09 January 2009

easyMule more powerfull

- no leecher mod only debug features enabled and features enhanced extended -:) -

I will not change the default username [CHN][VeryCD]yourname , there some undiscovered features like track client, track username in debugger to found in code. I don't say it trace user. Server L2L
¥¥¥¥¥¥ ????

- ratiopharm // dont reduce to much upspeed if not need
- activeX BHO
- embedded TCP Patch
- only up to emule
+ default svr.met url
+ debug features > remove client from upload enabled in upload list and 'known' clients
+ Manual Ban client from upload and 'known clients' // if a leecher jump out of the dlp -:)
+ manual ask source client for download in client download window // some Thunder builds need to ask twice until they give upload
+ show full client mod and emule versions
+ make client detail dialog entries selectable for clipboard notes

... many more ...forgot read comments in other posts, some more features to enabled with preferences.ini set/change entries

its based on a beta and may contain some bugs.

old known once as well new once like:
emule.exe creates still the long time not more in use by vc mods some windows registry key enties:
Invalide Standardsymbol C:\easyMule\release\resource.dll,1 HKCR\easyMulemetfile\DefaultIcon
Invalide Standardsymbol C:\easyMule\release\resource.dll,0 HKCR\easyMulepartfile\DefaultIcon

Its a great upcoming mod with a nice gui and good speed. easyMule find quick sources from kad network(KADEMLIA2).

second build with custom modstr. [vc builds] and switchable emule version [old vc mods 0.48] isn't fully tested and internal till release version.

Thank you

easyMule-1.1.1-VeryCD090107-PowerMoD.7z 5.86 MB

older builds
easyMule-1.1.1-VeryCD090107.7z 5.90 MB
releases.zip 5.12 MB

looking for a free cvs hosting to upload from compiler the source codes.
bugs and sugestions are welcome in discussion
