Showing posts with label Leeching File News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leeching File News. Show all posts

04 October 2009

Firefox 3.5.3 private build by Tete


Updated Firefox 3.5.3 private build. Applied part of the patch of Bug 406271 and speed up the processing of the regular expression.


| Mirror

SSE2: | Mirror

64 bit Firefox Builds:

02 October 2009

Paint.NET 3.5 Beta 2 Build 3561

Paint.NET v3.5 (Build 3561) Beta 2
Paint.NET v3.5 Beta 2 (Build 3561)

Paint.NET v3.5 (Beta Release Build 3.50.3561.34659)

1. Preferred: Use the built-in updater from within Paint.NET. If you are using version 3.36, go to the Help menu and then Check for Updates. You will need to click on the Options button, and then make sure that "Also check for pre-release (beta) versions" is enabled. For v3.5 alpha/beta, go to the Utilities menu instead of the Help menu.

2. Download directly: . There is no need to uninstall the old version; that will be taken care of automatically.

Changes/fixes since version 3.5 Beta 1:

* The menu bar was rendering incorrectly for certain themes (Windows 7 / Vista).
* Some items were not showing up in the 'Recent Items' jump list (Windows 7).
* Clicking on the canvas straight from the menu would cause the paintbrush to draw a long streak.
* Copy+Paste would sometimes miss a pixel edge on the right/bottom sides, when using Fixed Ratio / Fixed Size modes.
* Fixed a crash when moving pixels off-canvas, switching tools, then trying to move the pixels back onto the canvas.
* Fixed some messed up rendering for IndirectUI effect dialogs (Windows XP).
* Performance is improved when switching between images that have lots of layers.
* Aero 'snap' wasn't working when dragging part of the glassy area of the toolbar (Windows 7).
* Added a new menu item, Window -> Glass Dialog Buttons. You can use this to disable the "glass footers" for dialogs (Windows 7 / Vista).
* Glass Dialog Buttons are now disabled when font smoothing is disabled.
* If an e-mail program isn't installed, the error message for Help->Send Feedback is more informative.
* "Centimeters" was being truncated in the toolbar.
* The shape tools were not using pixel snapping.
* Layer names with ampersands were not showing up correctly.
* Updated the internal list of incompatible and unstable plugins, which are then blocked from loading.
* Fixed a crash with the Rectangle Select tool if "Fixed Size" mode was used and negative numbers were entered.
* Fixed an access violation due to a race condition in finalizing effect rendering versus un-write protecting the layer's pixels.
* Fixed an access violation in the renderer for the background transparency "checkers".
* Fixed a crash when you would resize a selection to 0-width and/or 0-height, then expand it.
* Fixed a crash due to an overflow that prevented very large images from working (64-bit only).
* Fixed a crash with scanning/printing.
* Fixed the status bar's progress bar showing up and doing nothing for codecs that don't report saving progress, such as JPEG.
* Fixed a major issue with the readability of the "update is available" dialog in any non-English language.
* Fixed a crash with the Zoom tool.
* Fixed some really weird scroll-flickering with the Text tool.

Homepage/News-Source/BBS: Paint.NET v3.5 Preview Center

01 October 2009

*UPDATE* Tween the client of twitter | pbtweet for Twitter user script and bookmarklet for Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome


I did search for an open source desktop client for twitter in a small size and many config options without requirements of extra installations such as Adobe Air and if possible without installer in a small compact simple GUI (User Interface).
I do not put much emphasis on design but on the functionality.

A friends gave me the right links:*[Twitter]

* OS: Windows 2k/XP/Vista
* .Net Framework 2.0 SP1(or later)

Application Size about 1,5 MB

Client of Twitter. Free software(GPL3)
Twitter: kiri_feather
Developer: Takeshi KIRIYA (
Developer: Moz (

Twitter, ソフトウェア, Tween

Tween is the client program of twitter.
Software requirements

* OS: Windows 2k/XP/Vista
* .Net Framework2.0 SP1(or later)


Not use twitter API, but get the html(/home,/replies,/directmessage) from twitter web page and scrape it.

State is beta, so if you have any problems or requests, please contact to @kiri_feather freely.

The icons using in Tween are created by Minami. (Thanks a lot!)

You can replace the icons in Tween. Make a folder in the binary placed folder, and rename 'icons', then put some icons in the folder.

You can get extra icons here.

