06 September 2011

eMule 0.50a SNAKE v3.0b1


SNAKE v3.0b1 based on eMule 0.50a

- Added: SNAKE Log
- Added: Upload Management
- Added: Upload Management Control
- Added: Bad User Control
- Added: SUI Control
- Added: Mod Version
- Added: Show Mod Version in all Lists
- Added: Anonymous Mod
- Added: Variable Mod Version
- Added: SNAKE Community
- Added: Community Upload Ration
- Added: Community Icons in all Lists
- Added: Slot Control
- Added: Anti Leecher
- Added: Leecher Icons in all Lists
- Added: RQR Difference
- Added: Soft Leecher Ban
- Added: Variable Nick Name
- Added: Remote Score Ration
- Added: QR Booster
- Added: Upload Session Control
- Added: Super Sources Finder
- Added: Auto Upload Handling
- Added: Drop Sources
- Added: Show Runtime on Title
- Added: Hide Parts
- Added: Total Upload/Download in Upload List
- Added: Remote Queue Status in Upload List
- Added: Show Remote Score in Client Detail
- Added: Show Remote Queue Rank in Client Detail
- Added: Faster Endgame
- Added: Auto Upload Protection
- Changed: Splash Screen
- Changed: File buffer size (50 MB)
- Changed: Toolbar Icons
- Updated: Lang.dll



Bauzan said...

Great... Kannst du in der nächsten version upload feedback mit einbauen???...

Hooligan said...

wenn man wüsste wer der modder ist
bzw die src hätte ja

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