09 May 2011

Giveaway 25x SUPERAntiSpyware Professional with LIFETIME Updates

I received a big gift from a reader of the blog. He give us 25x 1 PC/User Licenses for SUPERAntiSpyware Professional with LIFETIME updates to Giveaway!

I want to thank you and on behalf of all my readers for this great gift!

SUPERAntiSpyware is one of the best additions to your anti-virus protection. I installed it on my PC where BitDefender Antivirus Pro 2011 is installed. BitDefender have already one of the strongest protections. BullGuard Antivirus 10 use also the engine in them AV Products which takes care on my Laptop from all danger out there.
After a scan I thought I can not believe my eyes, it found many real threads, which was not detected by AV. Especially bad tracking cookies and some trojans. A few false positive was between but they can be excluded manually and sent for analysis with a note.

There exists a free and a Pro version from SUPERAntiSpyware. SUPERAntiSpyware Professional features a highly advanced Real-Time Protection and Repair broken Internet Connections, Desktops, Registry Editing and more. It examines over 50 critical points of your system each time your system starts up and shuts down to eliminate threats before they have a chance to infect and infiltrate your system. Furthermore: Real-Time Blocking of threats, Registry Protection against Browser Hi-Jackers, Schedule Quick, Complete or Custom Scans Daily or Weekly, Auto-Scanning on application startup.
The main benefits in the Pro version next to the realtime protection are:
Automatic Updates check for program and definition updates every 8 hours with Daily Definition Updates. Read more about the differences between the Free and Pro version here.

SUPERAntiSpyware Pro and Free includes the detection and removal of all sorts of malicious programs including trojans, malware, bad tracing cookies, worms or keyloggers.

Click for Fullscreen | Click for Fullscreen HQ | Watch on YouTube

On the Main menu you can select between Quick scan and complete system scan. A custom scan can be performed where you can choose the folders you want to scan and also scan especially in the main sensitive areas such as in the registry, memory and startup locations and cookies.
Once a week a complete system scan which takes more time than quick scans but work smooth in the background keep your computer healthy. Later on you can config the program to scan only certain files exe, com, dll, ocx smaller than 4MB. The scan results are shown in a log with details and you can within the program exclude on each founded entry single items. Best is if you let it run in the background with real time protection on. SUPERAntiSpyware use only 2,3 MB memory. At peak while scanning it use less than Google Chrome with one browser window open. Browser Hijacker have no chance. The software also protect and monitor changes to the Internet Explorer settings such as Start Page. In emergency, to clean an infected PC, there is a BootSafe feature integrated. In rare cases if a Virus or Malware prevent SUPERAntiSpyware from starting is an Alternate Start option integrated.
Very remarkable is that you can backup your license in the help menu if you want to install windows new or buy a new PC. It will need to be re-activate but saves the action to running through the support. Most software looses the license if you do format or change harddisk and count per activation, then you have to call the support. The solution in SUPERAntiSpyware is exactly how it should be.

SUPERAntiSpyware runs on all Windows Versions from 2000 up to the latest Windows 7, 32 and 64 bit editions. The program can be switched into 18 Languages. The User Interface is perfect designed and easy to operate.

The program performance is outstanding and a 'must have' tool on every PC.

Download and install SUPERAntiSpyware here

With luck you get a free upgrade to the Professional Edition with Lifetime updates forever.

Write a comment and tell us what we can improve on our site to make it even better.
I want to know if the site loads fast for everyone or if I should base on a more lightweight design.
Tell us your suggestion every feedback is welcome.
Would you like to have a forum added or anything have changed in design, navigation and functinality?

From all comments 25 unique posters will receive a Lifetime license for SUPERAntiSpyware Professional and the random drawn winners will be announced on 16. May 2011.
Please share this news with your friends so that they also have the chance to win.
Make use of the new Digg, Share on Facebook and Tweet Buttons I've added into the site lately. And a click on "Like" by Facebook will make us very happy, below the article and right on top "Recommend".

Thanks to the one from net.sa!

The Licenses have been bought and are real.
If they were not then you could not update the program and if they are from a KeyGen, it will need to patch the program to skip the License server check to do an update but then the server will have your IP logged as pirated. Stay away from pirated Versions especially by security software!

Here is the prove that the keys were purchased:


walang_sangit said...

