Showing posts with label Leeching File News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leeching File News. Show all posts

03 July 2011

sharkThief 0.2.8 Music Downloader

sharkThief Downloader for Grooveshark

sharkThief allows you to download music from the online radio service You can select from more than 20 million songs.


#Update 0.2.8

- Music Player interrupts improved /buffer errors fixed !?
- Refresh Downloads after Delete
- Show File Sizes in MB in Downloads
- Fixed sort by track number
- By new downloaded songs the Vreation Time will be directly shown
- Filter function added to remove same Track numbers



25 February 2011

sharkThief 0.2.4 (GrooveShark) Music Downloader

Bei SharkThief handelt es sich um einen GrooveShark Downloader mit vielen Features.
Grooveshark ist eine Online-Plattform auf der man so gut wie jedes Lied streamen kann. Das kleines Tool ermöglicht es euch, diese Streams einfach und schnell herunterzuladen. Der Vorteil ist man muss nicht die Internetseite aufrufen sondern kann direkt im Programm suchen und herunterladen. Die Lieder sind in Top Qualität und der Downloadspeed ist auch 1A.

sharkThief is a Grooveshark downloader with many features.
This little tool allows you to download multiple streams from Grooveshark quickly and easily. The advantage is that you don't have to call up the website but can right away in the program download any song and play a preview. With a advanced song search you can find any song and batch download many songs at one time. Therefore you reach higher speeds as in other Grooveshark downloading tools. The songs are in top quality and the download speed is very fast. The program require .net frameworks 3.5 and runs on any Windows version.

Da das Programm auf WPF basiert, wird das .Net Framwork 3.5 benötigt.
Das nennenswerteste an dem Tool sind die parallelen Downloads mit den denen gegenüber anderer GrooveShark Downloader viel höhere Downloadgeschwindigkeiten erreicht werden können.


#Update 0.2:
-Komplett überarbeitete Version

#Update 0.2.1:
-Move to Top Botton
-Updater in seperate exe ausgelagert
-Bei Error probiert er jetzt 3mal
-Option für Filter Duplicates Automatisch
-Anzahl der Selektierten Items bei Search
-Einige Bugs gefixxt

#Update 0.2.2
-Music Player integriert
-Song Preview in der Suche integriert
-Song vom Selben Interpreten Finden Button
-Ausgewählte Items am Anfang des DLM einfügen
-Downloads Refresh Button
-Custom Save Format Funktion
-Link zur Website hinzugefügt
-Viele Bugfixes

#Update 0.2.3
-Button im Music Player zum Hinzufügen zur Downloadliste.
-Speedbegrenzung (für die, die nicht die dickste Leitung haben )
-Bug behoben wenn das Programm lange offen ist
-Eigenes Container Format (.stc)
-Year und Tracknumber beim Custom Saveformat
-Einige kleine Bugfixes

#Update 0.2.4
-Funktionierendes Container Format
-Batch Search
-Lied in Downloads abspielen mit Doppelklick
-Paar Designe Änderungen
-Einige kleine Bugfixes


Download Mirror | Mirror

Better Grooveshark 1.45 premium mode

- add temporary premium license (merge from v1.32)
- remove redundant ads feature - replaced with premium mode

other changes see Better Grooveshark
Since version 1.45 every feature may be optionally set in the "BetterGS" menu (button is located in the upper right)

Install user-script (Chrome, Firefox, Opera)
Install Firefox extension (Firefox 3 - 4.0)

11 January 2011

SciLor's grooveshark Downloader

SciLor's grooveshark™.com Downloader

SciLor's grooveshark™.com Downloader is a tool for downloading and playing music from Grooveshark™.com.
It offers several languages (such as: catalan, french, german, germanbavarian, portuguese, spanish, swedish).
You will need the .NET Framework 4.0


v0.4.8 Beta(2011-01-04)
-Enhancement: Faster inital connect :)
-Fix: Improved autoartistsearch (crashes/bugs)


v0.4.7 Beta(2011-01-04)
-Feature: Language Engine :), including some translations(catalan, french, german, germanbavarian, portuguese, spanish, swedish) Thanks fly out to all translators!
-Feature: Click on Search result marks/unmarks it
-Feature: Mark your results, right click and Select!
-Feature: Search Autocomplete :)
-Enhancement: Better resizing of the Controls to fit longer/shorter language strings ;)

