24 June 2011

eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 2.4

eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 2.4


Add: Upload fileprio menu in downloadlist
Add: Powershare menu in downloadlist
Add: Advanced official preferences to options-extended [Official/MorphXT]
Add: Chinese (P.R.C.) language dll (zh_CN.dll) [thx paldier]
Add: Additional File Formats [gagar]
Readd: UrlClient
Remove: Remove MediaInfo 0.4 Support [dolphinx]
Change: Blockratio % moved from status column to speed column
Change: Code cleanings, minor fixes, tagging, optimizations
Change: All strings can now be localized
Fix: Auto Server Disconnet Time setting

Clean install recommended !!! (or delete only preferences.ini because a error inside)


ed2k download src


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