25 October 2010

I2Psnark XL Anonymous BitTorrent Client Mod v20101006a

I2P is an anonymizing network, offering a simple layer that identity-sensitive applications can use to securely communicate. All data is wrapped with several layers of encryption, and the network is both distributed and dynamic, with no trusted parties.

Many applications are available that interface with I2P, including mail, peer-peer, IRC chat, and others.

A new version 20101006a of I2PSnarkXL was released by the author.
I2PSnarkXL is an extended mod of the I2P included I2PSnark bittorrent client software. It is easy to setup and workes with same or even less resources usage as i2psnark.
It includes themes, superseed mode, per torrent limits, multi-client-swarming, rate limits and many more features.
This update does features the per torrent peer limit and configuration of the transfer ratio per torrent.

I2P Bittorrent FAQ

BBS: http://board.planetpeer.de

The I2PSnarkXL is available on echelon I2P collection, v0.3


I2P Downloads: http://www.i2p2.de/download | http://pebcache.i2p.to/


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