v0.4.6 Beta(2010-12-22)
-Feature: Go to download directory(May have problems with long paths) under the "Extra" menu entry ("mniGoToDownloadDir" in the Skinfile!)
-Fix: Change on the grooveshark(tm).com Website made some problems ;)

v0.4.5 Beta(2010-12-15)
-Fix: Problems with loading Skin if starting from Shortcut(thanks fly out to anerathil)

v0.4.4 Beta(2010-12-12)
-Feature: Import Batch Search & Add from file (New button in the skin "btnImportBatch")
-Feature: Skip/Overwrite/Autorename existing files (New radiobuttons "rbtExistingSkip"/"rbtExistingOverwrite"/"rbtExistingAutoRename"
-Fix: Counting from one instead of zero (deleting)

v0.4.3 Beta(2010-12-03)
-Fix: Cowbell error fixed ;)

v0.4.2 Beta(2010-12-02)
-Feature: Right click any song to search for all songs having the same album or same artist :)
-Enhancement: Timeout set to 10 from 5 seconds
-Fix: Possible crash on Timeout on reconnect
-Fix: Broken downloadlists should be handled correctly now!

v0.4.1 Beta(2010-11-25)
-Feature: Recover Downloadlist on Startup(May need admin rights!)
-Enhancement: Most things are now working in an extra thread (Downloading etc.) to make the app more responsible
-Fix: Icon was broken
-Fix: Sorting of the download list would cause errors, now it's disabled

v0.4.0 Beta(2010-11-23)
-New: .Net Framework 4.0 should be needed (untested)
-New: Completely new WPF based Window that can be skinned by your needs if you are able to write in XAML
-Enhancement: Auto reconnect on token error. If it fails 2 times in a row an error is thrown

v0.3.9 Beta(2010-10-21)
-Fix: Wrong sorted playlists fixed
-Fix: Possible crash on loading playlists.

v0.3.8 Beta(2010-10-21)
-Enhancement: Auto check for updates on startup
-Feature: Download your playlists from grooveshark(tm).com :)

v0.3.7 Beta(2010-10-12)
-Enhancement: Select All etc.
-Feature: Batch Search & Add.
-Feature: Custom Icon via "customIcon.ico"

v0.3.6 Beta(2010-09-16)
-Enhancement: Experimental reconnect dialog on invalid token
-Enhancement: Reconnect Button

v0.3.5 Beta(2010-09-07)
-Enhancement: misterious "privacy" ;)
-Fix: New revision

v0.3.4 Beta(2010-07-10)
-Enhancement: Better error handling (especially on wrong incoming data)
-New: Uncheck all checked search results after adding them to the download list (Can be disabled in the settings)
-Fix: Filename handling now allows directories again.

v0.3.3 Beta(2010-07-06)
-Enhancement: Better error handling
-Feature: Check by click on entry
-Feature: Immediately download abortion
-New: Nice icon
-Fix: Config.xml and missing administration rights
-Fix: Real use of repaired filenames

v0.3.2 Beta(2010-06-26)
-New: Settings dialog, including selection of the download directory and the song renaming patterns
-Feature: Popular song search
-Feature: Delete songs of the download list with a click
-Enhancement: Better error handling and Debug log
-Fix: Enter key to start search

v0.3.1 Beta(2010-06-23)
-Quickfix: Crash on any search...

v0.3.1 Alpha(2010-06-23)
-Enhancement: New revision, country fix included ;)
-Fix: Crashes on illegal file characters in track names
-Fix: Language specific characters fixed (letters with circumflexes, points, umlauts etc.)

v0.3 Alpha(2010-05-09)
-Enhancement: New API and new form.

v0.2.3 Beta(2010-04-15)
-Enhancement: GrooveFix.xml for easy fix for token and client problems.
-Fix: New clientRevision on grooveshark(tm).com
-Fix: New staticRandomizer on grooveshark(tm).com

v0.2.2 Beta(2010-03-24)
-Fix: I fixed another revision change :)
-Feature: SciLor's Update Checker included ;)

v0.2.1 Beta(2010-02-23)
-Fix: Big change adjusted, working but it is very dirty ;)

v0.2 Beta(2010-01-31)
-Fix: I fixed another revision change :)
-Fix: I fixed a token change :)

v0.2 Alpha (2009-12-11)
-Fix: New Grooveshark Client Revision

v0.1 Alpha (2009-11-15)
-Initial Release


Better Grooveshark (Grooveshark in Premium Mode)

UserScript Opera, Firefox and Chrome

Adds lyrics, a premium mode and tab titles to grooveshark.
Emulates a temporary premium mode thus removes the ads completely, Hides the advertisments, shows the current songs info in the browsers title bar and enables some premium features like support and crossfading.