My favorite site was eventually held a giveaway of the most I wait, I have several times following the giveaway similar but less fortunate, this time I'll try again. I may be the lucky one participant saah My advice to this site for the future is to create a schedule, I recommend the first week of reviews of software that will be contests and freebies (antivirus, antimalware, etc.) the second week of internet services such as online backup or VPN, and the third week contains reviews of software tips and tricks etc., whereas the fourth week containing the announcement of the winners of the giveaway, I think it will be very interesting because the participants have enough time to follow the given giveaway
, thank you

vince said...

This site is fantastic with constant giveaways. However,

(a) the web design can be improve further - make it simple. Apple Mac build in software create very nice and elegant website.

(b) a bit heavy on the system. If I open say 20-30 tab of this website, the memory usage of my browser shoot sky high and subsequently freeze up my pc. Make it light weight please.

(c) VPN service, Hide IP tool, and File hoster Premium account would be the most sought after especially Premium Account for popular filehoster like Oron, Fileserve and Filesonic. Rather than limited quatity given away to specific individual, make it for all. This may not be possible for VPN, but sure possible for premium account. Some website are giving premium account where unlimited number of people can use for unlimited downlaod ( master password will be locked to prevent abuse ) for specific period duration. Since there are so many file hoster nowadays, just a hoster premium account per month for all registered user would not be too difficult.

(d) forum may not be so necessary as there are too many nowadays to follow. However, if the forum were to serve different unique purpose that would benefit user/reader of this website, only then it will be useful.

eg - forum member can share or exchange software keys they don't need with other members - this will bring more member to be more involved in the forum, so they may post what they can share or giveaways, and request what they need.

Already retweet.


aijay said...



first of all another giveaway now with super anti spyware i love this one using its free version , fully satisfied but improvements is good. include me for this.
thanks for this.

for site maintenance 1) in archive area winners list & current contest should be listed separately to ease viewers searching.

2)for me it takes a bit more time to load so take a look & theme should be more attractive to viewers now what is happening it looks

as a mix-up of information. be sure to look at this matter.

eXtremeAirs said...

Ive tried the free version however getting the pro version would be better.I recommend a lightweight design for faster loading.

Snap3r said...

Thanks for the giveaway.Consider me for one license :)

Vaibhav Srivastava said...

Thanks for an awesome giveaway, do count me in...


Ivgot Bhausky said...


Thank you for another great giveaway - you are almost too generous ;)

One little remark: the bottom line on your site states that it can be "best viewed" with Opera, Chrome etc. I am an Opera user myself, and - frankly speaking - it is a hard task to read postings on the site when (with the latest Opera, default settings) the text is displayed in black font against navy-blue background. Have a look and - hopefully - improve that somehow, please.

All the best for the whole Team

Licenzeantivirus said...


I think il necessary to create a section dedicated only for this contest & use a banner to advise the lucky guys
who won this contest

Carpiche said...

Nice, count me in please.

I think that you have to make your site more lightweight and a more professional and clean design.

Jerzy601 said...

bylbym szczesliwy majac ten program na swoim komputerze ktory by mi chronil komputer przed roznymi robakami .Prosze mnie liczyc .

Raj said...

Great giveaway, Thank you. I have some negative feedbacks hope you can take it positively.

Firstly your website looks damn clumsy. You need to stretch the content area more.

Make proper tags and create a tag menu bar for easier access.

Create a proper footer. Add contact us, about us links there. Footers do have some utility and it can be fancy too.

Immediately change the logo. Its way too big and has some irrelevant stuffs. I mean stuffs that a logo shouldn't have. You can have a tag line also. It boosts the logo and also your site.

Instead of 3 sections/columns make it 2. Looks good.

Recommended posts are way too long make it short and few.

Sponsors name or logo should be in the footer or somewhere below.

Recent posts area looks horrible. Either add a good slideshow there or completely remove it.

Because of slideshows inside posts it takes time to open. A simple pic is enough for explanation.

I posted from a web designers perspective hope you don't mind. Sorry if you felt bad but its an honest opinion.

Thanks for the giveaway.


1Yashiscool said...

Firstly, a big thanks for this give away. I am a big fan of LeecherMods and a daily visitor.

The site is already very good but as you know there is always room for perfection. I suggest that you simply follow the best practices in web designing and a few basic optimizations like < 20K page size and compressed images.

Please count me in this give away.

drWoo said...

I use Spybot Search and Destroy for the moment, which is free and reasonably efficient, but I'll be enchanted to win a commercial software license, like this.Great giveaway, Thank you.

k19s said...

Hi, great giveaway. SUPERAntiSpyware is a excellent security tool. Overall I think the site is good but it could do with some minor improvements. The site does sometimes perform slow, specially loading the comments and some of the images.
A cleaner theme would attract more people to your site. Hope to win a lifetime license. My tweet is: https://twitter.com/#!/k1922h/status/67916663156248576

Mounir said...

