21 May 2009

Some modded Firefox Addons without 'Call homes' etc... Slim size

3 Versions: one with Google Search the others with Twitter search.

- embedded search engine as Browser Search engine + Browser Bar search to Google/Twitter
OneRiot's social Web search.
- Browser request addon by search engine requests (send genuine search requests w/o 'extras' added to the search req. &format=html&ssrc=browserBox&spid=86f2f5da-3b24-4a87-bbb3-1ad47525359d&p=twitterbar-ff/2.2 // maybe only http://www.oneriot.com/search?q=)

With Google Search source/install/download: twitterbar-2.2.1-fx-fn-google.xpi 41 kb | Mirror1 |

With Twitter Search source/install/download: twitterbar-2.2.1-fx-fn-twitter.xpi 41 kb | Mirror1 |

With TweetMe Search source/install/download: twitterbar-2.2.1-fx-fn-TweetMe.xpi |
Mirror |
( send request http://tweetmeme.com/search.php?for= )

Alternative use older Version without embedded Search addon: Version 2.1.2 — April 9, 2009 — 27 KB https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/downloads/file/50682/twitterbar-2.1.2-fx+fn.xpi

Homepage: http://www.chrisfinke.com/addons/twitterbar/
Firefox Add one page: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addons/versions/4664

src: http://code.google.com/p/firefox-twitterbar/source/browse/

Webmail Ad Blocker 2.3.1


tons of Donation scripts (code) - // they was just everywhere in this add-on. Please just visit extension homepage (in About url) to donate instead. Size shrink from 27 KB to 11 kb by removing useless code parts!

Source/Download/Install: WebMailAdBlocker2.3.1-no-embedded-Donation.xpi 11 kb | Mirror1 |

Source Code: open the xpi files with 7zip or rename the file extension from .xpi to .zip to extract

Not my business, just sharing my modded FF addons.

other modded extensions

Skip Linkbee redirect waiting time Firefox extension

Skip Linkbee.com redirect waiting time as Firefox extension (converted from userscript with http://arantius.com/misc/greasemonkey/script-compiler)

Install/Download/Source: Skip-Linkbee-redirect-waitetime-ff.xpi | Mirror |

Based on Mikado's solution: http://userscripts.org/topics/26612

Read more how to skip the html content (blank the ads page) or http://userscripts.org/topics/26978
Adblock, Firewall Adblock addon, etc... rule to blank the ads page: linkbee.com##HTML

Testpage with some linkbee links: http://chnp2p.blogspot.com/


Anonymous said...

man i love it

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