11 April 2007

eMule 0.47c Hardstyle v2.1

Emule 0.47c Hardstyle v2.1

[Add/fix??] wc-release is save [Spe64]
[Add] Source cache [Xman]
[Add] Aux Ports support [Lugdunumaster from emulefuture]
[Add] Antihideos [Netfinity from emulefuture]
[Add] ICS [EnkeyDev from emulefuture]
[Add] Do NOT alter DVD-Video files VOB,IFO,BUP,etc [BlueSonicBoy]
[Add] Slot control [Spe64]
[Add] Upnp Support [Xtreme mod]
[Add] Kad Interface Improvement [Xanatos]
[Add] Clean up temporary handle maps[Xman]
[Add] Proper EditDelayed [Xman]
[Add] Use hideos without powershare [Spe64]
[Fixed] Bug In Getfiletypeex() [Avi-3k]
[Change] Custom set Slotspeed method (more efficient) [Spe64]
+ some little fixed [Spe64]

Emule 0.47c Hardstyle v2.0

[Add] Quick start[Stulle]
[Add] Quick start after ip change [Stulle]
[Add] Quick start can work with kad only [Spe64]
[Add] choosable Modname [Spe64]
[Add] Static Global hideos [Spe64]
[Add] Choosable priority [Spe64]
[Add] push rare file [Hawkstar]
[Add] push part files [Spe64]
[Add] push finished files [Spe64]
[Add] push by types files [Spe64]
[Add/fix??] powershare is save [Spe64]
[Change] Splashscreen + icons [Spe64 (icons from kokaine icons)]

splash : http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/8020/logost1.jpg

Based on Emule 0.47c r-mod 1.1 from Pp

[R-Mod 1.1]
Added : reconnect on IPchange v2 [xman1/maella]
Added : ModIcons from Boardcontest [funnypixels @ r4u]
Added : Dynamic HideOS for PowerShare, switch added [xman1/slugfiller]
Added : Addon-Directory [shadow2004/eMuleFuture 0.2]
Added : Ip2C upgrade: File origin [wizard]
Added : Ip2Country [Eastshare/eMuleFuture 0.2]
Added : Icons for other Softwares [pP, icons from spike2 mod]
Added : Auto-update for ModIconMapper [shadow2004/eMuleFuture]
Added : ModIconMapper dll [Wizard/eMuleFuture]
Added : ClientAnalyzer v1.5 [Wizard/Tombstone]
Added : Some icons for other ClientSofts [spike2 mod]
Added : ClientPercentages [MorphXT 9.2]
Added : Glitchfix in DownloadClientsCtrl.cpp [wizard]
Added : ISP throtteling fix in HttpDownloadDlg.cpp [leuk_he]
Changed: Cleaned up Powershare code a bit
updated: ModIconDll, new Icons added, activated forgotten icons in original package
Updated: Packet handling for WebCache [Spike2 mod]
Fixed : Delayed coloring/uncoloring of PS files in SharedFileList
Removed: Rescources and Vars of old AntiLeech

[R-Mod 1.0]
added: Friend/FriendSlot controls in all important lists
changed: Filebuffer raised to 15 MB
added: Dynamic Flushtimes for larger filebuffer
added: MorphXT: Don't draw hidden rect
added: some more list coloring (Queue, Uploads & Downloads)
added: ColorRefs for list coloring ($icK$)
added: netfinity: Dynamic Compression
added: some list coloring, inspired by x-treme mod [WiP]
updated: netfinity: DynamicBLockRequests
added: netfinity: Delayed NNP
added: netfinity: Reask part status on NNP
added: Listcoloring for LowIDs [xman1]
added: Code Improvement for choosing to use compression [xman1]
(combined with netfinities ActiveRatio)
added: Push2upload for PowerShare files
added: Checkbox to enable CrashDumps [pP]
added: dumpfile enumeration - TAG: WiZaRd::Dumpfile Enumeration
added: Improved dumping - TAG: WiZaRd::Better dumping
Added: simple global AutoHL [pP]
Added: AutoUpdater for IPFilter (24 hrs recheck)
Added: Slotlimiter [pP]
Added: Support for Multiple Friendslots [Wizard/Tombstone]
Added: FunnyNicks [xrmb, taken from ionix 4.0]
Added: enhanced priority control [pP]
Added: Global & local source dropps [LSD, edited by pP]
Added: simple Droptimer [pP, recoded]
Added: UDP-FNF fix [Wizard/Tombstone]
Added: Some icons from Sion/Neo Mod
Added: Prefsdialog with TreeOpts
Added: AntiNick-/ModThief [Wizard/Tombstone]
Added: BadNick/BadMod detection [iONiX Banlist]
Added: Simple PowerShare [based on ZZUL, changed by MikeG]
Added: Basic visualization stuff
-----> Chunkdots [SF-iom/CB]
-----> Bold DLs
-----> Colored DLs
Added: Calm down CPU [Wizard/Tombstone]
Added: ReadBlockFromFile Thread [MorphXT]
Added: Flush Thread [MorphXT]
Added: DynamicBlockRequests [Netfinity]
Added: Variable Compression [ --"-- ]
Added: Active Ratio [ --"-- ]
Added: WebCache 2.0 [Stulle/Max, ScarAngel]
Added: various little fixes...

