13 July 2009

JMule 0.5

JMule - Java eDonkey2000 file sharing client. More info on http://jmule.org
JMule - is a Java based client for eDonkey2000 networks. Using JMule, you will be able to share your files with anybody in the world. This client is completely free and the source code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. The name JMule means: "J" comes from Java and "Mule" is an animal like a horse or a donkey. The project is still in the first steps of development.

* allows to share files with anybody in the world
* is completely free. JMule is also completely free of any malware
* each file is checked for corruptions while downloading to ensure an error free file
* to find the file you want, JMule provide an advanced search service
* is a cross-platform file sharing client that runs on multiple platforms
* has two(more will come soon) user interfaces: Swing GUI and command line UI


BUGFIX: Swing UI | The system doesn't crash when the geoip.dat file is not found in settings directory [javajox]
FEATURE: Core | Removed apache file utils library, the core works with our own functions [javajox]
FEATURE: Core | Experimental Kad support added !!! [binary256]
FEATURE: SWT UI | Kad view [binary256]
FEATURE: Core | eDonkey search by criterias [binary256]
BUGFIX: Core | The file is moved from temp to incoming directory, when the download process is done,
| in some rare cases downloaded file remains in temp directory [binary256]
FEATURE: Core | The core can process archived packets used by eMule [binary256]
BUGFIX: Core | Changed the way how JMule constructs eDonkey packets, so JMule can upload files to eMule (for 0.49c) [binary256]

Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jmule/
Latest Version: http://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.php?release_id=696626



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