eMule 0.49c ZZ-R V3.2
ZZ-R V3.2
+ Total upload via powershare to clip-stat
+ Anti-Shape
+ Save Upload Queue Wait Time
+ Some minor fixes
+ Some codecleanings
- Removed Lovelace Credit

+ Total upload via powershare to clip-stat
+ Anti-Shape
+ Save Upload Queue Wait Time
+ Some minor fixes
+ Some codecleanings
- Removed Lovelace Credit

i have close to 10000 shares sorted in hundreds of different folders and unless I turn off the auto shared files updater emule will crash if I try and share too many files
just curious: when you connect to multiple servers do your shares get indexed with all the servers you are on, or just one?
Yes I think so. You can connect to any number of servers and also regularly ask them for new sources. But take care for your overhead. More than 3 servers, I think make more overhead.
eMule0.49c Xtreme 7.2 -LPE-
+ Added missing code in Downloaded History for ShareFaktor
if advanced auto-uploadpriority is enabled
+ Added check for Clear/Remove from Downloaded History, to prevent a crash
if 'Show shareable files' in Shared Files Window is enabled
+ Changed icons for file/connection/up/down status
My upload is at max 260 kb/s with zz-r3.2. My upload on my provider is a max of 1500kb/s. With other upload its around that 1500 buth with the zz-r only a max of 260. How come?
ports/firewall everything is good and set right
Is there no update more about the ZZ-R? The good and best mod i ever seen. :D
It's on work. My tester-team have running V3.3 ;-)
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