Download: Emule 0.47c Hardstyle v2.1 bin.rar (4.41 MB) - (Mirror)
Download SRC
eMule 0.47c Hardstyle sources Pre 2.1 version fixed.rar (4.36 MB)
old Versons:
eMule0.47c-Hardstyle v7.0 beta 4-bin.rar (5.59 MB)

all Versions BIN + SRC DDL here

eMule v.47c Magic Angel v2.2

Changelog for eMule v.47c [Magic Angel v2.2]
-9 apr 2007
based on MorphXT v9.6
>> this version comes from evcz not from the original modder sFrQlXeRt <<

MERGED: to MorphXT 9.6
CHANGED: CS order as in MorphXT [evcz]
FIXED: Anti Upload Protection default credit value based on the CS in use [evcz]
FIXED: Anti Upload Protection when the other client have not yet uploaded to us [evcz]
REMOVED: Multiple Instances
ADDED: HDD protect
ADDED: Adjustable Buffer Time Limit
CHANGED: DLP code from Xtreme v5.4.2
ADDED: Applejuice to GPL breakers into MagicAntiLeech.dll (now V3)
ADDED: Wikinger to GPL breakers into MagicAntiLeech.dll (now V3)

Changelog for eMule v.47c [Magic Angel v2.1]
-4 nov 2006
based on MprhXT v9.2

FIXED: Multi User Webinterface Tab

Changelog for eMule v.47c [Magic Angel v2.0]
- 22 oct 2006
based on MorphXT v9.1

ADDED: Push small/rare files and file by ratio [sivka/codes from NeoMule]
ADDED: enable/disable Powershare for Leechers
CHANGED: Release Boost works only for complete files
CHANGED: DLP code to Xtreme v5.3
CHANGED: Anti Ghost Mod bans also unkown tag in info packet
CHANGED: Show Size of extra bytes
CHANGED: Also detect extra bytes in info packet
CHANGED: Colored Upload: now you can decide if Morph UL-Slot colors should be used too
CHANGED: all MB-values in Angel Argos preferences window are now KB-values
CHANGED: Quickstart on IP Change can now only set enabled when QuickStart is enabled
CHANGED: FileBuffer Size to max 20MB
FIXED: bug with Anti Uplaoder Ban
FIXED: display bug with max anti upload protection limit
FIXED: displaying of Webcache Icon in Download List
FIXED: some bugs with "Inform Leechers"
FIXED: bug with Quickstart time calculation
UPDATED: German lang.dll

Changelog for eMule v.47a [Magic Angel v1.5]
based on MorphXT v8.13

ADDED: Anti Uploader Ban works now also for "Punish Donkeys"-Clients
CHANGED: Anti Upload Protection values: min 1.0MB, max 2.8MB, default 1.8MB
CHANGED: AntiUploaderBan: unban for Angel Argos Leechers
CHANGED: some other small changes on Magic Angel and Angel Argos
FIXED: Bug with Reask Time (only occured when Spread Reask was disabled)
FIXED: Bug in Enhanced Client Recognization (with eMule Plus v1.2)
FIXED: The new DLP log entries were printed in Morph and Verbose log
FIXED: Bug in server-reconnect when reask sources after IP change was enabled
FIXED: some DLP Versioncheck messages
UPDATED: German lang.dll