Latest version

ChangeLog (tween -
Ver (2009/10/2)

* When implementing new unread Clear
* Add the list Pejisukurorushotokatto (PageUp / Down equivalent): f / b
* Fixed column width saved
* Web has become impossible to determine who set the protected mode to change Web tracking
* Web enabled so when Sun was able to make voice mode
* and explicitly separated
* The default operating mode to change mode from the Web API mode
* The two alternatives filters operate at reduced to one hit. Those who always hit the mark hit "♪" extension.
API * follower new method to obtain information of the paging method (cursor) has been changed. (API for change)

Ver (2009/9/13)

* For submission details, right-click menu follow / remove / friendship command added. Remarks of other features selected in the same command to set the id change.
* Right-click on the tab name change heading tab, right-click on the tab bug fix and the sun was not the currently selected tab
* Change from time to time to perform a save set. (Set some remarks made during the acquisition.) Pulled to save settings on exit.

More informations (Developer's site. Japanese only)

The website have also great User Scripts

Also have a look to which is supported



Please visit download page for more info and updated versions: -


For iPhone, Safari on MAC:


For Opera, Greasemonkey, Safari and Bookmarklets for Twitter:

pbtweet is small program that enhances your twitter experience. Infinite timeline scrolling, automatic updating, RT/via style quoting tweet, translating tweets, picture thumbnail badges, translation and inline reply chains to
All animation effects are based on Webkit's early implementation of CSS3 transitions.


Install and usage

pbtweet bookmarklet for Safari 4/OmniWeb/Chrome/Stainless

v1.4.10 LT (for Safari 3)
pbtweet bookmarklet for Safari 3


pbtweet userscript for GreaseKit (WebKit framework on Mac OS X),, GreaseMonkey (Firefox add-on) and Chrome userscript.

pbtweet.user.js for GreaseKit (NOT GreaseMonkey).

v1.4.10 LT (for Safari 3)
pbtweet.user.js for GreaseKit (NOT GreaseMonkey) for using low spec GPU or Safari 3.

v1.4.10 for Firefox
pbtweet.user.js for Firefox 3.0 (for GreaseMonkey script)
Firefox version does not run animation.

Installing bookmarklet

1. Save pbtweet as bookmark
drag into bookmark_bar

2. Go to and use bookmarklet.

pbtweet Features

* pbtweet shows conversation chain baloons based on in_reply_to_status_id.
* User setting for loading number of conversation tweets.
* Low bandwith usage with using JSON.
* Enable RT/via style quoting tweets.
* Redundant tweets removing
* Picture shared with Flickr (,, ,, 12seconds and are placed on as badge.
* Automatically [more] page inserted when you scroll down to page bottom.
* Automatically new tweets insert on the top of timeline in each minutes.
* Shorten URL expanding for,, [new in 1.5],, and
* Translating tweets into your language.
* Growl notification on
* Working on many browsers. Supporting Safari, Chrome and other WebKit browsers with using bookmarklet and userscript(if browser supports). Working on Firefox and Opera [new in 1.5] with userscript feature.

Develop version

There is some development version of pbtweet.
These are not stable.

v1.5 dev
pbtweet.user.js for WebKit browsers.
pbtweet bookmarklet for Safari 4/Chrome/Chromium and current WebKit browsers

v1.5 LT Dev(for Safari 3)
pbtweet.user.js for GreaseKit (NOT GreaseMonkey) for using low spec GPU or Safari 3.
pbtweet bookmarklet for Safari 3/OmniWeb

v1.5 Opera Dev(for Opera)
pbtweet.user.js for Opera Userscript.

v1.5 Dev for Firefox GreaseMonkey
pbtweet.user.js for GreaseMonkey on Firefox 3.5

more info and Version History visit homepage:

Japan have very good Software Developers!

TwitterBar Version 2.6.2 - slim mod

with only the needed to keep functionality

- removed some stuff that blow this great extension up:
■ - OneRiot Social Web Search, extra search
■ - trends, extra trends,...

improvements from Version 2.6.2.
extra features reverse back to version 2.1.2
unneeded* features after Version 2.1.2 removed, localizations dito adjusted to features.
(relative in my opinion unneeded)

Addon official changes see:


39,5 KB (40.450 bytes)

Please download/install again.
Fixed Version:
Forgot to merge:
■ different url shorten services
■ $$ = print page title (Added ability to insert current page title by typing "$$".) to TwitterBar Version 2.6.2 - slim mod

TwitterBar Slim Mod is Fixed now!


