25 January 2009

eMule v0.49b sivka v19b1 *FIX*

BY STULLE all Credits

eMule0.49b27.Sivka.MOD.v19b1 Small glitches fixed in Stulle source code.

Forgotten eMule 0.49b Automatic search ico res implementation in emule.rc
KADSERVER ICON "res\\KadServer.ico"
// search show wrong icon sorting range (1st KadServer.ico where missing) while filedonkey ico is out of range

improved: filedonkey search direct from redirect url request // search result window
query = _T("http://www.figator.com/search.html?");

sivka HashThiefProtection Enabled and extended
Defeat 0-filled part ssender (anti-corrupt) EnableZeroFilledTestDefault Enabled

added: set a default ipfilter update url to security prefs //ppgsecurity.cpp taken from zz_fly open a default website idee for nodesurl, changed/improved to direct download the nodes.dat, server.met, ipfilter url's better as open a site in browser and download from websites.

changed: show full client software with MOD-String in downloadclients //[Maella: show MOD-String] client->DbgGetFullClientSoftVer();
screenshot: http://www.emule-security.net/e107_plugins/faq/faq.php?0.cat.2.1

changed/added: set a welcome message to server info dialog with modname and username (nick name), keep default emule version update in toolbar, options dialog and traybar

added: manual unban menu entry in clientlist

Other fixes read here: emule-version-049b-sivka-v19b1.html

sivka's modstr is:
#define MOD_VERSION _T("sivka v19b1")
#define MOD_VERSION_FULL _T("eMule0.49b27.Sivka.MOD.v19b1") //also used as default nick name
#define DEFAULT_NICK MOD_VERSION_FULL //default username (nick)

File: eMule.exe
Size: 4,81 MB (5.047.808 bytes)
CRC-32: a699fd96
MD4: 122445708e2c207beff0f9acfd75b69b
MD5: 492806216351a1be31471ef395a2c102
SHA-1: dfcde55d7e2c88884468eb7ca7670e9fa9367b36

Download: eMule-0.49b-Sivka-v19b1-bin-fixed.zip 2.46 MB


This compiled build with:

Whois Client Info + GeoIP googlemaps
To manual unban added manual ban cause no antileech protection in the mod (rather than ban on mass, user can only single suspiciouse clients ban manually)
Some icons added FILEREQUESTED/STOP Downloading in DL cl list
Clear Queue List, Clear Upload list
Client detail dialog fields selectable

In Extended options: Show downloads in bolds on/of will be good,...

File: eMule.exe
Size: 4,79 MB (5.029.888 bytes)
CRC-32: 6ff833a1
MD4: d60350c1df7d76e6023f852f979a0ca1
MD5: 3c5d63735ed3c4e859e55d03bc2e5f90
SHA-1: c53a49ba461c98cab38deba883ad5ff18445150c

Download: eMule-0.49b-Sivka-v19b1-bin-fixed-enhanced.zip 2.46 MB - DDL Server Kiev

thanx for submit the src to CCrIS

GPL/GNU requirements are filled if provide propper source to compiled bin if its final release version

source code: eMule0.49b27.Sivka.MOD.v19b1-src-vs2008-c++9.rar
fileshare host: http://uploaded.to/file/naev92/eMule0.49b27.Sivka.MOD.v19b1-src-vs2008-c++9.rar

Bin: eMule-0.49b-Sivka-v19b1-bin-fixed-enhanced.zip

- Anti-HashThief (Hash Thief Protection) //sivka
- show IP and port in clientlist //particle wise from khaos kmod Show IP

modded sivka with show client ip in client list + Anti-HashThief:
eMule.exe 4.80 MB

CRC32: 86c82874
MD5: af69001a06f4f575078d385f2523876e
SHA-1: 3cf21a8713ce8358232d5d254fc28d11bf6fd267

Stulle doesn't like if someone find errors in his work and fix it.
Moders need to avoid arrogance