Thank you for this giveaway. This program is great and very useful.
The site looks good and it loads fast for me.

Admin said...

http://image.leechermods.com/ had for a short time having trouble with the dns. That's our image host. cdn.leechermods.com and static is ok. I run scripts and css minified and gzip delivered already. The website on blogger is gziped as well thanks to clouflare excellent service. We are on 3 IP's at the moment to help visitors from Pakistan, China accessing the page.
Techniques I'm using since years are riot (radical image optimizer + pngout/supergif/jpegtran) I do check every single image on smushit.com/ysmush.it/ if there is further optimization possible before adding it and reduce in a weight of quality/size the numbers of colors.
On scripts/images I can nothing other do as reducing the number of the images or to save dns lookups merge them into sprites.
Below 20k will mean removing of functions such as friendconnect/embedded google search on site/facebook and maybe some heavy load scripts more.
The animated flash product shows/screenshots - sometimes 30+ screenshots, it wont be smaller if publish single pictures in same resolution or put them into a swf. Yes they are big and can be 800k. I will figure out to display them optional maybe in a popup on click on one main screenshot within the post as external window instead.

Most read and recent post I will remove these days and change it to something more usefully.

I see a lot of work...

navy-blue background render over the posts. I thought and was for sure this is caused if bloggers systems own js http://www.blogger.com/static/v1/widgets/4286431867-widgets.js and css http://www.blogger.com/static/v1/widgets/129348724-widget_css_bundle.css is banned/filtered - domain www.blogger.com behind a firewall.
It is known by readers from China. I wonder why it also now in other countries happen.

I will sort the categories better. Thanks for all the feedback already given. The page design is old. Will see what I can do. I don't want just copy any ready template it should be unique. Please continue giving feedback - readers have the command because the site is for you!

@Ray:disqus I agree with you! I will try to realize it.

SamChan said...

Very useful software

Thanks for the giveaway :)

Tman said...

This is a great Giveaway; I am using the free version of SuperAntiSpyware. As for the site, I personally find it a bit cluttered for my liking. Nonetheless, thank you for the giveaway.

Admin said...

Hello, thank you for the feedback.
I need your help to solve it. Can you please test if you can access:
http://www.blogger.com/static/v1/widgets/4286431867-widgets.js and

I updated to Opera Next but I can not reproduce the issue.
I believe that anything is blocking such as a script which prevents the site to load and render the css well.

Grr said...

HI, Thanks for the giveaway. I’m already subscribed to ur email newsletter.

The site loads a bit slow for me, but fast if I use Adblocker.

Some suggestions:
1. Move subscriber button to the right bottom.
2. Move followers list to the right bottom.
3 . Bring archive list to the right top.

Please count me in this giveaway.


Wolf said...

Extra program. Free edition is a great product the pro awesome.

Superantispyware PRO version offers scheduled scanning, real - time protection and automatic updates.

Really wanted to use it. Please count me in. THANKS.

ayhan said...

This is a great Giveaway; I am using the free version of SuperAntiSpyware. I hope win a professional version of SuperAntiSpyware.


mizdoc said...

Your site loads quickly on my computer(s). Yes, perhaps a forum would be useful, but other than that, I can't think of anything to improve this site. I like it just the way it is....very useful.


Barg said...

Even i want one using free version too. u can change the theme of the site bro this doesnt look too good


mizdoc said...

P.S. Count me in for the SuperAntiSpyware giveaway, please

Lou Yeah said...

1st. site loads fast for me.

To improve on site to make it even better

2nd. create Facebook fan page, and integrate with your site, information should be posted on your page, let they
publish on Facebook, bcuse many ppl use Facebook,3rd. Do the same as for Twitter, integrate your site and Twitter and
information should be posted on your page, let they
publish on
TwitterShared https://twitter.com/#!/PhobosMod/status/67969293106692096 Subscribed as
**e.comI need awesome


Kitkatkit said...

Thanks for giveaway!
I use free version and I hope Pro license to win...

Xu said...

Very good giveaway, thanks for you kindness. Some personal views:

forum is much better

for "topics" on the right hand side, moving to the top and horizontal order is better than old vertical one

pls acknowledge me


Marek said...

SUPERAntiSpyware is good protection against attacks from the Internet.
I would be happy with one license for it to protect my computer from trojans, malware, etc.
Please count me in

Tangobox32 said...