Changelog for eMule v.47a [Magic Angel v1.4]
based on MorphXT v8.10

ADDED: Angel Argos works now with the complete Dynamic Leecher Protection (DLP)
of Xtreme v5.2 and with the antiLeech.dll file [Xman]
Modified some DLP detections with codes from ScarAngel
ADDED: Magic Angel version check [Official/Morph/Stulle]
ADDED: MagicAntiLeech.dll file (includes GPL Breakers and some more Leechers)
ADDED: version check for antiLeech.dll and MagicAntiLeech.dll [Xman]
ADDED: Magic Angel+ Creditsystem. Based on Magic Angel Creditsystem. Clients get
a small boost to their credit modifier, when they uploaded us more, than we
uploaded to them (the boost depends on the difference of upload minus download).
ADDED: Extened credit-table-arragement [Xman]
ADDED: Enhanced Client Recognization [Spike2]
ADDED: show Leecher and Punishment in Client Details
ADDED: inform Leechers via Usernick (feature can als be turned of in Angel Argos settings,
if you don't want to let the leechers know, that they are identified)
ADDED: show Queuerank in Client Details [Xman]
ADDED: Anti Uploader Ban [Stulle]
ADDED: Reask Sources after IP change v2 [Xman/Maella/Stulle]
ADDED: Set file reask Time manual (changed to 29-57 minutes) [Stulle]
ADDED: Spread Reask (added button to enable/disable) [Maella/Stulle]
ADDED: Quickstart from NeoMule (modified a bit) [DavidXanatos]
ADDED: FunnyNick Tag [Stulle/Aireoreion]
ADDED: Ratio Creditsystem [RT Mod]
ADDED: Anti Upload Protection: you can set a certain amount after clients get credits [idea of netfinity]
ADDED: Colored Upload: color your upload depending on remote Queuerank [Aireoreion]
or color Friend and Powershare Slots [idea of Stulle]
ADDED: Find best sources [Xman]
CHANGED: Slot Limiter is now exactly like the Morph Slot Limiter
CHANGED: some things in Angel Argos preferences window
CHANGED: some things in debug log and Morph log
CHANGED: Magic Angel Creditsystem (and Magic Angel+ CS). Clients get credits for Upload >= 1.65MB
FIXED: bug in Angel Argos, that Magic Angel sometimes stopped searching for sources
REMOVED: complete Morph Anti-Leecher code (we use DLP instead)
REMOVED: Quickstart from Magic Angel v1.31
UPDATED: German lang.dll

Changelog for eMule v.47a [Magic Angel v1.31]
FIXED: Bug in Spam Detection of v1.3 [sFrQlXeRt]

Changelog for eMule v.47a [Magic Angel v1.3]
MERGED: to MorphXT v8.5 [sFrQlXeRt]
ADDED: Release Boost [sFrQlXeRt]
ADDED: Wrong hello order Detection (Xman) [sFrQlXeRt]
CHANGED: Morph Slot Limiter to original one from Stulle [sFrQlXeRt]
CHANGED: Don't print messages from Morph log in Verbose log [sFrQlXeRt]
UPDATED: Angel Argos (some small detections of Xman) [sFrQlXeRt]
UPDATED: German lang.dll [sFrQlXeRt]

Changelog for eMule v.47a [Magic Angel v1.2]
MERGED: to MorphXT v8.4 [sFrQlXeRt]
CHANGED: some Angel Argos detection lists [sFrQlXeRt]
FIXED: forgot to change some toolbar icons in v1.1 [sFrQlXeRt]

Changelog for eMule v.47a [Magic Angel v1.1]
based on MorphXT v8.3

ADDED: eMCrypt Detection (Xman) [sFrQlXeRt]
ADDED: Anti-XS-Exploit (Xman/idea by WiZaRd) to Agressive client Detection [sFrQlXeRt]
ADDED: Source Cache: Find more sources with less overhead (Xman) [sFrQlXeRt]
CHANGED: Donkey Punishment: Clients now don't get a reduced score, because they aren't
eMule Clients. They get a reduced score if they haven't got SUI [sFrQlXeRt]
FIXED: Bug in manual unban for Angel Argos leechers [sFrQlXeRt]
UPDATED: German lang.dll [sFrQlXeRt]

Changelog for eMule v.47a [Magic Angel v1.0]
based on MorphXT v8.2

ADDED : - Angel Argos Anti-Leecher system (inspired by "Argos system" from Neo Mule,
some icons from Neo Mule by David Xanatos)
- partitioned leechers to many categories
- select different punishment/ban for each category [sFrQlXeRt]
ADDED : Don't ban friends [sFrQlXeRt]
ADDED : AntiNickThief v2.3 (WiZaRd/Stulle) [sFrQlXeRt]
ADDED : Dynamic Leecher Protection (Xman) [sFrQlXeRt]
ADDED : Username ban [sFrQlXeRt]
ADDED : Spam detection (Xman) [sFrQlXeRt]
ADDED : Agressive client Detection (orginal: sivka-ban by Cyrex2001) [sFrQlXeRt]
ADDED : Donkey Punishment [sFrQlXeRt]
ADDED : Magic Angel credit system. Based on official credit. Modifier min 0,1 and max 50.
Clients only get credits for upload >= 2MB. Set Magic Angel Credit to default. [sFrQlXeRt]
ADDED : Quickstart (TPT) [sFrQlXeRt]
ADDED : partitioned preferences window in two groups (ePlus/some old Morph Versions) [sFrQlXeRt]
ADDED : Magic Angel preferences window [sFrQlXeRt]
ADDED : Emulate: MLDonkey, eDonkey, eDonkeyHybrid, Shareaza v2, Lphant (WiZaRd/Spike/shadow2004) [sFrQlXeRt]
ADDED : Limit Upload Slots to Average Upload/3kbps (with a control box to turn it of,
if you want to use original Morph Upload System) (Stulle) [sFrQlXeRt]
ADDED : Magic Angel Client Icon [sFrQlXeRt]
ADDED : Leecher Icon [sFrQlXeRt]
ADDED : Magic Angel side banner (from eMule ZX) and splash screen [sFrQlXeRt]
CHANGED: manual unban for Angel Argos leechers [sFrQlXeRt]
CHANGED: Morph Version Check [sFrQlXeRt]
CHANDED: some toolbar icons (icons from older Morph Versions) [sFrQlXeRt]
UPDATED: Leecher Modstring/Username list [sFrQlXeRt]
UPDATED: German lang.dll [sFrQlXeRt]
REMOVED: Some Morph Anti-Leecher code (use Angel Argos instead of it) [sFrQlXeRt]
REMOVED: Official eMule GPL Breaker detecion (use Angel Argos instead of it) [sFrQlXeRt]

