31 December 2010
Author: Author:eMule 0.50a SharkX v2.0
Modded by:
SharkX v2.0 Based on eMuleFuture v1.1 [0.50a]
remove IRC
remove scheduler
remove webserver
remove peer cache & URL client [netfinity/taz]
remove EMF Toolbar
add official toolbar (no skins only bitmaps)
remove WebBrowser
change sorting upload slots logic [taz] - ReSortUploadSlots is called only upon file priority (and or PS) change
add Mod home - open forum based on selected mod language
add check user hash [DLP]
add 80% score for non SI clients [Xman]
remove score punish for Nick/Mod thieves & Mod fakers [taz]
add zero wait time each new identification for Mod thief/faker [taz] - "new" session
add no PowerShare for leechers [taz]
change PowerShare selection on SharedFilesCtrl - back to previous style
change CA not clearing bad DL counter on count <12k download sessions as failed (Xman's idea) - too easy for leechers to go clean [taz] add FakeAnalyzer [netfinity] add One-queue-per-file [Maella (idea bloodymad)] change from client datarate selection to number of slots [taz] add Variable corrupted blocks ban threshold [Spike2] add Version Check [Stulle/taz] + splahed version [taz] replace country name to Remote Queue Status [Yun.SF3/IceCream] on upload list change 1'st time wizard : most values are now loaded from preferences [taz] add Don't remove dead servers on 0 retries [Stulle] add protect static servers [Mighty Knife] add Nice Hash [CB/WiZaRd] add Don't allow file hot swapping [taz/Xman/idea Maella] : it's not about our file UL priorities, rather on client position in queue add mask out main toolbar buttons in preferences due to IRC removal fix remove duplicate deletes for ICS & AntiHideOS [Gear] fix stroing AutoHL options selection http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=151754
TLN eMule 0.49b Booster v9.1 (StealthPE or what packer used?)
It's an hexedited Applejuice
Fixed: problems connecting to the server or search results "fake" !
Revised released a new update of the software as of 11/28/2010 which should solve these two problems!
Note: You can install the new version the current version will be removed safely installed files located in your download now.
You can also solve the problem of "false results" by deleting the server Razorback2 (shown with a flag icon France).
BBS: http://www.lhnet.co.il/modules/lhforums/topic/494934-mule-or-turtle/...

older version:
Fixed: problems connecting to the server or search results "fake" !
Revised released a new update of the software as of 11/28/2010 which should solve these two problems!
Note: You can install the new version the current version will be removed safely installed files located in your download now.
You can also solve the problem of "false results" by deleting the server Razorback2 (shown with a flag icon France).
BBS: http://www.lhnet.co.il/modules/lhforums/topic/494934-mule-or-turtle/...
older version:
eMule 0.50a Bowlfish.12b
Bowlfish was the pioneer portuguese eMule MOD client that allowed the major portuguese ISP's clients to circunvent the download quotas imposed by such ISP.
Max[PT] Bowlfish.12b Homepage: http://bowlfish.sourceforge.net/
Changelog for eMule 0.50a Bowlfish.12b
- ADDED: Re-ask sources after IP change v4 by Xman [Ki3r]
- ADDED: Reconnect Kad on IP-change by Xman [Ki3r]
- ADDED: Flags on Kad contacts by Xman, shadow2004 and Ki3r [Ki3r]
- ADDED: Tooltips on Kad contacts flags [Ki3r]
- ADDED: IntelliFlush (always enabled) by WiZaRd [Ki3r]
- CHANGE: File Buffer Size increased to 8MB max. because of IntelliFlush [Ki3r]
- CHANGE: Old IPFilter code abandoned and official code adopted [Ki3r]
- CHANGE: Most of the Bowlfish filter code rewritten [Ki3r]
- FIX: Bad filtering at Kad [Ki3r]
- FIX: Filter sources we can't connect to by Xman [Ki3r]
- REMOVED: Flush Thread [Ki3r]
Language File
Folder - all files
30 December 2010
Author:eMule 0.50a MorphXT+ v12.6
eMule 0.50a MorphXT+ v12.6
Developed by:
CHANGED: Original session zzRatio of 1:3 (UL:DL) increased to 1:7 to works fine
with Italian standard aDSL connections - 1280:256 and 2048:256 [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Minimal upload limit to avoid the zzRatio limitation from 10KB/s to 20KB/s
and average upload limit from 10KB/s to 15KB/s (now you need to give more
than before :p ) [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Minimal upload limit to avoid download limitation from 10KB/s to 20KB/s
(you need to give more than all other eMule clients) [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Many standard icons [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Some default options [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Modstring to avoid the ban of official MorphXT v6.3 - v7.2 - v.7.7 - v.8.0 or later [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: HDD Protect - Increased max File Buffer Size to 20Mb with steps of 256KB [FrankyFive]
