22 August 2013

eMule 0.50a Chimera 2.0 by B4n$h33

well guys new chimera v2.0 is out...


add button СђiM€Яд Help and Info in Chimera II Page [B4n$h33] 
add File Buffer time setting [B4n$h33] 
add flexible splitting size 
add no share single file in share setting menu [B4n$h33]
add Show Icon if Preview is Ready [B4n$h33]
add Spread Priority [AnalyZull]
change Variable compression
fixed Download limit [B4n$h33]
fixed problem Drop FullQueue in Drop System [B4n$h33]
MemLeak FiX [WiZaRd]
remove no share single file in Upload Priority [B4n$h33]
solved problem color in categories [B4n$h33]
some code improvement [WARP 0.3a]
some others little fix
updated Country Block with Unknown Country
updated Enhanced Client Recognition
updated Mod Icons
updated Fakealyzer [WARP 0.3a]
updated file-extensions [beba/kMule]



MusiKMan said...

thanks Banshee!!

origami said...

hi banshee what is upload spread priority?

B4n$h33 said...

Spread Priority is implementation of an automatic
upload priority. If enabled it will set all files' priority according to their
complete sources count. This does NOT apply to partfiles
or files with the built-in "Auto" priority! in chimera there is a implementation in shared files with a menu, so you can chose enabled or not for single file

Carlito said...

add button СђiM€Яд Help and Info in Chimera II Page [B4n$h33]
add no share single file in share setting menu [B4n$h33]
add Show Icon if Preview is Ready [B4n$h33]
add Spread Priority [AnalyZull]
Thanks Banshee :)))))))))))))))))

CaterPillar said...

Vielen Dank.

TimeX said...

the link for flags does not work, many flags are incorrect.

bell said...

what is: Write IdentifierDesc: 7

06/01/2014 01:12:07: Read IdentifierDesc: 3
06/01/2014 01:12:07: Write IdentifierDesc: 7
06/01/2014 01:12:08: Read IdentifierDesc: 7
06/01/2014 01:12:08: Write IdentifierDesc: 7
06/01/2014 01:12:08: Read IdentifierDesc: 3
06/01/2014 01:12:08: Write IdentifierDesc: 7
06/01/2014 01:12:08: Read IdentifierDesc: 3
06/01/2014 01:12:08: Write IdentifierDesc: 7
06/01/2014 01:12:09: Read IdentifierDesc: 3
06/01/2014 01:12:09: Write IdentifierDesc: 7
06/01/2014 01:12:09: Read IdentifierDesc: 3
06/01/2014 01:12:09: Write IdentifierDesc: 7
06/01/2014 01:12:11: Read IdentifierDesc: 7
06/01/2014 01:12:11: Write IdentifierDesc: 7
06/01/2014 01:12:14: Read IdentifierDesc: 7
06/01/2014 01:12:14: Write IdentifierDesc: 7
06/01/2014 01:12:15: Read IdentifierDesc: 3
06/01/2014 01:12:15: Write IdentifierDesc: 7
06/01/2014 01:12:16: Read IdentifierDesc: 3
06/01/2014 01:12:16: Write IdentifierDesc: 3
06/01/2014 01:12:17: Read IdentifierDesc: 3
06/01/2014 01:12:17: Write IdentifierDesc 7


androidfan said...

no penalties for nick changer?
nickchanger evaluation=100?
pls banshee explain well

B4n$h33 said...

What's you mean Country Block or else? and what Flag?

B4n$h33 said...

for all users identify as leechers are penalized with no-upload at they so also nickchanger

B4n$h33 said...

this is a normal hard disk log you can disable it in Extended option

bell said...

I'm sorry, I can not disable it. Please, can you explain to me how to do?

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