HelloTxtBar 1.0.1 - Small bug fixes

HelloTxtBar 1.0.1 — June 16, 2009 — 41 KB

Some code cleanings (oneriot related), Option dialog fixes, German local added, gfx optimized.

Fixed u.a. open tab after post, option panel size height, etc...

ImageBanana - options.png
HelloTxtBar 1.0.1 Bug fixes + German Lang. local added:
13,1 KB (13.506 bytes)

HelloTxt Sidebar Version 1.0.6

28 September 2009

UPX 3.04 - Best eXecutable Packer!


the Ultimate Packer for eXecutables

Version 3.04
27 Sep 2009

Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer, László Molnár & John F. Reiser

UPX 3.04 has been released. Please report all problems and bugs in our bug tracker.
The main news in version 3 are:

* optional LZMA compression
* support for BSD systems

Also have a look at the more detailed ChangeLog.

Changes in 3.04 (27 Sep 2009):
* new format Mach/AMD64 supports 64-bit programs on Apple Macintosh.
* new formats Dylib/i386 and Dylib/ppc32 support shared libraries
[such as browser plugins] on Darwin (Apple Macintosh). An existing
-init function (LC_ROUTINES command) is required.
* new format vmlinuz/armel for Debian NSLU2 (etc.) linux kernel
* bvmlinuz boot protocol 2.08 for 386 Linux kernel
* Extended ABI version 4 for armel-eabi ARM Linux ELF
* bug fixes


File Description Win32 console version
upx-3.04-i386_linux.tar.bz2 precompiled i386-linux version
upx-3.04-amd64_linux.tar.bz2 precompiled amd64-linux version
upx-3.04-armeb_linux.tar.bz2 precompiled armeb-linux version
upx-3.04-mipsel_linux.tar.bz2 precompiled mipsel-linux version
upx-3.04-powerpc_linux.tar.bz2 precompiled powerpc-linux version 32-bit DOS version Atari TOS/MiNT version
upx-3.04-src.tar.bz2 source code
(you also need UCL)

RunWithParameters 1.2


by Jan T. Sott

Tiny tool, which allows running any application with
a parameter. Instead of going to the Command Prompt,
users can simply right-click an application and enter
the parameters in the pop-up window.

Unless you are using the setup version, you can install
RunWithParameters using a commandline switch.


This will associate all exe, bat, cmd and com files
with the location the program is run from. You can
undo this with the following commandline switch.


Naturally, the last step can be performed by using
RunWithParameters itself.

Uninstallation using the commandline switch will not
delete the history file. It can be deleted at any
time using the /FLUSH switch.

All versions before 1.0 and all betas do not properly
save parameters containing the |-character.

In version 1.0, a combination of // and /| in a parameter
will lead to errors. This issue depends on a plugin
used and will be fixed at a later time.

Basque by Aitor Gomez Goiri
Bulgarian by Anton Sarov
Chinese (Simplified) by Allen Chue
Czech by Marian Schubert
Danish by Aslak Grinsted
Dutch by Steven Wittens
English by Jan T. Sott
Finnish by K. Salonen
French by Raphael Porcheron
German by Jan T. Sott
Greek by Nemo
Hebrew by Amir Szekely
Hungarian by Charles Berczi
Icelandic by Gretar Orri Kristinsson
Italian by Marco Muraca
Japanese by Daisuke Osada
Norwegian by Saivert
Polish by queze
Portuguese by Antonio Alves
Russian by Takhir Bedertdinov
Slovenian by fsk
Spanish by Gonzalo Muñoz Ferrer
Swedish by Eric Wahlforss
Thai by SoKoOLz
Turkish by Kerimcan Zeytin

Instructor for his text manipulation functions
Deguix for his IOEx Plugin
KiCHiK for being the nicest guy around the NSIS forum