ADDED: HDD Protect - Slidebar on "extended settings" to select Buffer Time Limit (1-30 mins) [FrankyFive]
ADDED: Auto configuration for Italian standard aDSL connections (on Wizard panel) [FrankyFive]
Visit: http://frankyfive.altervista.org ;)
Homepage: http://frankyfive.altervista.org/morph+.html
eMule 0.50a MorphXT+ v12.6:
eMule 0.50a MorphXT+ v12.6 - SRC:
Developed by:
CHANGED: Original session zzRatio of 1:3 (UL:DL) increased to 1:7 to works fine
with Italian standard aDSL connections - 1280:256 and 2048:256 [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Minimal upload limit to avoid the zzRatio limitation from 10KB/s to 20KB/s
and average upload limit from 10KB/s to 15KB/s (now you need to give more
than before :p ) [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Minimal upload limit to avoid download limitation from 10KB/s to 20KB/s
(you need to give more than all other eMule clients) [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Many standard icons [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Some default options [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Modstring to avoid the ban of official MorphXT v6.3 - v7.2 - v.7.7 - v.8.0 or later [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: HDD Protect - Increased max File Buffer Size to 20Mb with steps of 256KB [FrankyFive]
ADDED: HDD Protect - Slidebar on "extended settings" to select Buffer Time Limit (1-30 mins) [FrankyFive]
ADDED: Auto configuration for Italian standard aDSL connections (on Wizard panel) [FrankyFive]
Visit: http://frankyfive.altervista.org ;)
Homepage: http://frankyfive.altervista.org/morph+.html
eMule 0.50a MorphXT+ v12.6:
eMule 0.50a MorphXT+ v12.6 - SRC:
29 December 2010
Author:sharkThief (GrooveShark) Music Downloader
Ich möchte euch hier mein kleines Projekt Vorstellen: SharkThief
Bei SharkThief handelt es sich um einen GrooveShark Downloader mit vielen Features.
Grooveshark ist eine Online-Plattform auf der man so gut wie jedes Lied streamen kann. Mein kleines Tool ermöglicht es euch, diese Streams einfach und schnell herunterzuladen. Der Vorteil ist man muss nicht die Internetseite aufrufen sondern kann direkt im Programm suchen und herunterladen. Die Lieder sind in Top Qualität und der Downloadspeed ist auch 1A.
Da das Programm auf WPF basiert, wird das .Net Framwork 3.5 benötigt.
Da es sich noch um eine sehr frühe Version des Tools handelt, ist ein Updater integriert der beim Programmstart automatisch auf Updates prüft.
Ich werde mich bemühen das Programm auch in Zukunft zu verbessern und würde mich über Feedback eurerseits freuen.
Das nennenswerteste an dem Tool sind die parallelen Downloads mit den denen gegenüber anderer GrooveShark Downloader viel höhere Downloadgeschwindigkeiten erreicht werden können.
Hier eine Liste der nennenswerten Features:
- Bis zu 10 parallelen Downloads möglich
- Schnelle Suche
- Updater
- Speicherformat selbst bestimmbar
- Echtzeitsuche in den Downloads
How to use this Tool:
- search Song, Artist or Album
- select the song you want
- press Download Button to add files to the Download Manager
- press Start Button to start
- you can find the finish downloads listed in the downloads tab
New in this Version:
- Window size can change
- fixed bug in filter duplicates
- delete entry with delete key
- add songs with space
- better design
- up to 10 parallel downloads possible
- fast searching
- updater
- custom saving formats
- live search in downloads
#Update 29.07.2010:
-Man kann jetzt die Position von einem Download im Download Manager verändern.
-Updater für die zusätzliche .dll angepasst
-paar Kleinigkeiten
#Update 30.07.2010:
-Speedmeter hinzugefügt
-Man kann die Download Liste jetzt speichern und später weiter laden
-Man hat im Download Manager jetzt ein Contextmenu womit man die meisten Aktion ausführen kann.
-Man kann Downloads jetzt mit Doppelklick zum Download Manager hinzufügen
-Man kann einzelne Downloads jetzt stoppen
-Bug im Updater behoben
#Update 01.08.2010:
-die Fenstergröße kann jetzt verändert werden
-Ein Bug beim Filtern der Duplicates wurde gefixt
-Man kann Downloads im Download Manager jetzt mit Enft entfernen
-Man kann Lieder jetzt mit der Leertaste zum Download Manager hinzufügen
-Das Design wurde verbessert
#Update 07.09.2010
Kleine Änderung das alles wieder geht
#Event 14.09.2010
Die ersten 1000 Downloads von SharkThief wurden heute erreicht!
#Update 28.09.2010
Fehler beim Updater behoben und somit wieder funktionstüchtig! Update kann nicht über den Updater
eingespielt werden, ein neuer Download muss gemacht werden.
#Event 29.10.2010
2500 Downloads wurden erreicht!
#Update 22.12.2010
Kleinen Bug behoben
#Update 23.12.2010
Update weil mein Webspace Anbieter mich gekickt hat.
Das Update kann nicht über den Updater gezogen werden.
- Mirror
SFX as self extracter
update: sharkThief_0.2.rar
Bei SharkThief handelt es sich um einen GrooveShark Downloader mit vielen Features.