Download: eMule.v0.47c.Magic.Angel.v2.2.bin.rar (4.59 MB)

10 April 2007

BitLord v.2 Beta Version

BitLord v2 is a complete re-build of the BitLord core. It now supports downloading through the eDonkey network in addition to the traditional BitTorrent, allowing for faster downloads by dual downloading between those two networks. This beta is missing some features from the v1.1 on the BitTorrent side, but is constantly being worked on to get us out of beta.
UPnP is finished and so is the torrent maker. Several small changes have been done based on feedback. Which includes the dialog box to choose what files to download inside a torrent. (This is possible in this beta too, under Torrent Details)

Homepage: http://www.bitlordzeed.com/download.php


BitLord 1.1 leecher (No Report).rar (2.23 MB)

eMule v0.47c Fireball v1.1

eMule Fireball Main Features:
- Slot Control: chose how many upload slots you want to open and Slotfocus
- Release-Features like Powershare, Share Only the Need and Active Spreading
- Applejuice Community Modes: select normal, reduced (50% Upload) or disabled Community Mode
- manual add to Upload, remove from Upload and Friend handling in every List on Transfer Window
- Applejuice Community with many Community Clients advanced Community Features
- Applejuice Creditsystem: you can "buy" download Slots from other Community Clients with Applejuice you get for your Upload
- Community Topfile List: Search and Find the Files with most Community Clients

Changelog eMule v0.47c Fireball v1.1:
Apr, 9. 2007

- Active Spreading [DavidXanatos/Ekliptor]
- increased upload priority for Community Clients requesting Powershare-Files

- Slotfocus: focus all upload bandwidth on one (or as little as possible) upload slots
- Drop Clients with low Slotspeed: put clients who accept less than 10% of our slotspeed back to queue
--- don't allow them to entry our upload again for 30 minutes
--- give them 75% of their waitingtime back
- fixed bug with amount based max upload to Community for low ID Clients
- fixed bug putting client back to queue because of a client with higher Upload Level

- Anti-Leecher System [Leecher Detections by Xman/MorphXT/DavidXanatos/WiZaRd]
--- Username and Modstring detection
--- Nick-Thief and Mod-Thief detection
--- Bad and SUspect Packet detection (detects Bad Hello Tags, Extra Bytes, Ghost Mods,...)
--- Spam and other bad actions detection (detects Spammers, XS-Exploiter and Clients hiding files)
--- Detection-Level
-----> Detect only real Leechers (only usernames/modstrings of very bad leechers are detected, no Ghost Mod detection for Webcache/ICS Tags)
-----> Detect all Suspect Clients
--- Punishment
-----> No Punishment
-----> Score *0.9 - Score *0.1
-----> Upload Ban
-----> IP Ban
- never ban Friends
- Log Anti-Leecher actions
- check manual entered own Modstring if it will get banned
- removed some parts of official GPL Breaker detection, we don't need anymore because of own Anti-Leecher System

- force Community Source Exchange until we got 3 answers and repeat it every 6 hours
- fixed major bug saving Applejuice Credits of other Clients
- reduced CPU usage of Applejuice Creditsystem a bit
- find a bit more Community Contacts
- fixed bug Highspeed Creditdownload counter could stop

- default IP-Filter update address
- some minor improvements and changes

- icon for files with enabled Active Spreading in shared files, upload and queue list
- mark clients we removed because of a client with a higher uplad level or they could not accept our slotspeed in 'score' column at queuelist
- Leecher Client Icon
- add/remove friends and start/stop friendslot in every list on transfer window
- show filename of files we are searching for sources via kademlia in kademlia search list (also for keyword searches)
- show current Community Mode in Upload Feedback
- fixed upload priority Powershare was not displayed on upload feedback
- fixed Remote QR status 'full' was displayed instead of 'no needed parts' in rare cases on uploadlist and queuelist

Active Spreading:
With Active Spreading you can search for incomplete sources of your complete files. So Active Spreading
will search for Clients who want to download your complete files. Active Spreading automatically
disables for 12 hours after you found 400 clients sharing the file or you got 300 requests for the file.
It also disables if soft queue limit is reached.

