreaMule)
- 修正损坏的BarShaderInfo (fafner)
- 修正英语表达 (ginger)
- 修正Socket关闭时可能出现的一个错误 (netfinity)
- 修正官方在切换语言时可能出现的错误 (X-Ray)
- 改进: 当下载完成或取消时释放不再使用的内存 (Enig123)
- 改进: 减少了上传带宽控制过程的CPU占用
- 改进: 使得来源添加行为成为进程间安全的 (Enig123)
- 改进: 使用素数来初始化客户积分列表, 提高效率
- 让用户详细信息中的用户名和国家信息随着对话框的扩大而扩大
- 支持24k发送缓存

comes with new DLP:
DLP - AntiLeech36
Last Update: Dec 24 2008
DLP improved 3.6: catch most AJ mods ,
Latest XunLei Thunder is banned
If you use XunLei emule module you have to HexEdit the modname in emule.dll cause its listed by eMule v0.48a [xl build42] AntiLeech as bad modstring, or better not use Thunder for emule downloads. It will be slow... read more

BBS: http://www.edonkey2000.cn/bbs/thread-256598-1-1.html


Project Downloads: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=129450


Compiled bin: http://mesh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/emulextreme/emule0.49b-Xtreme7.1.7z

Sourci: http://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/emulextreme/emule0.49b-Xtreme7.1-sources.7z

If you have any problem with upnp in this and other mods and original emule please test mods with:

Linux* SDK for UPnP* Devices (libupnp) (Win32 port)

ScarAngel, Mephisto Stulle's mods, all Morph based mods such as MagigAngel, EastShare use this (and I mean its a way better) upnp implementation. Original emule and most mods use miniUPnP some mods have a great bug with this such as Xtreme by zzfly

UPnP-errors: Can not find a UPnP Router

in file "UPnP.cpp:172"

CString devices[][2] = {
{UPNPPORTMAP1, _T("service")},
{UPNPPORTMAP0, _T("service")},
{_T("InternetGatewayDevice"), _T("device")},
3 device

CString devices[][2] = {
{UPNPPORTMAP1, _T("service")},
{UPNPPORTMAP0, _T("service")},
{_T("InternetGatewayDevice"), _T("device")},
between in Xtreme 7.0 and 7.1 are some more bugs as ever been before in Xtreme mod



Anonymous said...

Let's make leecher mod on it.


Anonymous said...


some one know the password?

Anonymous said...

Not that I know. If someone have please post rar pass

Anonymous said...

[Bad Modstring Scheme](score *0.1)- Client 83.xxx.xxx.xxx 'http://emuletk4mod.sourceforge.net [yMyeJGi]' (eMule v0.49a [TK4 V2.2a],Connecting/None/None)

Anonymous said...

h:\easymule-verycd-src\easymule\src\worklayer\updownclient.h(24) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'ClientStateDefs.h': No such file or directory

File missing in src

Anonymous said...

This source code can not get compiled. It's broken


Anonymous said...

anyone have


Anonymous said...

Try to use offical source code replace the VeryCD missing file.

Anonymous said...

Did already. official and all known other ClientStateDefs.h

Non work. It can not get compiled. The src have many more errors see NAT trafelsal in code

Anonymous said...

use TCMatic v1.2 (it's 0.48) spoof with custom modstring VC work. Replace version res with the vc 0.48.6....

Anonymous said...

always up to date


tnx sharereak.

Anonymous said...

^-- DLP with argos can set no upload to VC mods

Anonymous said...



removed Engo3k Ultimatic v4. form dlp // default modname, mod have ratio, can not be used as full leecher

Texel's TCMatic removed from dLp
// TC Matic is used as releaser mod, source was in the forum for this version

removed Spe64 Hardstyle // Mod is used for releasing see the forums (no fixed comm coded), src available for all versions

removed Adunanza // no reassion for ban, src available

[CHN][VeryCD] all versions // Fixed Comm Boost, no propper source codes to the most recent version get released

NFO.Co.iL v10.0 // IL Comm

TLN eMule MOD 6.0 //eMule v0.47a IL Comm

added in username: Goop.Co.il

β♠ñ$ђ€€ in all known forms // mod and user never give upload and fake files {hash, strings, nicks}

this Scheme still don't work
sample mod strings IL Comms [AJ random]:
eMule v0.48a [Iefwsauw 8.7]
eMule v0.49b [Ickwpr 7.8]
eMule v0.49b [Aajwuexx 5.6]
eMule v0.48a [Bzkxuefz 1.2]
eMule v0.48a [Umhgrm 1.2]
eMule v0.48a [Pasbquwkq 4.2]
eMule v0.48a [Jxamaqwkmp 6.7]
eMule v0.48a [Iefwsauw 8.7]
eMule v0.48a [Aufooe 7.4]
eMule v0.49b [Qgmeoxznu 6.2]

All Users IP's of this mods are Israel - No upload mods!

First letter capital follow by 4 to 10 small letters (no official mod use this scheme of modstrings) is IL AJ random mod.

it could TK4 mod instead of AJ ban!


Download antiLeech.dll 94.50 KB

source: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=129450&package_id=164798&release_id=649410

source changes see modnames and usernames as written above

Anonymous said...

TK4 Mod via exclude rule ny Bad Modstring Scheme detection.

bowlfish http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=137509&st=40
excluded same as Apollo

VC Mod added // Community boost no propper src. - VC mod Fakes are the same, Code cleaned up. http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=119996

It remaining enought sources on vc content with legal mods. You won't feel any speed decrease by downloading using this dlp

Download and update url:


Anonymous said...


||_tcsstr(clientversion,_T("Shareaza v2.4"))
||_tcsstr(clientversion,_T("lphant v3.51"))
||_tcsstr(clientversion,_T("lphant v3.50"))

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