13 December 2010

eMule 0.50a -XdP- v5.2 RC2

eMule 0.50a -XdP- v5.2 RC2

Developed by:



ADD : intelligent SOTN (WiZaRd)
ADD : simple shared files reload (SSFR) (WiZaRd)
ADD : options for ASFU/SSFR and their time limits (WiZaRd)
ADD : additional files to the "don't compress" flag [WiZaRd/taz]
ADD : Fakealyzer [switchable] (netfinity)
ADD : Variable corrupted blocks ban threshold (Spike2)
IMPROVE : small improvements on Source search via XS (umeK)
IMPROVe : Download color now ready to switch off (umeK)
IMPROVE : Upload Management & additional Punishment [src handling] (umeK)
IMPROVE : small changes/optimizations on Slotlimiter code (umeK)
CHANGE : showing of Modname in some cases (WiZaRd)
CHANGE : Smart Credit-Push [balancing boost factor's] (umeK)
CHANGE : CA-Detection for XS-Handling (umeK)
CHANGE : better mod defaults [Releaser friendly] (umeK)
FIX : Avoid Credits Accumulate faker (MorphXT/umeK)
FIX : show sucessfull sessions on XdP-Stats (umeK)
FIX : calculating MultiChunks if client have more than one state (umeK)
FIX : Proper logs around multipacket (WiZaRd)
FIX : compiler warning (WiZaRd)
FIX : ICS [forgotton code] (taz)
FIX : small Bug on PPG [on reset, forgotton code] (umeK)
FIX : hopefully the last Crashbug reported by Rascas (umeK)
FIX : a rar Crashbug on Leecher-handling @ powershared files (umeK)
UPDATE : Clientanalyzer to newest version (WiZaRd/emulefuture final)
UPDATE : ConnectionChecker to WiZaRd's latest version (WiZaRd/emulefuture final)
UPDATE : Fake eChanblard (umeK)
UPDATE : added new Addons to NickAddon-Thief (umeK)
UPDATE : PowerShare to newest version (WiZaRd/emulefuture final)
IMROVE/CHANGE/FIX/REMOVE : many many other things around the source (umeK)

many THX to all from beta team

...Your source for special ed2k mods...



Anonymous said...

umeK you are the daddy of emule modding

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