Thanks for this great giveaway. Please count me in

Thanks & regards

ma_14 said...

Thanks for this giveaway.
I use free version and I hope Pro license to win.

Linu George said...

Would like to see less ads and streamlined webpage as there are too many things happening right now in the front page. That is my biggest request. Would like to win a key.thanks.

Admin said...

Difficult maybe impossible. I give always all licenses/accounts away. Some companies want to provide an account/license for my self, to do a banner up, which is mostly for all site visitors benefiting from it - eg. direct downloads if need to host anything for the visitors to download and so on...

ha14 said...

Very nice software, a must have indeed.
Well couldnt load disqus from internet cafe since it says its not from a trusted zone (something like this), may be put access to twitter, facebook account directly in order to add comments if disqus causes some problems.

Malik76 said...

Site is slow to load I waited for about 40minutes just to subscribe..I hope that you will add some tutorials on Windows 7 and Vista especially tweaks that can make life easier with them or some software tip/tweak to get the most of the app. Tips/ideas also on trends and what's happening like how to bypass blocking on some sites due to restrictions. And of course more giveaways like this one!

More power!

Malik76 said...

Oh and yes a forum so we can interact with each others eespecially on what's trending on the net on say, trojans/virus in the wild/new discovered tweaks/work-around, new version of gadgets or software apps, or just opinions on something/anything. And about the giveaway count me in getting tired of using freeware..no realtime punch. Thanks!

PS: Mods you can merge my comments in one. Thanks!

kurtum-i said...

Thanks for nice giveAway, S.A.S is very usefull

LukerLove said...

The website loads fast for me. No problems.

Count me in. Thanks

Shared: http://twitter.com/#!/LukerLove

Mike said...

This site loads fine for me. I think you should add a chatbox to your forum. Please enter me in your giveaway for the lifetime license.


Mayur said...

The website loads fast for me.
Bust some time Comments are not loads or taking so much time.
and also publish on Facebook & twitter.

Great offer. A lifetime license of anything is a treat.
Thank you very much.

Arie said...

the page is quite fast, only the comment section is a bit slow, but that maybe for my slow connection..
please count me in on the contest, thank you.

emre said...

I am very nice

alex said...

very good software. thanks for nice site, good software and nice giveaway!

Good Boy said...

Thanks for giveaway. Please count me in for this great security tool.

-Sites works OK (almost instant for me).
-Breaking news feature is wonderful and beneficial for me.
-Translation features is very beneficial for non-English visitors.

-User forum will be welcomed addition.

John said...

Very good giveaway. This website is the best. Please count me. Thanks.

RF said...

The site loads fast. My suggestionis to make a separate/section the contest and winners of contest.
Count me in. Regards

jajonasz said...

Hi. Good soft. I
want to win it.

Degopaoct130880 said...

Thank you for this good giveaway. I want to win.

Gabygehrke said...

Indeed S.A.S seeems to be a must have software on every computer. Please put me in.

Hechtsuper0 said...

Thanks for giveaway. Please count me in for this excellent security tool.

Ivgot Bhausky said...


Sorry for this belated response.
Just as you suggested, the problem was related to scripts being blocked by my advert killer program (AdMuncher). Some slight adjustments in the application's local settings have tempered its overenthusiastic zeal.
Now the web site is displayed correctly, thank you.

Mbolton2181 said...

Try out the pre-release of SUPERAntiSpyware version 5.0 here:

Dickdg said...

I have tried SuperAntispyware in the past and it works where all others fail. I sure would like to have a lifetime license.
Your site loads up instantly and youe Tab banner is looking good.

ml_18 said...

Great giveaway

Pramu said...

Thanks for this giveaway.Currently i am using its free version and would like to get the paid version. Thanks for your efforts to atleast try my luck. Please consider me in this contest.

Bero said...

Currently I am using the free ( portable ) version of this software. I would like to try and have a full version of this very good software.

Thanks for this giveaway.

Jay said...

Maybe you can consider improving the fonts selection & color layout for better readability and usability. Also, drop down menus would be great. Thanks.

Siddharth said...

Thanks for this giveaway.Please count me in.I want S.A.S. Lifetime.Hope i win one.Leechermods is a very good website and it is loading very fast.

Tweeted over Twitter,link is


Shared over Facebook,link is


Bora Bozkurt said...

thanks for the giveaway.its a great program.thanks


Monik said...

Your site its looking better everyday and your giveaways are great.

Will love to have SUPERAntiSpyware Professional with LIFETIME updates

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This will encourage us to publish updates in the future.