Official Website

SourceForge Project

BerliOS Project

• integrates into Explorer
• remembers last parameters per application
• supports custom filetypes

v1.2 (2009-09-23)
* added support for PimpBot installers
* modified execution level for Vista/Windows 7
* fixed minor bug with drag&drop

v1.1.2 (2007-06-07)
* full vista compatibility

v1.1.1 (2006-12-01)
* improved installer for silent installation

v1.1.0 (2006-11-30)
* support for custom filetypes
* improved uninstaller

v1.0.4 (2006-08-06)
* added version resource
* added tango icon to public source
* improved installer (setup only)
* modified ui

v1.0.3 (2006-07-16)
* stripped down translations
* added upack compression

v1.0.2 (2006-05-03)
* added icelandic translation
* modified basque translation (native)

v1.0.1 (2005-10-24)
* added upx compression
* fixed bugs in history:
-first item in the dropdown was always empty
-empty parameters were added to history
* modified gui

v1.0 (2005-10-09)
* added basque, chinese (simplified) ,czech, danish, dutch,
finnish, french, german, greek, hebrew, hungarian, italian,
japanese, norwegian, polish, portuguese, russian, slovenian,
swedish, thai and turkish translation
* added filter for duplicate entries in history.ini
* added support for custom history items
* added support for .ahk, .bat, .btm, .cmd, .com and .scr files
* added support for multiple users (setup only)
* added support for parameters with |-character
* added error-message for missing input
* added uninstaller (setup only)
* added language-selection (setup only)
* added /help commandline switch ("rwparam.exe /?")
* added website button to help dialog ("rwparam.exe /?")
* modified error-message for missing input
* modified ui
* modified behaviour of parameter field
* fixed windows 9x/me compatibility

v0.5 (2005-07-02)
* added history

v0.25 (2005-06-29)
* added commandline switches for (un)installation

v0.125 (2005-06-29)
* first release

Application is Multilanguage

useful for Chrome.exe, upx.exe, firefox.exe, various AntiVirus Software, 7zip, rar, optipnp.exe, ResHacker.exe... etc. etc... every application that can run with parameters.

sample: *.exe -? or -h shows mostly the available parameters:

SF Homepage:

Google Code Project HP:



25 September 2009

Opera 10.10 Unite Build 1799


star Highlights in this build:

* Many Unicode fixes for Unite
* Unite local (IP-address) connections to Mac should work now. If you have more than one machine on your network, you can see others running Unite by clicking the Unite icon, or right-clicking the Unite panel
* Text-shadows in Opera Widgets on Windows aren't magenta anymore
* Switch to use PNG instead of XPM for the application icon on UNIX. Should improve the icon in most Desktop Environments, it is also a bit buggy at the moment.

Homepage/Changelog/read more:


Opera Unite application repository

24 September 2009

Google Chrome RoboForm for Chromium - Siber Systems AI RoboForm 6.9.97


An alpha release of RoboForm for Chromium is now available.

"RoboForm For Chrome / Chromium Alpha

Updated Sep. 23, 2009
Starting with version 6.9.97, RoboForm works with Chromium browser. Chromium is virtually identical to Google Chrome, but has a slightly different logo*. We released a stable alpha version of Roboform for Chrome (some companies would call it beta).

Development Context
Google Chrome does not yet have a stable and public add-on framework in the same way that Firefox does. Their add-on framework in in development. There are very few add-ons publicly available from any software provider, including us. However, our developers have been in constant communication with Google for the past few months and have done most of the leg work. When Google finalizes their public extensions framework, you can rest assured that RoboForm will work for Google Chrome within a very short time.

How Does It Work, How Will It Work
* Just like with Firefox, we developed Adapter that integrates installed Roboform into Chromium.
* This RoboForm Adapter is currently compiled into Chromium.
* So what you install is a custom version of Chromium with RoboForm Adapter embedded into it.
* Once Google/Apple add certain events that RoboForm needs (they promised to), Adapter will be separated.
* By default RoboForm toolbar appears below Chromium window.

Installation instructions.

1. Install the latest version of RoboForm AiRoboForm-6-9-97.exe 2.79 MB
( )
2. Uninstall previous versions of Chromium.
( )
3. Install the Chromium + RoboForm Adapter build RoboFormForChromium.exe.
4. Run Chromium from the Desktop or Start Menu icon."

News Source: Homepage:
DownloadRoboFormForChromium.exe 9.57 MB

Mozilla SeaMonkey 2.x (2.1,...):
Add the RoboForm Bookmarklet

Add this link to your favorites to use the RoboForm Bookmarklet

All JavaScript Browsers using RoboForm Online

Get the RoboForm Bookmarklet. The RoboForm Bookmarklet allows RoboForm Online users to login to websites automatically using their existing RoboForm logins, even where RoboForm is not installed. The RoboForm Bookmarklet also works on browsers where RoboForm is not currently supported such as Opera, and Safari giving users much greater flexibility.

