eMule 0.49c Chrome v1.0

Chrome v1.0
Based on Apace 1.9
Changed for http://www.sharing-devils.6x.to
Apace 1.9 Classic
+ Total upload via powershare to clip-stat
+ Fixed a part in CA for using custom modstring [umek]
+ Anti-Shape
+ Save Upload Queue Wait Time
+ No SUQWT for leecher
+ Fixed "Restore last main window"
+ Some minor fixes
- Removed XPMenu
Homepage: http://sharing-devils.or.at/viewtopic.php?p=8757#p8757

eMule.0.49c.Chrome.v1.0.www.sharing-devils.rar 4.50 MB
it looks good! other than the look of it is it any different than apace?
It's only the look and some default settings, how nickname and modstring, at first start changed.
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