Changelog eMule v0.47c Fireball v1.0:
2007, never released

- Powershare for complete and incomplete files (only for non-Community Clients)
- auto disable Powershare for files depending on complete sources count, transferred data or transferred percentage of filesize
- Share Only The Need for Powershare-Files (for complete and incomplete files, but only for non-Community Clients)

- improved amount based max Upload to Community
- allow to remove Applejuice Creditdownload Clients and Friend Slot Clients from Upload in some special cases
---> because of amount based max Upload to Community
- reset data needed for 'max Upload to Community'-calculation in some cases
- fixed bug replacing normal Community Clients with Applejuice Creditdownload Clients

Applejuice Community:
- Applejuice Kademlia Network
- always connect to Kademlia Network if Applejuice Community is enabled
- save and load Applejuice Credits
- Community Topfile List
- reduced overhead a bit if Applejuice Community is disabled

- manual set filebuffer flush time
- increased max filebuffer limit to 20MB
- Intelligent filebuffer flushing [WiZaRd]

- select sending Modstring
--- send Fireball Modstring
--- send random Modstring
--- send other Modstring (manual entry Modstring)
--- send no Modstring (Anonymous/Ghost Mod)
- manual swap Sources (all Sources of a file or a single source) [Xman]
- better passive source finding [Xman]

Transfer Window:
- Community List
- Mod Clientdetail Window (only enabled if advanced Mod Features is enabled)
- fixed sotring in Download Status column on Uploadlist and Queuelist
- fixed one message on enabling Applejuice Creditdownload

- show Powershare Priority in Sharedfiles list and Queue list at priority column
- always save Applejuice Credits on exit (if disabled you get a popup on exit)
- Log eMule Mod actions
- German translation [tigraboy/Ekliptor]
- some minor changes

Share Only The Need for Powershare-Files:
This feature forces every Client to download rare spreaded chunks by hiding all other chunks.
So this feature helps spreading files uniform.
If enabled, we will only show to every Client all Chunks with fewest sources and he not already has.
If this meant we show only one Chunk to the Client, we will also show him one Chunk with second
fewest sources and he not already has.
We will also show him all Chunks he already has.
Of course files will always be complete available in the ed2k netwrok because all chunks
which are only shared by us are always chunks with fewest (0) sources.
Applejuice Community Clients will always see all Chunks.

Changelog eMule v0.47c Fireball v0.9:
2007, never released
based on eMule v0.47c

- Slot Control: chose how many upload slots you want to open [sivka/Ekliptor]
- manual add to Upload, remove from Upload and IP ban and add to IP-Filter in every List on Transfer Window
- increased min Upload Limit to get full download to 12KB/s
- increased min USS Upload Limit to 9KB/s

Applejuice Community:
- Applejuice undetectable Community
- Applejuice Community Modes: select normal, reduced (50% Upload) or disabled Community Mode
- ignore Full Queue for Community Clients (they can always entry the Queue)
- ignore File Hard Limit for Community Clients
- Community Source Exchange: find all Community Sources of a file
- always transfer full Chunks to Community Clients
- Upload Levels: Clients in Queue are primarily sorted depending on their Upload Level (and secondarily by Score)
- better sending of Queuerank to Community Clients on first connect
- never filter messages of Community Clients
- never ban Community Clients
- send and receive average uploadrate to/from Community Clients
- Max Transfer Difference per Client in MB
- amount based max Upload to Community (70% - 100%)
- Autostart Applejuice Creditdownload at a certain amount of Applejuice Credits
- stop automatic started Creditdownloads at a certain amount of Applejuice Credits

Applejuice Creditsystem:
- full Applejuice Creditsystem Upload and Download support
- set Applejuice Creditdownload Factor from 1.0x up to 80.0x
--- use default Factor Setting for all files or set Factor manual for each file
--- automatic only pay as much as necessary to stay in Upload of other clients

- removed official eMule versioncheck
- eMule Fireball versioncheck
- do versioncheck every day

- changed default username
- send Modstring to all Clients which support it
- some other changes