Because Grooveshark nearly got rid of its Flash-based API, it is now possible to do a lot of nice stuff with its platform. The main goal of course should be improving user experience - that's what aim to achieve with such a user script like "Better Grooveshark".

Homepage - Changelog

uncut version 1.32 with Emulates a clientside premium mode

Install | Mirror

Change the original service which collects the lyrics from

Install | Mirror

As Firefox Extension (converted with


29 December 2010

sharkThief (GrooveShark) Music Downloader

Ich möchte euch hier mein kleines Projekt Vorstellen: SharkThief
Bei SharkThief handelt es sich um einen GrooveShark Downloader mit vielen Features.
Grooveshark ist eine Online-Plattform auf der man so gut wie jedes Lied streamen kann. Mein kleines Tool ermöglicht es euch, diese Streams einfach und schnell herunterzuladen. Der Vorteil ist man muss nicht die Internetseite aufrufen sondern kann direkt im Programm suchen und herunterladen. Die Lieder sind in Top Qualität und der Downloadspeed ist auch 1A.

Da das Programm auf WPF basiert, wird das .Net Framwork 3.5 benötigt.
Da es sich noch um eine sehr frühe Version des Tools handelt, ist ein Updater integriert der beim Programmstart automatisch auf Updates prüft.
Ich werde mich bemühen das Programm auch in Zukunft zu verbessern und würde mich über Feedback eurerseits freuen.
Das nennenswerteste an dem Tool sind die parallelen Downloads mit den denen gegenüber anderer GrooveShark Downloader viel höhere Downloadgeschwindigkeiten erreicht werden können.

Hier eine Liste der nennenswerten Features:

- Bis zu 10 parallelen Downloads möglich
- Schnelle Suche
- Updater
- Speicherformat selbst bestimmbar
- Echtzeitsuche in den Downloads

How to use this Tool:
- search Song, Artist or Album
- select the song you want
- press Download Button to add files to the Download Manager
- press Start Button to start
- you can find the finish downloads listed in the downloads tab

New in this Version:
- Window size can change
- fixed bug in filter duplicates
- delete entry with delete key
- add songs with space
- better design

- up to 10 parallel downloads possible
- fast searching
- updater
- custom saving formats
- live search in downloads


#Update 29.07.2010:
-Man kann jetzt die Position von einem Download im Download Manager verändern.
-Updater für die zusätzliche .dll angepasst
-paar Kleinigkeiten

#Update 30.07.2010:
-Speedmeter hinzugefügt
-Man kann die Download Liste jetzt speichern und später weiter laden
-Man hat im Download Manager jetzt ein Contextmenu womit man die meisten Aktion ausführen kann.
-Man kann Downloads jetzt mit Doppelklick zum Download Manager hinzufügen
-Man kann einzelne Downloads jetzt stoppen
-Bug im Updater behoben

#Update 01.08.2010:
-die Fenstergröße kann jetzt verändert werden
-Ein Bug beim Filtern der Duplicates wurde gefixt
-Man kann Downloads im Download Manager jetzt mit Enft entfernen
-Man kann Lieder jetzt mit der Leertaste zum Download Manager hinzufügen
-Das Design wurde verbessert

#Update 07.09.2010
Kleine Änderung das alles wieder geht

#Event 14.09.2010
Die ersten 1000 Downloads von SharkThief wurden heute erreicht!

#Update 28.09.2010
Fehler beim Updater behoben und somit wieder funktionstüchtig! Update kann nicht über den Updater
eingespielt werden, ein neuer Download muss gemacht werden.

#Event 29.10.2010
2500 Downloads wurden erreicht!

#Update 22.12.2010
Kleinen Bug behoben

#Update 23.12.2010
Update weil mein Webspace Anbieter mich gekickt hat.
Das Update kann nicht über den Updater gezogen werden.


Download - Mirror

SFX as self extracter

update: sharkThief_0.2.rar

23 December 2010

TuneUp Utilities 2010 GiveAway Free Licenses

TuneUp Utilities 2010 Christmas Give Away from Chips (German PC Magazine)

Get a free license for TuneUp Utilities 2010

1. Enter your email Address here:

2. Click the Link in your email from TuneUp Utilities to register

25 November 2010

Get Dropbox Free online storage 3.25 GB include 1GB extra space

1. Sign up using this referral link then you get 250 mb more space from beginning and install Dropbox: After this step you have 2.25 GB space

Ger Dropbox Free 2.25 GB online storage for Backup, Sync and Share.
Ger Dropbox Free 2.25 GB online storage for Backup, Sync and Share

Get extra space free!

