01 October 2009

eMule 0.49c ToXiC by Sarutobi

eMule 0.49c ToXiC
eMule 0.49c ToXiCChangelog eMule 0.49c ToXiC:

+ Extended ModThief v2
+ Advanced Updates (Ipfilter, antileech, ip2country) [morphxt, stulle, sarutobi]
+ Downloading chunk display [morphxt]
+ FileName Disparity Check [Xanatos, BlueSonicBoy]
+ FakeAlyzer [netfinity, sarutobi]
* Major Bug on manual quickstart activation
* Critical Bug when changing Credit Systems

+ Share Levels & Disable publish to network
+ No Upload
+ Upload Protection
+ Queuelist Levels
+ FakeRank
+ Credit Hack
+ Extended Modthief
+ Community NickThief
+ Disable XS Send
+ Fake eChanblard Comm
+ Generate new public RSA key auto & manual
+ Multi Server Connection
+ Auto Server Change on Timer
+ Super Kad
+ AutoHL [pP]
+ Source Reask Timers
+ QuickStart
+ CoolToolbar & Plus SpeedMeter & Xp Menu [Xanatos]
+ Multiple Credit Systems
+ Shutdown pc or eMule on downloads completed
+ Stop Dlp aggressions
- Ratio

+: Add
-: Remove
*: Fix

Homepage/BBS: http://www.sb-innovation.de/f44/emule-0-49c-toxic-0-9-a-15897/

Page with changelog index: http://www.emulefuture.de/forum/eMule-049c-ToXiC-08-t13145.html

emule.exe checksume ToXiC version 0.9
File: emule.exe
CRC-32: 2d14a7ae
MD4: a2df877e70e38713e8a6ae3a813d607a
MD5: 467ef5d103ce52a704c7ed74bf5fc3fd
SHA-1: 0653194c4291550f37f32000b391cca5c297eddb
7.31 MB
Mirror1 | Mirror2



Caution eMule 0.49c ToXiC v1.0 is a fake from seba14! Bullshit to fake emule mod versions !!!


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