20 November 2012

eMule v0.50a -XdP- v5.6 RC1


UPDATE : European Community V2 (umeK)*
UPDATE : ICS to latest version (WiZaRd)
UPDATE : SOTN to latest version (WiZaRd)
UPDATE : Powershare to latest version (WiZaRd)
UPDATE : Clientanalyzer to latest version (WiZaRd)
UPDATE : XdP-Stats feature (umeK)
ADD : Auto server disconnect adjustable (ZZUltra/umek->recode and fixes)
ADD : intelligent Clientcheck [supporting feature to Smart Credit-Push & A4AF-Push] (umeK)
ADD : show RQR estimatedtime on Downloadlistctrl [own code] (umeK)
ADD : Drop Blocking Sockets (Xman/WiZaRd/umeK->small changes)
ADD : Count block/success send (Xman/umek->small changes)
ADD : show Slotnumber on Uploadlistctrl (pP)
ADD : one more choice on CountryBlock feature (umeK)
IMPROVE : Better mod defaults (umeK)
IMPROVE : recode of QRDiff feature (umeK)
IMPROVE : Own ModVersionSystem [don't send real modstring on IRC sessions] (umeK)
IMPROVE : ModVersionCheck [check working now only on Startup or manually via sysmenu] (umeK)
OPTIMIZE : Endgame Improvement (WiZaRd)
OPTIMIZE : better resortlogic of uploadslots (umeK)
FIX : 2 memleaks in official KAD code (WiZaRd)
FIX : Slotlimiter preferences (umeK)
FIX : Manual reasking of src. don't exclude LowIDs (umeK/thx Neo26 for report)
FIX : rqr's was resetted twice (umeK)
FIX : showing of Friendboost factor on XdP-stats feature (umeK)
FIX : chat message field will not clear when closing the particular tab (Tuxman)
FIX : DL & UL Permissions feature don't grey out options on setting changes + incorrect labeling (umeK/thx Neo26 for report)
FIX : RQR estimatedtime displaying don't work in the right way sometimes (umeK)
FIX : Push to Upload don't exclude LowIDs (umeK/thx Neo26 for report)
REMOVE : DropStalledSources & DynamicBlockRequests feature - no longer needed due to Endgame Improvement (umeK)
REMOVE/CHANGE/IMPROVE : many other things around the mod (umeK)

*Changelog European Community V2 [v1.4.8]:
FIX : closed security leaks on community check and upload handling (umeK)

*Changelog European Community V2 [v1.4.9]:

FIX : community statistics are not resetted if we are using the "Reset Statistics" option (umeK)
OPTIMIZE : small code optimizations (umeK)

A new version from -XdP- is online :-D Many thx goes to all betatester + some users for requests.Enjoy it...



visit us @ www.sharing-devils.org


engo3k said...

eMule MorphXT v12.7 Engo3k Edition
Changelog in the package


El Manero said...

Gracias Umek, :))

DOIT!! said...

Thanks to exist

so_sweet said...

the best mod was ever made

App_Dev said...


LeitMotiv said...

thanxx to you!!

EmuleFan said...

nice mod, how to use it?

hooligan said...


SteF said...


black>control said...


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