19 June 2009

IpfilterX Yks | Best P2P IPFilter

IpfilterX blocks Anti-P2P companies and the organizations that support them, Corporations, Military Ranges, Government Agencies, Law Firms, P2P spammers and many more.
There's no need to block more than 1 billion of IPs to be protected,
overloading further to a certain value
will result in banning innocent IP ranges which means legitimate P2P sources,
this paranoid setting will hog your machine.
You won't run into risks using IpfilterX
and won't run into more risks than using an overbloated ipfilter.

Updated June 19 2009 - [ ipfilterXB11/PeerGuardX/uIpfilterX ]
[Codename Yks ]

[Parsed lines/entries]:[6469] [Found IP ranges]:[6465] [Duplicate:0 Merged:0 Time:0 secs]

Homepage: http://nexus23.org/warfare/content/view/17/34/


All latest files: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=178440

for eMule:
ipfilterXB11-Yks.zip file - http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?group_id=178440&filename=ipfilterXB11-Yks.zip&a=66758088

Direct Update Link = http://ed2k-ipfilterx.sourceforge.net/ipfilter.dat | From Time to time updated: http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=nxs23_ipfilterx

Past below url into eMule > Options > Security, click load ...see instructions

for PeerGuardian:
PeerGuardX-Yks.zip file - http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=178440&release_id=691070&package_id=279072

for uTorrent/BitTorrent Clients:
uIpfilterX-Yks.zip file - http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=178440&release_id=691069&package_id=205789

NewsChannel: http://friendfeed.com/leecher



morph4u said...

ZZ-R V2.6



+ Country Flags in KAD window switchable at rightklickmenu
+ Updated miniupnpc from v1.77 2008/12/18 to v1.80 2009/04/17
+ Changed XPMenu and new default menucolor
+ Score-reduce setable to 0-Score (no upload)
+ Added some forgotten codeparts (Creditsystem)
+ First Start Maximized [WiZaRd]
+ Added ini+ class (to remove delay after closing optionswindow) [idea jerryBG]
+ Push to upload in Clientlist

!! Please make a cleaninstall or delete preferences.ini !!


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