22 September 2009

Mozilla Firefox 3.6 beta 1 pre | Firefox 3.6 alpha 2 pre - Namoroka


The Firefox version number is "3.6" and the Gecko Platform version number "1.9.2". The release will be shipped as a minor update to users, replacing Firefox 3.5 ("Shiretoko").
Note: links below are early beta builds to test. Binaries are compiled with test debugging code!

Feedback and Test Reports:

Namoroka is to be an incremental release, building upon the success of Firefox 3.5.

Namoroka focus on the following areas:

Observable improvements in user-perceptible performance metrics such as startup, time to open a new tab, and responsiveness when interacting with the user interface. Common user tasks should feel faster and more responsive.

Personalization & Customization
Integration of the Mozilla Labs Personas project, improvements to the Awesomebar and form autocomplete.

ImageBanana - Unbenanntbig.png
firefox-3.6a2pre Namoroka Multilanguage Versions: - Unbenanntdesk.jpgImageBanana - Unbenanntbig.png

To change to Aero Skin in Strata, move the content with its subfolders and files (open with 7zip or similar) from \chrome\classic.jar:\skin\classic\aero

that's located in: classic.jar:\skin\classic\aero\global *.*
\aero\browser *.*
\aero\mozapps *.*

a level up to chrome\classic.jar:\skin\classic\
as shown in the picture.

Dynamic Theme switching can be enabled by editing \defaults\pref\firefox.js
pref("extensions.dss.enabled", true); // Dynamic Skin Switching

HTML5 parser by editing \greprefs\all.js
// Enable/Disable HTML5 parser
pref("html5.enable", true);

by some WYSIWYG html online editors it is suggested to enable:
in line:
// Clipboard
pref("capability.policy.default.Clipboard.cutcopy", "allAccess");
pref("capability.policy.default.Clipboard.paste", "allAccess");

questionable website access to geo client ip location feature on desktop pc's can be switched of permanent in line:
// Enable/Disable the geolocation API for content
pref("geo.enabled", false);

firefox-3.6b1pre Namoroka Multilanguage Versions:;O=A

English only:

More recent Namoroka builds to test:

other os:

3.6a2-candidates (to time only for Windows CE - check back soon for other os)

A newer Namoroka Beta is scheduled and in awaiting ( according to:

Beta 1 (early September 2009)

* all UI iteration pieces landed
* string-complete for localization

Beta 2 (late September 2009)

* polish release
* all major stabilization issues resolved
* final API changes for add-on developers

Release Candidate (mid/late October 2009)

* aiming at final release for November 2009

...more info:

64 bit Firefox Builds:

21 September 2009

Opera 10.10 Unite Build 1792



* Unite Services renamed Unite Applications
* Unite Applications facelift
* Sonar bundled for this snapshot (please enable!)
* Experimental crash feedback


RoboForm for Google Chrome - Chromium - Safari for Windows - Mozilla SeaMonkey 2.x, latest Opera and all other 'unsupported Browser' as Bookmarklet

RoboForm for Google Chrome, Chromium, SeaMonkey 2.1, Safari for Windows,...

Ai RoboForm released a Bookmarklet for all 'unsupported Browser' such as Google Chrome

Google Chrome - Roboform Integration Bookmarklet

Using the online 'free' Sync server with this RoboForm bookmarklet with Google Chrome and Chromium as well latest Mozilla SeaMonkey 2.x Builds can make use of RoboForm Password Manager.

Hey check this out und sage uns was du denkst: (benötigt RoboForm Online-Konto).

Hey check this out and tell us what u think: (needs RoboForm Online account).

Bookmarklet instruction:

Past to the Browser Bookmark bar: Roboform

News source:

required to install GoodSync with RoboForm to copy/upload the passwords lists from RoboForm first to the server.

The websites says:

"The RoboForm Bookmarklet allows RoboForm Online users to login to websites automatically using their existing RoboForm logins, even where RoboForm is not installed.

The RoboForm Bookmarklet also works on browsers where RoboForm is not currently supported such as Chrome, Opera, and Safari giving users much greater flexibility.
Who Benefits from the RoboForm Bookmarklet?

* RoboForm users using previously unsupported browsers, like Chrome, Opera, and Safari1.
* RoboForm users using previously unsupported browsers operating systems like OS X, Linux, and Smartphone devices.
* RoboForm users using a computer where RoboForm is not installed."

Add the RoboForm Bookmarklet
Add this link to your favorites to use the RoboForm Bookmarklet