Grooveshark ist eine Online-Plattform auf der man so gut wie jedes Lied streamen kann. Mein kleines Tool ermöglicht es euch, diese Streams einfach und schnell herunterzuladen. Der Vorteil ist man muss nicht die Internetseite aufrufen sondern kann direkt im Programm suchen und herunterladen. Die Lieder sind in Top Qualität und der Downloadspeed ist auch 1A.
Da das Programm auf WPF basiert, wird das .Net Framwork 3.5 benötigt.
Da es sich noch um eine sehr frühe Version des Tools handelt, ist ein Updater integriert der beim Programmstart automatisch auf Updates prüft.
Ich werde mich bemühen das Programm auch in Zukunft zu verbessern und würde mich über Feedback eurerseits freuen.
Das nennenswerteste an dem Tool sind die parallelen Downloads mit den denen gegenüber anderer GrooveShark Downloader viel höhere Downloadgeschwindigkeiten erreicht werden können.
Hier eine Liste der nennenswerten Features:
- Bis zu 10 parallelen Downloads möglich
- Schnelle Suche
- Updater
- Speicherformat selbst bestimmbar
- Echtzeitsuche in den Downloads
How to use this Tool:
- search Song, Artist or Album
- select the song you want
- press Download Button to add files to the Download Manager
- press Start Button to start
- you can find the finish downloads listed in the downloads tab
New in this Version:
- Window size can change
- fixed bug in filter duplicates
- delete entry with delete key
- add songs with space
- better design
- up to 10 parallel downloads possible
- fast searching
- updater
- custom saving formats
- live search in downloads
#Update 29.07.2010:
-Man kann jetzt die Position von einem Download im Download Manager verändern.
-Updater für die zusätzliche .dll angepasst
-paar Kleinigkeiten
#Update 30.07.2010:
-Speedmeter hinzugefügt
-Man kann die Download Liste jetzt speichern und später weiter laden
-Man hat im Download Manager jetzt ein Contextmenu womit man die meisten Aktion ausführen kann.
-Man kann Downloads jetzt mit Doppelklick zum Download Manager hinzufügen
-Man kann einzelne Downloads jetzt stoppen
-Bug im Updater behoben
#Update 01.08.2010:
-die Fenstergröße kann jetzt verändert werden
-Ein Bug beim Filtern der Duplicates wurde gefixt
-Man kann Downloads im Download Manager jetzt mit Enft entfernen
-Man kann Lieder jetzt mit der Leertaste zum Download Manager hinzufügen
-Das Design wurde verbessert
#Update 07.09.2010
Kleine Änderung das alles wieder geht
#Event 14.09.2010
Die ersten 1000 Downloads von SharkThief wurden heute erreicht!
#Update 28.09.2010
Fehler beim Updater behoben und somit wieder funktionstüchtig! Update kann nicht über den Updater
eingespielt werden, ein neuer Download muss gemacht werden.
#Event 29.10.2010
2500 Downloads wurden erreicht!
#Update 22.12.2010
Kleinen Bug behoben
#Update 23.12.2010
Update weil mein Webspace Anbieter mich gekickt hat.
Das Update kann nicht über den Updater gezogen werden.
SFX as self extracter
update: sharkThief_0.2.rar
28 December 2010
Author:eMule 0.50a beba v2.63 beta
Modified by:
If anyone wants to help me test:
Get it there, report any bugs there or here.
News: New feature (inspired by aMule), new Client Analyzer (coded by WiZaRd), some alignments.
Semi-public beta, but no spreading on other boards please without linking here, as I'd like to keep track of what's going on.
Will be released on Dec 31 if nothing makes me explode before.
Any bugs? Tell me!
New feature: aMule-like server name display in status line.
New update: Client Analyzer.
If anyone wants to help me test:
Get it there, report any bugs there or here.
News: New feature (inspired by aMule), new Client Analyzer (coded by WiZaRd), some alignments.
Semi-public beta, but no spreading on other boards please without linking here, as I'd like to keep track of what's going on.
Will be released on Dec 31 if nothing makes me explode before.
Any bugs? Tell me!
New feature: aMule-like server name display in status line.
New update: Client Analyzer.
26 December 2010
Author:eMule 0.50a StulleMule 7.0
The StulleMule mod is based on MorphXT. It offers many additional features and some tweaks.
