01 June 2011

eMule ZZ-R 3.9

eMule v0.50a ZZ-R 3.9



ZZ-R 3.9

Update to ZZUL-TRA 2.0 codebase

Change: AntiMod
Change: Changed Preview ready and Share visibility icons to overlayicon
Change: Better code to display friend/friendslot colors
Change: UI changes in searchwindow to get more space
Change: Default URL's for ipfilter/nodes.dat/server.met updates
Change: SOTN
Add: Hide Over Share
Add: Show blockratio in status column
Add: Fix broken HTTP downloads [WiZaRd]
Add: Remove client from DownloadClientsList on RemoveSource [WiZaRd]
Add: Optimize Process Kad client list [WiZaRd]
Add: Fix for setting buddy state on removing buddy [WiZaRd]
Add: Sort upload progress bars by percentage [Fafner/Xman]
Add: Option to disable download color
Remove: New menu bar
Remove: Dynamic Block Requests
Remove: Blue Toolbar Icons (now in skin folder)
Fix: Tooltip tray icon [WiZaRd]
Fix: Some minor fixes

Please make a CLEANINSTALL to have no trouble with old settings!

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