19 July 2012

eMule 0.50a Chimera 1.9

Change log Chimera 1.9

add Recognize MlDonkey XS Answer
fixed trayicon problem
Improve Better Passive Source Finding
Improve Sorces Management
some Optimization
Updated Ip2Country code

Clean Install is better

Spread This Mod Everywhere you are all authorized !

Supporting on Facebook





B4n$h33 said...

this ed2k link work better


Neil said...

Best mod.

Anonymous said...

Good job! :-D

Jane said...

no button settings for emulate others and intelliflush?

BabyKiss said...

Great Job!

B4n$h33 said...

@jane no button settings for emulate others and intelliflush?

is all harcoded

Mellow Records said...

Hi Jack, what is "upload protection"?

lEsLIe mEcHANIc said...

gOOD jOb !! tHAnK yOu !!

Mellow Records said...

Hey, no help for this mod? how can we setting it correctly?

B4n$h33 said...


default setting is the best for releasing

upload data protector = after 9.27mb others must reciprocate,exceeded 9.27mb, the thresholds change in proportion to the data sent

B4n$h33 said...

default setting is the best for releasing
upload data protector = after 9.27mb others must reciprocate,exceeded 9.27mb, the thresholds change in proportion to the data sent

B4n$h33 said...

if someone have any questions you can find me here http://forum.specialmods.eu

Mack said...

It need to register :(

RIIA said...

Hi folks!
What is "adjust NTFS daylight file time"?

Carlito said...

Why help is closed? Por favor, usted cree una ayuda pública

badguy said...

Ehy, B4n$h33, we are waiting for Chimera 2.0.
What's under the hood?

B4n$h33 said...

some news and fix ;)

B4n$h33 said...

well guys new chimera v2.0 is aut


add button СђiM€Яд Help and Info in Chimera II Page [B4n$h33]
add File Buffer time setting [B4n$h33]
add flexible splitting size
add no share single file in share setting menu [B4n$h33]
add Show Icon if Preview is Ready [B4n$h33]
add Spread Priority [AnalyZull]
change Variable compression
fixed Download limit [B4n$h33]
fixed problem Drop FullQueue in Drop System [B4n$h33]
MemLeak FiX [WiZaRd]
remove no share single file in Upload Priority [B4n$h33]
solved problem color in categories [B4n$h33]
some code improvement [WARP 0.3a]
some others little fix
updated Country Block with Unknown Country
updated Enhanced Client Recognition
updated Mod Icons
updated Fakealyzer [WARP 0.3a]
updated file-extensions [beba/kMule]


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