03 June 2010

eMule Part.met Finder

eMule part gather
This program is used to merge eMule unfinished documents and shows the information stored in a .part.met file

usage (help):
button 'find' - find an edonkey x.part.met file
button 'info' - display download info in x.part.met
button 'begin'- take out downloaded part from x.part
option 'only get first downloaded block'---
--some file like .rm .avi, maybe only first part can use,
--so you check this option.

thanks for wmax's source code, i add a interface only.
original source code is at:

Homepage: http://edu.itbulo.com/200704/113609.htm

DownloadPart met Finder.exe 172.00 KB - Mirror
ed2k://|file|Part met Finder.exe|176128|EB3E4A6BE1B70704070DE99399322164|/


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