2. Complete some simple tasks and instantly boost your Dropbox space!

- Connect your Twitter account with Dropbox
- Connect your Facebook account with Dropbox
- Follow @Dropbox on Twitter
- Tell us why you love Dropbox
- Like Dropbox? Tell your friends on Facebook
- Tweet about Dropbox for more free space!

3. And extra 256 MB by completing:

Complete these quests and become a Dropbox guru!

1. Take the Dropbox tour
2. Install Dropbox on your computer
3. Put files in your Dropbox folder
4. Install Dropbox on other computers you use
5. Share a folder with friends or colleagues
6. Invite some friends to join Dropbox

voila 3.25 GB free space

17 November 2010

Yahoo Messenger 11 Beta Ads Free

Yahoo! has today released a new beta of Yahoo Messenger 11 which is now available for free download. Yahoo! Messenger is a popular Instant messaging client and the new beta version make it more exciting.

Yahoo messenger 11 beta

Apart from instant message, text, and making voice and video calls, you can now play most popular social games brought by Zynga, Elex, and OMGPOP right within Yahoo! Messenger. These games include:

Fishville and Mafia Wars from Zynga – Coming soon
Balloono, Pool, Draw My Thing from OMGPOP
Happy Harvest & Happy Manor from Elex

Yahoo! Messenger 11 allows you to manage all your social networks from one place and stay connected with a groups of friends across various social networks.

Keep up with friends wherever they are – View, comment on and like updates from Yahoo! Pulse, Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, and more, all from one place, right within Yahoo! Messenger.
Post one status to multiple social networks – Share your Messenger status simultaneously on Yahoo! Pulse, Facebook, and Twitter.
Chat with Facebook friends – In addition to your friends on Windows Live, you can now IM your Facebook friends right within Yahoo! Messenger.

It supports PC, iPhone, and now Android so you can stay connected anytime, anywhere. Make free video calls, and share photos and videos between different devices and converse virtually anywhere. You can stay signed in to multiple PCs simultaneously and can easily access recent conversations from any PC.


Online installer:

Offline installer:



Ad Banner Remover Plus Current Version

Advert Options

Remove Main Messenger Advert
Replace Change Room Banner
Remove Chat Room Advert
Replace Webcam Adverts
Replace Video Call Advert - ( Yahoo Messenger 11 and 10 Only )
Remove IM Statusbar Advert - ( Yahoo Messenger 11 and 10 Only )

Other Options

Enable / Disable Multiple Instances of Yahoo Messenger 11, 10, 9, or 8
Disable "Automatically start Yahoo Messenger" - ( When Windows Starts )
Enable / Disable Smiley Search - ( Yahoo Messenger 11 and 10 Only )

Yahoo UI Options - ( Yahoo Messenger 11 and 10 Only )

Remove Insider Button
Remove Email Button
Remove Mobile Button
Remove Voice Button
Remove Contact Card
Remove Plugins Toolbar
Remove Contacts Tab
Remove YUpdates Tab
Remove System Notifications


Yahoo Messenger is supported.

Latest Version Ad Banner Remover Plus Download

01 November 2010

RockMelt Download


RockMelt is a social browser that integrates Facebook and Twitter, making them a part of your browser interface, not separate tabs.

Built on the open source Chromium project, RockMelt is unusual for a browser in that you have to log in to use it properly. It looks like Google Chrome with two slim sidebars. On the left is a Facebook bar with all your online friends, and on the right a notifications bar, that houses pop-ups for your Facebook wall, Twitter feed plus any RSS feeds you want. You cannot add email at the moment.

Clicking the Facebook or Twitter button opens a neat window for the appropriate feed. You can disconnect these window, and float them anywhere on your desktop. The same is true of chats on the left sidebar. Next to the address bar RockMelt has a Share button, allowing you to quickly post interesting links to Facebook or Twitter.

If you're a heavy Twitter and Facebook user, RockMelt will really suit you. It's fast, very well thought-out and the social integration is better than anything else available. It may be in Beta, but RockMelt looks and feels like a finished product already.