Transfer Window:
- show Modstrings in all Clientsoftware columns and Client detail page
- Color Applejuice Creditsystem Transfers
- show Average Queuerank and Difference Queurank in Download List [Xman]
- Applejuice Creditsystem and Community column status in Download List at each File
--- the column shows the Iformation in the following format:
-----> ApplejuiceCreditsystemStatus LoadingCreditDownload/TotalLoadingCommunity [TotalApplejuiceCommunityClients]
-----> example: 4.0x 7/9 [16]
- Show advanced Mod Features
- update queuelist on opening it and better updating of queuelist [Xman]
- upload toolbar
- Clientsoftware, total Up/Down and Download Status Column in Uploadlist and Queuelist
- Community Client icons in every list

- display Fireball modname and modversion
- new system tray icons
- new Splashscreen and Sidebanner [backpacker]
- new toolbar icons [backpacker]
- Futuremods link on toolbar help button and Fireball preferences window
- changed versioncheck links to Futuremods Forum
- Copy Upload-Feedback
- wrote some lines about Fireball to "about box"
- don not log all Protocol Obfuscation actions in verbose log
- show Community Mode on title
- some other changes

Applejuice Community Modes:
Normal Community Sharing
---> You can use all Applejuice Community Features and set your Community Upload from 70% to 100%.
Reduced Community Sharing
---> You can not use the Applejuice Creditsystem. Your Community Upload will be 50%.
Disable Applejuice Community:
---> You won't get boosted from other Applejuice Community Clients and you won't boost them too.

Max Transfer Difference per Client in MB:
You can enable this as a part of Upload Management. When it's enabled you can set a Transfer Difference per Client (his Dowload from
us minus his Upload to us) and every client who reached this Difference won't get in our Queue until he's under this limit again.

Applejuice Credits your Download costs:
With Applejuice Creditdownload you can "buy" immediately Upload from other Community Clients if
you have enough Credits to buy a Slot in his Upload.
If Creditdownload is enabled you will pay a certain amount of Credits for each MB you download
from a Community Client. How many Credits you maximal pay is automatically set depending
on how many Applejuice Credits you have and your average Uploadrate. This value can be between 1 and
80 Credits per MB. How many Credits you really have to pay is different at each Client who gives you
an Uploadslot. You will only pay as much as necessary to get an Uploadslot (0.1 Credits more than the
highest Client in his Queue). So the real value is mostly between 1 and 4.

Applejuice Credits for your Upload:
normal Clients: 1MB -> 0.01 Credits
Community Clients: 1MB -> 0.8 Credits
Applejuice Credit Uploads: 0.8 Credits + 10% of the other Clients Download-Creditfactor
For every MB you upload of a complete File you get +0.1 Credits if the downloading Client is a
Community Client (also Applejuice Credit Uploads).

Homepage: eMule Fireball Releases

Download - (Mirror)

08 April 2007

µtraitor 1.33


based on µT 1.6.1

µGreed (µHit) - µT which shows as seeder - 0/1 - (D /U Multiplication)
µGreed (Start) - µT which shows as normal - 1/1 - (D-/U Multiplication)
µGreed (Tool) - µT upload multiplier

µLeech (1BU) - µT which shows as normal - 1/1x - (D/Number in front of U)
µLeech (9BU) - µT which shows as normal - 1/9x - (D/Number in front of U)
µLeech - µT which shows as normal - 1/10 - (D/Upload Multiplication)

µHit, µRun and µStealth
µHit - µT which shows as seeder - 0/1 - (D Multiplication/U)
µRun - µT which shows as seeder - 0/0 - (D-/U Multiplication)
µStealth - µT which is not shown - 0/0 - (D-/U Multiplication)

µSeed (1BU) - µT which shows as seeder - 0/1x - (D /Number in front of U)
µSeed (9BU) - µT which shows as seeder - 0/9x - (D /Number in front of U)
µSeed - µT which shows as seeder - 0/10 - (D-/U Multiplication)

µTorrent - µT which shows as normal - 1/1 - (D-/U Multiplication)

Changelog 1.33:
- Fix: Various bugfixes
- Added: WebUI

µTraitor 1.33.rar (3.64 MB) - (Mirror) - (Mirror)

07 April 2007

µTorrent Version 1.7

µTorrent Version 1.7

µTorrent is an efficient and feature rich BitTorrent client for Windows sporting a very small footprint. µTorrent was designed to use as little cpu, space and memory as possible while offering all the functionalites expected from advanced clients. With BitTorrent, you can download files faster and contribute by sharing files and bandwidth.