eMule v0.50a StulleMule v7.0:
- 25.12.2010 -
based on eMule 0.50a MorphXT 12.6 compiled with vs2010
Added: Tooltip for Show overhead on title [Stulle]
Added: Random Modstring detection [WiZaRd]
Added: Mod faker detection based on "«...»" in nick [zz_fly]
Added: Leecher nick detection (randomized nick) [zz_fly]
Changed: Updated Enhanced Client Recognition to v2 (minor change) [Stulle/WiZaRd]
Changed: Disable ASFU if too many folders are shared [Stulle]
+ fixes related crashes; increases ASFU version number to 3.5
Changed: No Pay back First for non-SUI clients if client ident failed [Stulle]
Changed: Reworked coloring of windows (fixes some tab controls on Vista/7) [Stulle]
Changed: Allowed localization of Dropmenu [Stulle]
Changed: Fair Play is now integerbased [Stulle]
Updated: Anti-Leecher-Lists (DLP v43) [zz_fly]
Updated: Following language files: German [Stulle]; French [jamjam];
Chinese (P.R.C.) [zz_fly]; Italian [Myth88]
Fixed: Global Mod statistics were not displayed [Stulle]
Fixed: Service was not stopped when it should be stopped on starting emule.exe [Stulle]
+ occured when service name was changed
Fixed: Crashfix for reloading share via ASFU under certain circumstances [WiZaRd]
Fixed: Improper display in Shared Files List due to PowerShare column [Stulle]
Fixed: Push Small File settings got reset if 1kB was chosen [Stulle]
Fixed: Static Server style was not applied [Stulle]
Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/stullemule/ | http://stulle.emule-web.de/
24 December 2010
Author:JDownloader 0.9.580
JDownloader is open source, platform independent and written completely in Java. It simplifies downloading files from One-Click-Hosters like Rapidshare.com or Megaupload.com - not only for users with a premium account but also for users who don't pay. It offers downloading in multiple paralell streams, captcha recognition, automatical file extraction and much more. Of course, JDownloader is absolutely free of charge. Additionally, many "link encryption" sites are supported - so you just paste the “encrypted” links and JD does the rest. JDownloader can import CCF, RSDF and the new DLC files.

FrostWire 4.21.3
FrostWire http://www.frostwire.com/ is a Peer to Peer (P2P) information sharing client for the Gnutella and BitTorrent networks. This project is not affiliated with LimeWire LLC. FrostWires' source code is Licensed under the GNU GPL Open Source lice.
+ * New "Phones and Tablets" tab. Tools to share files with Android devices on a Wi-Fi network.
+ * New debian source packages available.
+ * Upgrades to HttpFetcher performance. Cleanups and refactors.
+ * Upgrades java compatibility to Java 6.
+ * Upgrades Mojito-DHT to the latest version found on the LimeWire repository. Tune ups.
+ * Removed dependencies on Linux native libraries. JDIC is no more for Linux releases.
+ * Fixes issues when rendering and scrolling torrent search results.
+ * New "Phones and Tablets" tab. Tools to share files with Android devices on a Wi-Fi network.
+ * New debian source packages available.
+ * Upgrades to HttpFetcher performance. Cleanups and refactors.
+ * Upgrades java compatibility to Java 6.
+ * Upgrades Mojito-DHT to the latest version found on the LimeWire repository. Tune ups.
+ * Removed dependencies on Linux native libraries. JDIC is no more for Linux releases.
+ * Fixes issues when rendering and scrolling torrent search results.
eMule 0.50a SharkX v2.0 RC 1
Coded by:
Based on eMuleFuture v1.1 [0.50a]
SharkX 2.0 Release Candidate 1
Merge to eMuleFuture v1.1
add Don't allow file hot swapping [taz/Xman/idea Maella] : it's not about our file UL priorities, rather on client position in queue
This time it's about trying to abuse upload slot:
anyone (really - not just being in upload list "dying" since we stopped sharing the file he was downloading) downloading from us won't be able to get into queue before releasing the slot. If he "wishes" to release the slot (by asking for another file - and it's not really about our upload files priorities, even more true if we support "a separate queue" for each file) - ... well he won't be stopped ...
Direct Download
23 December 2010
Author:TuneUp Utilities 2010 GiveAway Free Licenses
TuneUp Utilities 2010 Christmas Give Away from Chips (German PC Magazine)
Get a free license for TuneUp Utilities 2010
1. Enter your email Address here: http://www.tuneup.de/promo/chipxmas2010/
2. Click the Link in your email from TuneUp Utilities to register
Get a free license for TuneUp Utilities 2010
1. Enter your email Address here: http://www.tuneup.de/promo/chipxmas2010/
2. Click the Link in your email from TuneUp Utilities to register
eMule 0.50a MorphJC v1.8
Developed by:
miggy and sonoro
Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphJC v1.8
Change: Justice Credit now blocks at 1MB
Change: proper log colors [WiZaRd]
Change: search file colors [WiZaRd]
Update: Clientanalyzer (WiZaRd/emulefuture final)
Update: mediainfo.dll
Homepage: www.tugashare.net
MorphJC developed by miggy and sonoro
Direct Download
22 December 2010
Author:eMule 0.50a ZZ-R 3.8
ZZ-R 3.8 - 22.12.2010
+ Update to ZZUL-TRA 1.9 codebase
+ Fixed anti nick thief
+ Additional AntiLeech list (anti-mod/nick) [idea from iONiX/WiZaRd]
+ Some minor fixes
+ Colors defeatable in preferences.ini
- Removed old anti mod
Direct Download | Mirror
21 December 2010
Author:eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 1.9
eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 1.9
Add: SOTN optimization from SharkX v2.0B1 [taz]
Add: Dynamic Block Requests [NetFinity]
Add: Changed GHL slider to editbox
Add: Missing prefs for IP2Country in Options-Extended
Add: Auto update ip-to-country.csv on startup
Add: Open file details in downloaded history with double klick
Add: Bantime settable in prefernces.ini
Add: Kad term cleanup [WiZaRd]
Remove: Removed URL client [NetFinity]
Remove: Slotcontrol
Remove: Force upload slot
Change: Mulelistctrl UI change m_crGlow to m_crEvenLine
BBS: http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=151357
20 December 2010
Author:Universal Extractor 1.6.1
Universal Extractor is a program designed to decompress and extract files from any type of archive or installer, such as ZIP or RAR files, self-extracting EXE files, application installers, etc.