RockMelt is a genuinely excellent social browser, building on the already great Chrome to make a uniquely attractive and useful application. Essential.


OS requirements for RockMelt:

Homepage: |

Online Installer Download: RockMeltSetup.exe


Required Beta Invitation by sign up here:

12 May 2010

Tween Final / Beta

ImageBanana - tween.pngTween is a desktop client application for Twitter.
Tween does not requirement Adobe Air!
Many features, check it out!

Changelog Ver (2010/05/03)

* Web abolished mode
* OAuth (xAuth) support (API limit to 350.) You can choose to continue BASIC authentication. Since each connected to a common API, API restrictions are common.
* Lists support. Types tab in the tab when creating the Select Lists
* home_timeline, mentions, DirectMessage, official search, lists that goes back to the (Shift-F5, Shift-r) (DM on Twitter can get the specifications for different movements.)
* Image preview implementation (imgur/twitpic/yfrog/tweetphoto/Mobypicture/Scenic Mobile 100/Photo Life Hatena/photoshare/ Nico Douga/flickr/pixiv/TwitVideo). Get the timeout is 5 seconds.
o pixiv: those images tagged with R-18, links to member pages will not work
o flickr: photostream if you have multiple images, such as only recognizes the first image
* In the list i was able to move the input area and press
* Resources in Chinese (zh-CHS) added. Excluded from automatic updates. A separate download. Zh-CHS Tween same folder create a folder, please place the downloaded DLL.
* You can set the refresh interval to 15 seconds (Test Implementation)
* Nico manual ID (sm / nm) to make up for the link (Test Implementation)
* Fixed some clearer messages
* When you open a text URL, link text to display the list of screen if you have multiple links. Verbatim @ hashtags user or shortened URL is modified to display both before and after reduction
* reduced uptake Logic
* GIF invalid addresses issues throughout the red Xs will animate
* Search tab from the combo box OR PublicSearch fixes may conduct searches
* Change the background color for review, "he remarks," added the background color is not overwritten by another
* Clear Content tab, and tab to display the name of the tab and delete contact dialog
* flickr seen as "@" URL that contains a bug fix did not correctly recognize the
* Current total number of unread task tray icon tooltip, @ to display the number of unread
* Some of the URL if TwitterID was fixed to recognize and point to
* Fixed word search disappears if the search by specifying a search query from the combo box list of the official search tab
* Improved user interface consistent with the actual operational conditions. Specifically as follows.
o Not even one time when you delete off the menu tab tab undelete
o Protect the focus of remarks by saying if you set ReTweet to Protect statements include, RT disable the relevant menu
o Depending on the situation in detail view context menu "ID to create filtering rules" to disable
o If their statement said that the focus off the Delete menu
o PublicSearch tab, in_reply_to_status_id if the statement is not set to "open a status reply from the" Disable
o If the official remarks RT "RT who open the home" to disable

RT official * off this remarks to prevent

* Change the timeout to 5 seconds icon image acquisition
* FAV startup setting bug fixes get ignored
*,,,,, the URL for the expansion
* RT official when a reply to ALL, RT modified to add the people that reply
* And will return an authentication error, bug fixes since the update no longer
* ! ProxyAPI In response, API set to add the URL to connect to some of the replacement
* 1 API similar-second request to cancel
* RT official in reply to QT, in_reply_to Tsukanai a bug fix
* Break the problem and support to start minimized (Tween can be started and minimized in the shortcut's properties to set.)
* When you submit a URL automatically shortened when the last URL bug fixes may not only shorten
* Adjust URL and link detection logic
* Anforo ID screen and follow the specified ID can change, bug fix ID does not change the results screen
* Fixed display speed
* To avoid the exception error clipboard operations
Development version. May contain bugs. Fixed a bug that it encodes a portion of the speech analysis.
Minor fixes to the behavior of the User Information dialog.


(This Description is auto-translated)

23 April 2010

Firefox 3.6.4 build1 private build (PGO) by Tete


* Windows 2000 and later recommended.
* No installer.
* Recommend changing the value of "general.useragent.extra.firefox" from "Namoroka/…" and other strings to "Firefox/…", and some sites and add-ons will work properly.
* If you execute 'Module binder for Private Build' and finish modules binding, Firefox may be started faster.
* An incompatible nssckbi.dll installed in a different directory can impede the startup of a new build. If so, please rename the old nssckbi.dll temporarily before trying to run the new build.
* Applied Miyasaka's "IJG's JPEG software with x86 SIMD extension V.1.02".
* Added patches into a Source folder.