Features of "µTorrent":
· Multiple simultaneous downloads
· Smart bandwidth usage
· File level priorities
· Configurable bandwidth scheduling
· Global and per-torrent speed limiting
· Quickly resumes interrupted transfers
· UPnP support (WinXP only)
· Supports popular protocol extensions
· Trackerless support (Mainline DHT)
· Localized to different languages
· Typical memory use less than 6 MB
· Incredibly small: 200 KB

Changes in µTorrent Version 1.7

2007-04-17: Version 1.7 (build 1355)
- Feature: Open URL in browser from RSS Releases tab
- Feature: Handle different half-open limits on Vista flavors
- Feature: Display Opera peer id
- Feature: Display BitTyrant peer id
- Feature: Support 3-state checkboxes in addtorrent dialog treeview
- Feature: Support multiple selection in addtorrent dialog treeview
- Feature: The addtorrent dialog treeview now displays icons based on the type of the file
- Change: Adjust horizontal scrollbar size in addtorrent dialog treeview
- Change: Logging options now independently selectable
- Change: Force a re-check after download location change of a stopped torrent
- Change: Better memory management
- Change: Add ability to install a shortcut to the quicklaunch menu
- Change: Always custom-draw checkboxes in addtorrent dialog treeview
- Change: Add Torrent dialog selects all items by default (return to old behaviour)
- Change: Handle disconnect during handshake sequence
- Change: Increased default setting of bt.auto_ul_min
- Fix: Auto uplink now correctly updates seed-only limit
- Fix: Memory leak
- Fix: Improved management of halfopen connections (remove some edge conditions)
- Fix: Display an error for invalid folder name in the edit field while browsing for folder
- Fix: Refresh RSS releases icons after download
- Fix: Properly update icon on RSS releases if item is deleted from history
- Fix: Do not add RSS item to history or update smart episode filter if .torrent download fails
- Fix: Incoming port no longer gets set to 65535 if there is an error
- Fix: Check state of items in addtorrent dialog treeview are now updated when child items are toggled
- Fix: Uninstall display name is now unicode complaint and displays correctly across locales
- Fix: Shortcut names are now unicode complaint and display correctly across locales
- Fix: uTorrent client names of later versions are now displayed properly in the peers tab
- Fix: UPNP and NATPMP now map the correct port when port 0 is chosen

2007-04-10: Version 1.7 (build 1170)
- Fix: "Move Up" tooltip corruption

2007-04-10: Version 1.7 (build 1167)
- Change: Compact memory when system resources are low
- Fix: Improved UPnP device detection by setting TTL
- Fix: Multiple monitor clipping problem
- Fix: "Duplicate ID" detection
- Fix: A duplicate connection race condition

2007-04-07: Version 1.7 (build 1137)
- Change: ctrl+up/down in torrent list is now ctrl+alt+up/down
- Fix: log scrolling bug
- Fix: & characters in add torrent dialog
- Fix: update disk free in Add Torrent dialog when a new path is chosen
- Fix: Lots of Settings dialog layout fixes
- Fix: Context menu now shows up in the add torrent dialog
- Fix: Items in add torrent dialog are now selected on right-click
- Fix: Display issues with add torrent dialog when there is only one item in a torrent and that item is a folder
- Fix: DHT status and update were switched

2007-04-06: Version 1.7 (build 1111)
- Change: Dynamically load system file and folder icons for add torrent dialog (thus appearing more up to date on some systems)
- Change: Integrate tracker warning with tracker status
- Change: Clip the size of all resizable dialogs to the current monitor on creation
- Change: Will now use custom-drawn checkboxes in add torrent treeview if IE version is less than 4, instead of checking if they are really available
- Change: Never grey out associate .torrent files button in preferences so users can fix existing associations if they want
- Change: Change to how the random port number is selected at startup to avoid it being in use
- Change: Don't create DefaultIcon subkey if maindoc.ico doesn't exist so associated .torrent files have an icon on XP/VISTA if maindoc.ico doesn't exist
- Fix: Get free disk space on 95 varieties if there is no history in the add torrent dialog
- Fix: Previous build incorrectly handled some CLASSES registry keys and didn't remove them properly. This is fixed.
- Fix: Z/tab order of treeview in add torrent dialog
- Fix: UPnP discovery issues)

2007-04-05: Version 1.7 (build 1092)
- Fix: missing torrent crash bugs
- Fix: Don't have treeview size in addtorrent dialog exceed client size of the scrollbox (thus having the full vertical scrollbar showing all the time)

2007-04-05: Version 1.7 (build 1088)
- Change: Tooltips over status bar and toolbar are now native tooltips instead of custom-drawn
- Fix: Bandwidth Allocation selection bug fixed
- Fix: Modal dialog boxes now give focus on close to the proper window (add button in RSS now gives focus back to RSS window, for example)