Homepage: http://legroom.net/software/uniextract

Homepage: http://legroom.net/software/uniextract
eMule 0.50a MorphXT 12.6
Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.6
CHANGE: Use owner-drawn push buttons in TransferWnd and SearchWnd [ied/Stulle]
+ fixes weird borders when compiling with VS10
+ http://www.codeproject.com/KB/vista/vistathemebuttons.aspx
FIX: Category tab display on XP for VS10 [Stulle]
FIX: Search and logs tabs (CClosableTab) display on XP for VS10 [Stulle]
FIX: (Hopefully) Error causing flushed data to be lost on restart [Stulle]
FIX: Require Obfuscation for Servers Setting not applied in 1st-time-Wizard [Stulle]
Homepage: eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.5

Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.6
CHANGE: Use owner-drawn push buttons in TransferWnd and SearchWnd [ied/Stulle]
+ fixes weird borders when compiling with VS10
+ http://www.codeproject.com/KB/vista/vistathemebuttons.aspx
FIX: Category tab display on XP for VS10 [Stulle]
FIX: Search and logs tabs (CClosableTab) display on XP for VS10 [Stulle]
FIX: (Hopefully) Error causing flushed data to be lost on restart [Stulle]
FIX: Require Obfuscation for Servers Setting not applied in 1st-time-Wizard [Stulle]
Homepage: eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.5
New Dlp (Dynamic Leecher Protection) current version 43
Main Changes:
Added easyMule2, Flashget, VeryCD disguise and so on.
Added almost all the P2P Client "Clones" Mods containing ads. P2P Sites hosted mainly on server: and using Google Ads Client pub-5974397314053097
as written here and here under "Clones (mostly with Adware)"
Have fun.
Supported by CN-8, Xtreme, ScarAngel and the Mephisto based mods. Follow the link below to get the latest version of the DLP:
19 December 2010
Author:eMule 0.50a UltiMatiX v5.0 Build 18.12.2010
Build: Dec 18 2010
+Drop sources + dropIcons + auto drop immunity
+Sivka File Settings>(adjustable per file)
+UNBAN detected leecher - DownloadList/ClientList/QueueList
+Ask Clients For New XS Sources
+Ask Server For New Sources
+Dropped src from UploadQueue +Log - (does not seem to have own reqfile! - Mod's with Share-Levels, DaZZle Leecher)
+don't drop complete sources [taz] : simplified version due to the change of show # of dropped sources
+change show # of dropped sources : shift m_ShowDroppedSrc to CDownloadQueue::RemoveSourceAndDontAsk
+fix show # of dropped sources : count only dropped
+fix CUPnP_IGDControlPoint : don't rely in module pointer which is "0"ed on constructor [taz]
+fix ICS preview priority [taz] : piority values were reversed
Direct Download
Danke Engo3k!
eMule 0.50a eMuleFuture v1.1 FiNaL UpDate
Powered by:
WiZaRd, shadow2004, Spike2, JvA, taz
GFX by:
Changelog eMuleFuture v1.1 Public Beta (from v1.0):
+ added better handling of removeable drives [WiZaRd] [idea by: jedikalimero (http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=151569)]
* if you start eMuleFuture and your incoming and/or temp directories aren't found (e.g. if you use an external HDD and haven't switched it on),
you are presented with a dialog with various options (cancel/try again/continue)
+ added kad term cleanup [WiZaRd]
* if you enter invalid chars in a kad search, you are asked whether you want eMF to strip the invalid chars
! fixed addon dir writeability on some systems [WiZaRd]
! fixed autoHL options [WiZaRd]
! file buffer flush time was not saved [taz]
! fixed fileinfo dialog corruption around bitrates [WiZaRd]
! fixed missing icons in MiniMule [WiZaRd]
* this probably fixes all other strange issues with UPnP, source drops, etc.
! fixed "ENTER" and "ESCAPE" keys in webbrowser [WiZaRd]
~ disabled sessionratio if we cannot upload [WiZaRd]
* this occurs mostly to "new" users... lowering their speed isn't such a good idea as they should become new sources ASAP
~ updated xSkinButtons to v1.50 [WiZaRd]
! PS menu options are grayed out when partfiles are selected [taz]
Big thx to taz for all the merging work he had to do.:cool:
Also big thx to no1else and SS1900 for their intensive testing and valuable feedback!
This is mainly a bugfix release bug I also slipped in some new features... hope you like, happy holidays to all of you :)
Have fun and report any issues ASAP.