Last updated: April 23, 2010

Firefox 3.6.4 build1 [2010042219 en-US win32 tete009 sse2 pgo] (8.1MB)

* MD5: c3e1e77b2287c2137b59381f136ace8e
* SHA1: 1b02f6a420c99164809e89245efecb15850403ed

Firefox 3.6.4 build1 [2010042300 en-US win32 tete009 sse pgo] (7.9MB)

* MD5: 385310143d56f378c4f858f505f15535
* SHA1: 5611575bc36327bb5cdc0014cd168a5c3d5ca99d


* Made libpixman and libtheora into DLL to make it easier to test.


Opera Theme for Firefox:

19 April 2010

Riot 0.4.0 - Radical Image Optimization Tool - A must have tool!

„Radical Image Optimization Tool (RIOT for short) is a free image optimizer that will let you to visually adjust compression parameters while keeping minimum filesize.

It uses with a side by side (dual view) or single view interface to compare the original with the optimized image in real time and instantly see the resulting file size.

It is lightweight, fast and simple to use, yet powerful for advanced users. You will be able to control compression, number of colors, metadata settings and much more, and select image format (JPG, GIF or PNG) for your output file.“

RIOT is a must have tool not only for webmasters, forum and blogs to speed up page load time by reducing graphic image file sizes (website design themes, screenshots, etc...).

Software developer can check their embedded graphics in applications if optimization is possible to reduce overall filesize without or with a minimum quality lose.

However already small graphics below 1/2kb can be checked with if further optimization is possible.

By GIF's optimization you may have a look to SuperGIF.



Download page:

06 April 2010

PNGGauntlet 2.1.3 (May 27, 2010)

PNGGauntlet is a .NET program that uses Ken Silverman's PNGOUT command line utility to optimize PNG files. Many PNG files output by popular graphics software packages like Photoshop or Fireworks are not as small as they could be - PNGGauntlet squeezes the last bit of size out of them. Furthermore, no information is lost during this process - the only thing that changes is the file size. Just select the files you want to optimize (or drag them onto the window), select where you want them to go, and click the button. PNGauntlet can also be used to convert JPG, GIF, TGA, PCX, and BMP files to PNG.

PNGGauntlet 2.1.2 & 2.1.3 (May 27, 2010)

* [Fix] Remove a debug output that shouldn't have shipped.

PNGGauntlet 2.1 (April 4, 2010)


* [Feature] In Windows 7, the PNGGauntlet taskbar icon shows the progress of compressing files.
* [Feature] Each column can now be sorted, with a visual indication of the sort order like you'd expect.
* [Feature] Option for preserving file times when optimizing.
* [Feature] PNGGauntlet is now listed in the "Open With..." right-click menu for PNG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, PCX and Targa image files, allowing you to quickly start it with that file pre-loaded.
* [Feature] If filenames are provided as arguments to pnggauntlet.exe, they are automatically included in the list of files to compress. You can use this to make a right-click "Compress with PNGGauntlet" command.
* [Feature] Due to some confusion over this feature, when files get larger after being compressed PNGGauntlet now explains that it copied the originals to the output, not the larger files.
* [Feature] When no images are queued for compressing, text appears instructing you to drag and drop files onto PNGGauntlet.
* [Feature] The installer now prompts to launch PNGGauntlet immediately.
* [Feature] Overall progress bar resets when files are added or removed.
* [Feature] Start the output directory dialog on the currently-selected directory if there is one, or My Pictures if there isn't.
* [Feature] Doesn't let you choose an empty or nonexistant output directory. If the directory doesn't exist, it prompts to create it.
* [Feature] The list of files can be scrolled with the mouse wheel.
* [Feature] Prettier list view drawing.
* [Fix] Don't do anything if no files are selected to compress.
* [Fix] Arrows on the Advanced Options button match the current state even if you close the options dialog with the close box.
* [Fix] Fixed URL in the About dialog
* [Internal] PNGGauntlet now requires .NET Client Framework 3.5.
* [Internal] Lots of cleanup around how the GlacialList control draws, with fewer P/Invoke calls.


04 April 2010

Paint.NET 3.55.3742.31372 Beta

Paint.NET Beta 3.55
The best free image and photo editor by Rick Brewster.