2007-04-05: Version 1.7 (build 1065)
- Feature: Outgoing port range, via advanced settings (net.outgoing_max_port)
- Feature: List number of pieces we have in General tab (as part of Pieces:)
- Feature: Mark unavailable pieces as red in the Files tab (like in the general tab)
- Feature: Auto uplink throttling (beta)
- Feature: List web seeds in General tab
- Feature: Web seed support for single-file torrents
- Feature: NAT-PMP support
- Feature: Local Peer Discovery
- Feature: Option to configure whether rate limits apply to local peers (bt.limit_local_peers)
- Feature: Support for HTTPS links in RSS feeds
- Feature: Next Piece display
- Feature: Remembering the last selected tab in the main view
- Feature: Remembering the last selected tab in the preferences view
- Feature: Vista font scaling support (DPI aware)
- Feature: Secondary column sorting should now be supported by all list views
- Feature: New treeview-based add torrent dialog
- Feature: Added Reboot and Quit on Finished options
- Feature: Tracker "warning message" support
- Change: State files (resume.dat etc) are now hash protected
- Change: Save aside bad state files as .bad for analysis
- Change: Remove modal state file dialogs, instead log a message, only modal at program exit
- Change: UPnP now ignores net.outgoing_port setting
- Change: Added grid lines to speed graphs
- Change: Parse FlashGet client version
- Change: Added Log Errors to Logger context menu
- Change: Reject duplicate IDs (mimic Mainline)
- Change: Remove UPnP unicast
- Change: Send multiple UPnP search messages each time (because UDP is awesome)
- Change: Display client name as advertized in extension header
- Change: The scrolled window in the main tab is now able to receive standard input
- Change: New installation system, including the ability to uninstall
- Change: Now notes if it can't use APPDATA for settings in the log
- Change: Main window is now clipped to the monitor it is run on
- Change: Search bar is now hidden if the window is too small
- Change: During execution the application no longer prompts the user to save the resume file; only on exit now
- Change: The number of queued items in the create torrent dialog is decreased, which results in a quicker response time when stopping creation
- Change: Several ok/cancel dialogs have been replaced with shorter yes/no versions
- Change: Log listview now selects current item if it is full and keeps getting messages
- Change: New method is used to try to automatically determine an open port for the speed wizard on startup. This same method can be used by setting the incoming port to 0.
- Change: show tooltips for items in listviews with elipses "..."
- Change: Add some keys and input to scrolled window in general tab
- Change: Show torrent creator by the "Created On:" column in the general tab
- Change: highlight existing torrent when duplicated torrent added
- Fix: Various issues with enabling/disabling Verbose in Logger context menu
- Fix: Stopped/paused torrents no longer hold up auto shutdown
- Fix: Make Create Torrent more responsive to Cancel
- Fix: Log the correct internal port in UPnP port mapping log message
- Fix: Eliminate temporary on screen client version corruption
- Fix: Various minor issues with HTTP client implementation (error handling, parsing)
- Fix: Incoming HTTP connections could sometimes go dead (event dispatch problem)
- Fix: Some internal size calculations weren't 64-bit clean
- Fix: RSS error logging
- Fix: The general tab should now scroll down to and show the full comment field
- Fix: Fix many flicker issues throughout the application
- Fix: Correct WinSock version detection - it should fail now if it detects the wrong version
- Fix: Custom speedlists now show instead of the default in the main listview context menu
- Fix: Correct acquisition of special operating system paths (such as the windows directory) on Windows 95 family
- Fix: Fix shortcut creation for Windows 95 family
- Fix: Fix diskspace information on Windows 95 family
- Fix: Confirmation dialog for resume file saving now actually tries to save the resume file on retry
- Fix: Create torrent dialog now closes all the way when the close button is pressed during torrent creation
- Fix: Cleared progress bar in create torrent dialog when stopping
- Fix: Fix various tab order bugs in main window
- Fix: Shutdown on finish option will now shutdown the machine, even if it is locked
- Fix: Fix file association if uTorrent is installed after BitTorrent mainline client
- Fix: 307 redirection HTTP code is now handled, instead of an error (i.e. jamendo.com)
- Fix: Logging is now done in Unicode, fixing some I18N issues
- Fix: Speed wizard no longer asks you to confirm twice when trying to close it from its close box
- Fix: Log listview no longer shows the horizontal scrollbar if it is past the last visible item but doesn't need to
- Fix: Pressing ESC on exit dialog will dismiss the dialog
- Fix: Fix z order of searchbox/toolbar on older windows
- Fix: Fix scrolling bug where scrollbar would not redraw sometimes
- Fix: Association check for limited users
- Fix: Enable users to have "maindoc.ico" in the settings folder for associated documents' icons for fixing them on older windows versions that don't automatically generate them.

Programmed in C++

Homepage: Forum for new releases - http://utorrent.com


- PECompact compressed (normal)
utorrent-1.7-beta-1355.upx.exe - UPX packed
utorrent-1.7-beta-1355.uncompressed.exe - unpacked

older Betas:

Download µTorrent 1.7 Beta Build 1170 - utorrent-1.7-beta-1111.exe - utorrent-1.7-beta-1170.uncompressed.exe