Known issues:
* You may (not) like our GUI
WiZaRd and taz
17 December 2010
Author:eMule 0.50a SharkX v2.0 BETA 2
Based on eMuleFuture v1.0 [0.50a]
SharkX 2.0 Beta 2
fix AutoHL options selection [taz]
fix saving flush time [taz]
update check user hash [taz] : suspected hashes shown @ stats (+clipped)
block (gray out) PowerShare menu for part files [taz]
SharkX 2.0 Beta 2
fix AutoHL options selection [taz]
fix saving flush time [taz]
update check user hash [taz] : suspected hashes shown @ stats (+clipped)
block (gray out) PowerShare menu for part files [taz]
eMule 0.50a MaGiX v1.9
Coded by:
und wieder viele viele kleine und große Änderungen |thumbsup|
[+] neues Uploadmanagement (bei leerer Queue an jeden, dann wird herabgestuft)
[+] Powerrelease
stellst du ein File auf Powerrelease im Share-ordner so verteilst du ihn mit sehr hoher
Proirität, auch an User ohne Rang. Den UploadKick kannst du frei wählen(Magix seite).
[+] Uploadmenge für die folgenden Gruppen frei wählbar ohne Block
[+] Friendboost
[+] Upload für Friends
[+] Powerrelease
[+] Countryblock alle 3 min
[+] Countryblock - Du kannst Länder blocken (global), oder einzeln
[+] blocke unidentifizierte Quellen
[+] Countryblock - lesbar im Transferwindow
[+] im Upload oder im Up und Download auch einzelne im Transfer erlauben
[+] 50% der Files (Tranferwindow) kannst du auf nicht sharen stellen. Diese Files werden an niemanden geuppt.
[+] ModIcons
[+] Country im Transferwindow
[+] neue Toolbaricons
[-] IRC
[-] Wizard
[+] cleanQueue alle 10 min (schaltbar)
[+] Fakerank undectable für Leecher oder alle
[+] neues Magix Creditsystem
[+] Up4Up gibt Upload solang der andere auch gibt max Differenz 10 mb
[+] Keine Fileliste an den Server
[+] Kein Upload an non Emule ausser Up4Up
[+] Kein LowID oder nicht Sui
[+] Upload nur Partfile (Powerrelease wird trotzdem verteilt)
[+] Uploadkick nach xxx Mb
[+] Differenzblock im mom 20 mb
[+] viele viele kleine Sachen noch
[+] smart NickaddOns
[+] emuliert andere Clients (alles was ed2k ist)
[+] fake Leecher (Version und ModStrings)
[+] Timings etwas geschärft
[+] banne Leecher (die geben ja auch upload und wenn wir die faken warum bannen ?)
[+] Modname ändern - per Button oder per Hand
Support - Forum : http://www.darkmule.de/index.php
und wieder viele viele kleine und große Änderungen |thumbsup|
[+] neues Uploadmanagement (bei leerer Queue an jeden, dann wird herabgestuft)
[+] Powerrelease
stellst du ein File auf Powerrelease im Share-ordner so verteilst du ihn mit sehr hoher
Proirität, auch an User ohne Rang. Den UploadKick kannst du frei wählen(Magix seite).
[+] Uploadmenge für die folgenden Gruppen frei wählbar ohne Block
[+] Friendboost
[+] Upload für Friends
[+] Powerrelease
[+] Countryblock alle 3 min
[+] Countryblock - Du kannst Länder blocken (global), oder einzeln
[+] blocke unidentifizierte Quellen
[+] Countryblock - lesbar im Transferwindow
[+] im Upload oder im Up und Download auch einzelne im Transfer erlauben
[+] 50% der Files (Tranferwindow) kannst du auf nicht sharen stellen. Diese Files werden an niemanden geuppt.
[+] ModIcons
[+] Country im Transferwindow
[+] neue Toolbaricons
[-] IRC
[-] Wizard
[+] cleanQueue alle 10 min (schaltbar)
[+] Fakerank undectable für Leecher oder alle
[+] neues Magix Creditsystem
[+] Up4Up gibt Upload solang der andere auch gibt max Differenz 10 mb
[+] Keine Fileliste an den Server
[+] Kein Upload an non Emule ausser Up4Up
[+] Kein LowID oder nicht Sui
[+] Upload nur Partfile (Powerrelease wird trotzdem verteilt)
[+] Uploadkick nach xxx Mb
[+] Differenzblock im mom 20 mb
[+] viele viele kleine Sachen noch
[+] smart NickaddOns
[+] emuliert andere Clients (alles was ed2k ist)
[+] fake Leecher (Version und ModStrings)
[+] Timings etwas geschärft
[+] banne Leecher (die geben ja auch upload und wenn wir die faken warum bannen ?)