Changes in Paint.NET 3.5.5 Beta build 3742:

* Fixed the bug where saving as 8-bit PNG/GIF/BMP wasn't always working. This often happened when "Auto" bit-depth was chosen, and based on the color complexity of the image it would choose 8-bit (for smaller file-size) and then fail with "error". Usually this only happened with larger images. This was discussed here on the forum at

* Improved performance of Gaussian Blur by 30-40% depending on your CPU (Intel Core i7 seems to show the best improvement).

* Improved performance of all the layer blend modes by 15-30%, depending on your CPU (Intel Atom seems to show the best improvement!).

* Improved performance of zooming with the mouse wheel on dual-core Intel Atom systems.


23 March 2010

Imagine - Image & Animation Viewer for Windows


- View and save image/animation files with very fast speed
- Support for numerous image/animation file formats:
GIF, BMP, PNG, JPG, TIF, TGA, PCX, ICO, ANI, FLI, APNG, and many more...
- Extract single/all frames from animation files
- Show detailed information of image/animation files
- Show EXIF information
- Show or hide transparency
- Support ZIP, RAR, 7Z, ALZ, HV3, CBZ, CBR, CB7 file
- 64-bit version available
- Unicode version available
- Multilingual support:
English, German, Spanish, Russian, Danish, Korean, Chinese, and many more...
- Thumbnail browser
- Capture screen
- Batch conversion
- Slideshow
- Tiled view (check textures for seamless tiling,
very useful for game developers/modders)
- Create animations
- Create multiple page images
- Manipulate and edit images:
+ Flip vertical and horizontal
+ Rotate left, right and free
+ Grayscale
+ Negative
+ Change color depth (1, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 32 bit)
+ Swap colors
+ Resize per pixel, percentage or standard dimensions. Several resample filters available.
+ Effect filters, including a handy Preview browser
+ Import, export and edit palettes
+ Set and remove transparency
+ and more ...
- Customizable shortcuts for Keyboard and Mouse
- Command line parameter support
- Shell extension support
- Add-on plugin support
- Total Commander lister and packer plugin
- No write unnecessary registry (ini-based configuration)
- Fully optimized binaries (tiny, pure, fast, neat)

System requirements:
- CPU: Pentium compatible
- Memory: 32MB or higher
- OS: Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT 4.0/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7
- Display: 256 color or higher

Chun Sejin (Korea)

Latest changelog:

Latest version download

Current latest WIP (Work-In-Progress) version

13 October 2009

Paint.NET v3.5 Beta 3 Build 3572


1. Preferred: Use the built-in updater from within Paint.NET. If you are using version 3.36, go to the Help menu and then Check for Updates. You will need to click on the Options button, and then make sure that ""Also check for pre-release (beta) versions" is enabled. For v3.5 alpha/beta, go to the Utilities menu instead of the Help menu.

2. Download directly: . There is no need to uninstall the old version; that will be taken care of automatically.

Changes/fixes since version 3.5 Beta 2:
* Fixed a performance glitch with some tools, where the action and subsequent undo/redo would be slow.
* Improved temporary memory usage of commands in the Image menu.
* Reduced disk space use by about 12MB by using NTFS compression on installation files used for staging (.MSI) and diagnostics (.PDB).
* Fixed many tools' clipping, with respect to an active selection.
* Improved compression for PDN files.
* Fixed many small miscellaneous crashes and glitches.

Paint.NET v3.5 Preview Center



Paint.NET OptiPNG Plugin

* Integrates OptiPNG into Paint.NET as a file type plugin.
* Allows customization of optimization options in a user-friendly dialog window.
* Author: [ I Like Pi ]
* Download link: Paint.NET forum.

Idea: Port RIOT 0.3.4 Radical Image Optimization Tool IrfanView plugin DLL version to Paint.NET support!

other plugin packs:

All Plugins (list):

07 October 2009

SQLiteManager 0.5.3 Final for Firefox - SeaMonkey - Komodo Extension *Updated to Final Release Version*

Extension for Firefox and other apps to manage any sqlite database.

Manage all your sqlite databases using this lightweight extension for firefox, thunderbird, seamonkey, songbird, komodo etc. (See the complete list of supported applications) This extension will be useful to developers who want to create and play with sqlite databases.

SQLite Manager is available as a XULRunner application too. The file with XR in its name is the zip of the XULRunner application.


