09 December 2008

ZZ-RS V1.7 + ZZ-R V1.7 eMule 0.49b



ZZ-RS V1.7 (eMule 0.49b)

+ Prevent Crash on Shutdown [MorphXT/leuk_he]
+ Update NodesDat Frequently [X-Ray/Avi3k]
+ TBH-AutoBackup [EastShare/Pretender]
+ Extended Credit Table Arragement [X-Ray/XMan]
+ Colored Category Column in SharedFilesWindow [morph4u]
+ Argos banncount in TranferWindow [morph4u]
+ Colored Clientstate [X-Ray/Morph/JvA]
+ Cache UDP Search Results [X-Ray/itsonlyme/Neo]
+ AICH Security [X-Ray/WiZaRd/eMulefuture]
+ UDP Reask security check [X-Ray/Spike2/netfinity]
+ Changed: Copy ZZ-R Stats to Clipstat [X-Ray/eMulefuture/WiZaRd]
+ Changed: QRdiff /Added Icons [X-Ray/Peace/JvA]
+ Tweak UploadQueue [NeoMule/David Xanatos]
+ Avoid Userhash collision [DreaMule/?]
+ Higher bantime limits (960min) [morph4u]




Thanks a lot

It's the most feature rich eMule mod out there. Have all what releases wish to have.
I use this mod most of the time and recommend it. Not only for areas with problematic internet connections like here, often down times and disconnects, slow upstream to international. The upload speed can be reduced if u need for a short time the uploadspeed to ftp/http or voice messenger without loosing the downloads in emule or run over the 1:3 limit barrier.
