15 August 2009

Gmail Checker 2.0.90 Version 2.1 beta English - Deutsch (German) | Firefox Extension

ImageBanana - Unbenannt.png ImageBanana - setting.png ImageBanana - aboutcheck.png

ImageBanana - gmchecker.jpg

Tested with: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de-DE; rv:1.9.3a1pre)

Homepage: http://winged.info/

English, German: Download gmailchecker-2.1-English-Deutsch.xpi
English, German: Install gmailchecker-2.1-English-Deutsch.xpi | Mirror 31 KB

English only: http://winged.info/downloads/gmailchecker-2.1.xpi 30 KB


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