* dialogs for creation, deletion of tables, indexes, views and triggers
* ability to rename, copy, reindex tables
* ability to add and drop columns
* create new db, open any existing db, copy an existing db
* supports writing your own queries (single or multiple)
* supports saving the queries with a name
* a tab for database settings (no need to write the pragma statements) where you can view and change the sqlite library settings
* export tables/views as csv, sql or xml files
* import tables from csv, sql or xml files
* a dropdown menu showing all profile db (.sqlite)
* an intuitive heirarchical tree showing all tables, indexes, views and triggers
* ability to see the master tables
* ability to see the temporary tables, indexes, views and triggers
* ability to browse data from any table/view
* dialogs to allow searching in a table/view
* allows editing and deleting selected record while browsing a table's data
* allows adding, saving and changing blob data
* an extensive menu that helps with writing sql by hand and then executing it
* remembers the last used db, table and the tab (structure, browse & search, etc.) across sessions

More and more developers will start using SQLite. To help them manage their databases through a Mozilla extension is the motivation behind this add-on extension.

SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine. An SQLite database is a single ordinary disk file that can be located anywhere in the directory hierarchy.

Read More/FAQ:


SQLiteManager_0.5.3.xpi SQLiteManager 0.5.3 SQLiteManager as XULRunner App 0.5.3
SQLiteManager_0.4.8-ko.xpi SQLite Manager for Komodo 5.x


05 October 2009

Dropbox 0.6.557 & 0.7.30 Beta - Free online storrage and Sync 2.25 GB

Dropbox works seamlessly with your operating system and automatically makes sure your files are up-to-date. Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux with bonus space up to a limit of 3 GB!

online storage, free storage, file sharing, share files, cloud storage, online backup, cross platform, sync, sharing, mac, windows, os x, linux, backup, restore

* Never e-mail yourself a file again
* Automatically backup your files online
* Keep files synced between computers
* Share files easily with others
* NEW: Sync files with your iPhone

Change logs

- Performance/CPU improvements to LAN sync (let us know if it's faster)
- Added preference to enable/disable LAN sync
- Fix to Recently Changed Files explorer selection with non-ascii characters on windows
- Another attempt to fix lingering Office 2007/sharing violation bug
- Windows/OS X binaries are now properly signed (this should prevent the OS X popup re. LAN sync)
- Minor stability fixes

Sync your files and share online and across computers with Dropbox. 2,25 GB free account sign up now

04 October 2009

Firefox 3.7a1 Minefield comes with Lightweight theme personas integrated! advanced maintenance task to vacuum and check integrity


Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de-DE; rv:1.9.3a1pre) Gecko/20091004 Firefox/3.7.3 - Build ID: 20091004050715

check it out:
Bug 501490 - Enable Taskbar Previews for Windows 7

install one latest svr build after Mon, 05 Oct 2009 builds

by the files, check file date after 01. Oct. 2009

Personas test page

There is a big Gallery for different themes here:

select any theme!

You do NOT need Personas Firefox Add-on installed in Firefox 3.7a1 Minefield!

You can uninstall Personas Add-on because it's integrated in Latest Minefield 3.7 Alphas

Personas test page - It's cool.


Firefox 3.7a1 Minefield comes with sqlite database advanced maintenance task to vacuum and check integrity

ImageBanana - vaccuminfirefox.png
Description From Marco Bonardo:
"We often have to point people to how vacuum or check integrity on their
database, we could just add an additional method to PlacesDBUtils, and point
people to run that method in the error console.

It would run an integrity check, reporting results in the console, and
eventually a REINDEX if the integrity check fails. Then it would run a vacuum.

Eventually in future this could even be added to a button in the new
about:support page

Notice this would never be run automatically."

Bug 516932 - Add an advanced maintenance task to vacuum and check integrity, for support purposes r=dietrich
Adds a PlacesDBUtils.checkAndFixDatabase() that can be used by support team to help debugging Places database issues.

Screenshot maintenance sqlite databases vacuum and integrity inside firefox 3.7a1 after builds from Mon, 05 Oct 2009 12:12:55 +0200 - rev 33460:

1. open the error console

2. past the full command in the error console:

Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/PlacesDBUtils.jsm"); PlacesDBUtils.checkAndFixDatabase();

Great new stuff is coming!!!

(now i can uninstall addons like Vaccum Places Improved -- except the automatically feature)

How to make some nice/funny animation graphics in about screen like something animated.gif

close firefox.

open this folder path:

rename about.png to anything else as backup ie.: about.png1

drag and drop for example:

inside this folder and rename 1219229152.gif to-> about.png

save and close, start firefox.