[+] Modname ändern - per Button oder per Hand
Support - Forum : http://www.darkmule.de/index.php
14 December 2010
Author:uTorrent -Serenity- 2.2.0 Build 23703
uTorrent -Serenity- 2.2.0 Build 23703

by Owyn | December 14, 2010 at 16:43 | Categories: uTorrent -Serenity- mod | URL: http://wp.me/pVDYT-2n
uTorrent Leecher Mod Serenity
uSerenity 2.2.0 Build 23703
see Features page

- fixed hanging after Exit if fakeupload is used
- fixed crash for very very very long tracker names

by Owyn | December 14, 2010 at 16:43 | Categories: uTorrent -Serenity- mod | URL: http://wp.me/pVDYT-2n
uTorrent Leecher Mod Serenity
uSerenity 2.2.0 Build 23703
see Features page
- fixed hanging after Exit if fakeupload is used
- fixed crash for very very very long tracker names
eMule 0.50a MorphJC v1.7
Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphJC v1.7
Fix: SplashScreen display
Remove: PBF limitations for incomplete files
(missed from 1.5 to 1.6. Now set as default)
Change: File reask time
Change: Source clients reask time
MorphJC developed by miggy and sonoro
HTTP bin: http://www.duckload.com/dl/Me2C2
HTTP src: http://www.duckload.com/dl/Xb2C2
13 December 2010
Author:eMule 0.50a AcKroNiC v6.0
AcKroNiC v6.0 Based on MorphXT v12.5
replace "skin" to AcKroNiC
adjust credits thread
change 1'st time wizard [taz] : most values are now loaded from preferences
fix store obfuscated server connection on 1'st time wizard [taz] : value never stored
fix ICS preview priority [taz] : piority values were reversed
change ICS enabled for preview as well [taz]
change NewDefaultNick [WiZaRd] : follow mod name
add regional connection wizard [Mulo Da Soma/taz] : localization
change regional connection wizard : use Israel for he_IL locale & Italy for all other
fix (???) fully utilize upload bandwidth on empty queue [taz] : was blocked on max (per class) client datarate
fix @CServerWnd::ReattachAnchors Repaint Splitter - ReattachAnchors [moloko+]
add more mods icons [taz] : Icons taken from ModIconDLL
change mandatory : transfer full chunks, SUI, protect (don't remove) static servers
change disable queue size setting when InfiniteQueue [WiZaRd/SLUGFILLER] : infinitequeue option moved from Morph optins to extended
remove ipfilter servers [leuk_he] : treated via ASF
add ASF - AcKroNiC Servers Filter [taz/Mulo da Soma/EneTec/Spike2]
add AcK filters [Aenarion/Xanatos] : family and trash filters
add Low-id notifier [chamblard]
add Completed in Tray [Stulle]
add More info about corrupted .met/.part file [Aenarion]
add Open Incoming from tray [taz]
change selectable compilation (AcK/Is_CA.h) CA/Morph anti leecher [taz]
add CA [WiZaRd] + adjustments (compilation related, funny nick, adjust CAntiLeechData::Check4ModThief to -modname-, etc.) [taz]
fix CUPnP_IGDControlPoint : don't rely in module pointer which is "0"ed on constructor [taz]
add Variable corrupted blocks ban threshold [Spike2]
add Inform Clients after IP Change [Stulle]
add PowerShare stats [taz/pP] : collector code rearranged (mainly shift from Prefs to Stats), stats rewritten
change New Version Check : adjust check logic (ntohl) + links/notes to AcK
change default active log pane to log (from server message)
change splash to follow previous AcKroNiC style
add Emulate other [???/WiZaRd/Torni/Spike2]
add Enhanced Client Recognition [Spike2] + stats [Stulle]
add Nice Hash [Xman]
add Quick start [TPT]
change Quick start [taz] : non stored back values (using connection setting)
add minRQR [WiZaRd]
add Don't remove dead servers on 0 retries [???]
add drop sources [Stulle]
change show # of dropped sources : shift m_ShowDroppedSrc to CDownloadQueue::RemoveSourceAndDontAsk
fix show # of dropped sources : count only dropped
add don't drop complete sources [taz] : simplified version due to the change of show # of dropped sources
eMule 0.50a -XdP- v5.2 RC2
eMule 0.50a -XdP- v5.2 RC2
Developed by:
ADD : intelligent SOTN (WiZaRd)
ADD : simple shared files reload (SSFR) (WiZaRd)
ADD : options for ASFU/SSFR and their time limits (WiZaRd)
ADD : additional files to the "don't compress" flag [WiZaRd/taz]
ADD : Fakealyzer [switchable] (netfinity)
ADD : Variable corrupted blocks ban threshold (Spike2)
IMPROVE : small improvements on Source search via XS (umeK)
IMPROVe : Download color now ready to switch off (umeK)
IMPROVE : Upload Management & additional Punishment [src handling] (umeK)
IMPROVE : small changes/optimizations on Slotlimiter code (umeK)
CHANGE : showing of Modname in some cases (WiZaRd)
CHANGE : Smart Credit-Push [balancing boost factor's] (umeK)
CHANGE : CA-Detection for XS-Handling (umeK)
CHANGE : better mod defaults [Releaser friendly] (umeK)
FIX : Avoid Credits Accumulate faker (MorphXT/umeK)
FIX : show sucessfull sessions on XdP-Stats (umeK)
FIX : calculating MultiChunks if client have more than one state (umeK)
FIX : Proper logs around multipacket (WiZaRd)
FIX : compiler warning (WiZaRd)
FIX : ICS [forgotton code] (taz)
FIX : small Bug on PPG [on reset, forgotton code] (umeK)
FIX : hopefully the last Crashbug reported by Rascas (umeK)
FIX : a rar Crashbug on Leecher-handling @ powershared files (umeK)
UPDATE : Clientanalyzer to newest version (WiZaRd/emulefuture final)
UPDATE : ConnectionChecker to WiZaRd's latest version (WiZaRd/emulefuture final)
UPDATE : Fake eChanblard (umeK)
UPDATE : added new Addons to NickAddon-Thief (umeK)
UPDATE : PowerShare to newest version (WiZaRd/emulefuture final)
IMROVE/CHANGE/FIX/REMOVE : many many other things around the source (umeK)
many THX to all from beta team
...Your source for special ed2k mods...
