08 May 2009

Frostwire 4.18.0 for Linux, Mac and Windows

FrostWire 4.18.0 for linux and Mac and Windows are out, be sure to checkout http://frostwire.wordpress.com

FrostWire http://www.frostwire.com/ is a Peer to Peer (P2P) information sharing client for the Gnutella network. This project is not affiliated with LimeWire LLC. FrostWires' source code is Licensed under the GNU GPL Open Source license.

The Frostwire 4.18.0 Release
Version 4.18.0 (May 2009)
- Fixes Bittorrent Incompatibilities.
- Mac launcher fixes bug where FrostWire would not allow itself to run on a external disk.
- Fixes bug on Welcome Screen, now you don't need to open FrostWire twice to get the latest welcome screen.
- FrostWire caches the last 2 images shown on the Welcome Screen to save bandwidth from static servers.
- Tools > Check for Updates. Now FrostWire can check for configuration updates, community messages, new FrostWire releases and welcome screen promotion updates during runtime.
- The welcome screen can be customized for every language, giving the chance to more content creators to be promoted every week to different audiences that speak their language.
- The Buttons of the Download Manager have been rearranged to avoid mistakes when trying to resume downloads. The Clear and Cancel Buttons are all the way to the right. Thanks to 'ssome' for the suggestion.
- New Splash Screen.
- Anti spam filters updated to filter out new keywords used by spammers.
- New "Buy" icon.
- The community chat 'Connect' button now checks if a nickname has been set and helps the user set a default nickname using an input dialog.
- When users issue the "/nick" command on the chat, FrostWire will remember the new nickname as the default nickname.
- Updates to debian package fix issues with unpack200 and performs a cleaner uninstall.

Info: http://frostwire.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/frostwire/tags/4.18.0_may_7_2009/changelog?revision=1179&view=markup

Download Page: http://www.frostwire.com/?id=downloads

Download Folder:

frostwire-4.18.0.dmg 2009-May-09 07:25:32 9.1M application/x-apple-diskimage
frostwire-4.18.0.i586.deb 2009-May-07 21:26:10 7.7M application/x-debian-package
frostwire-4.18.0.noarch.rpm 2009-May-07 21:26:09 7.7M application/x-redhat-package-manager
frostwire-4.18.0.noarch.tar.gz 2009-May-07 21:26:10 17.7M application/octet-stream
frostwire-4.18.0.windows.exe 2009-May-11 10:17:59 7.0M application/x-msdos-program
Mirrors: http://main1.frostwire.com/frostwire/4.18.0/

older builds: http://main2.frostwire.com/frostwire/ | http://dl.frostwire.com/frostwire/

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