Developed by:
ADD : intelligent SOTN (WiZaRd)
ADD : simple shared files reload (SSFR) (WiZaRd)
ADD : options for ASFU/SSFR and their time limits (WiZaRd)
ADD : additional files to the "don't compress" flag [WiZaRd/taz]
ADD : Fakealyzer [switchable] (netfinity)
ADD : Variable corrupted blocks ban threshold (Spike2)
IMPROVE : small improvements on Source search via XS (umeK)
IMPROVe : Download color now ready to switch off (umeK)
IMPROVE : Upload Management & additional Punishment [src handling] (umeK)
IMPROVE : small changes/optimizations on Slotlimiter code (umeK)
CHANGE : showing of Modname in some cases (WiZaRd)
CHANGE : Smart Credit-Push [balancing boost factor's] (umeK)
CHANGE : CA-Detection for XS-Handling (umeK)
CHANGE : better mod defaults [Releaser friendly] (umeK)
FIX : Avoid Credits Accumulate faker (MorphXT/umeK)
FIX : show sucessfull sessions on XdP-Stats (umeK)
FIX : calculating MultiChunks if client have more than one state (umeK)
FIX : Proper logs around multipacket (WiZaRd)
FIX : compiler warning (WiZaRd)
FIX : ICS [forgotton code] (taz)
FIX : small Bug on PPG [on reset, forgotton code] (umeK)
FIX : hopefully the last Crashbug reported by Rascas (umeK)
FIX : a rar Crashbug on Leecher-handling @ powershared files (umeK)
UPDATE : Clientanalyzer to newest version (WiZaRd/emulefuture final)
UPDATE : ConnectionChecker to WiZaRd's latest version (WiZaRd/emulefuture final)
UPDATE : Fake eChanblard (umeK)
UPDATE : added new Addons to NickAddon-Thief (umeK)
UPDATE : PowerShare to newest version (WiZaRd/emulefuture final)
IMROVE/CHANGE/FIX/REMOVE : many many other things around the source (umeK)
many THX to all from beta team
...Your source for special ed2k mods...
Buy me a cup of coffee
- Happy New Year 2011
- eMule 0.50a SharkX v2.0
- TLN eMule 0.49b Booster v9.1 (StealthPE or what pa...
- eMule 0.50a Bowlfish.12b
- eMule 0.50a MorphXT+ v12.6
- sharkThief (GrooveShark) Music Downloader
- eMule 0.50a beba v2.63 beta
- eMule 0.50a StulleMule 7.0
- JDownloader 0.9.580
- FrostWire 4.21.3
- eMule 0.50a SharkX v2.0 RC 1
- TuneUp Utilities 2010 GiveAway Free Licenses
- eMule 0.50a MorphJC v1.8
- eMule 0.50a ZZ-R 3.8
- eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 1.9
- Universal Extractor 1.6.1
- eMule 0.50a MorphXT 12.6
- New Dlp (Dynamic Leecher Protection) current versi...
- eMule 0.50a UltiMatiX v5.0 Build 18.12.2010
- eMule 0.50a eMuleFuture v1.1 FiNaL UpDate
- eMule 0.50a SharkX v2.0 BETA 2
- eMule 0.50a MaGiX v1.9
- uTorrent -Serenity- 2.2.0 Build 23703
- eMule 0.50a MorphJC v1.7
- eMule 0.50a AcKroNiC v6.0
- eMule 0.50a -XdP- v5.2 RC2
- eMule 0.50a ZZ-R 3.7
- Dropbox 1.0.6 + Free 3.25 GB online storage for Ba...
- eMule 0.50a XCA 1.1
- MDownloader
- RDesc 2.33.5 1-Click File Share Hoster Multidownlo...
- eMule 0.50a XCA 1.0 (Xtreme with ClientAnalyzer)
- Do not Download eMule Mods with 100+ sources in eM...
- eMule 0.50a Renntierschlitten v1.0
- eMule 0.50a MorphJC v1.6
- FYVE Mobile Internet Flat + 9 cent/min in 33 count...
- eMule PRO 2.1
- eMule 0.50a UltiMatix v5.0 - Based on SaintAngel
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- Tip for GPRS, ISDN, EDGE Slow and slowest internet...
- MorphXT 12.5 Private Edition by Engo3K (01.12.2010)
- eMule 0.50a SharkX 2.0 Beta 1
- eMule0.50a ZZ-R 3.6
- eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 1.8