21 October 2009

eMule 0.49c StulleMule 6.2 Plus Version 18.10.09

eMule 0.49c StulleMule 6.2 Plus is StulleMule extended and reloaded with many improvements and enhancements. Useless restrictions has been removed and useful features added. The mod is suitable for Releasers and for all eMule users!

eMule 0.49c StulleMule 6.2 Plus Version

Engo3K +Features 18.10.09
Windows 7 Compatibility
added: Variable Friend boost factor (1-500)
added: Variable Nick boost factor (1-500)
added: GeoIp (karte)
added: Whois (client provider info)
changed: Max. usernick length from 50 on 70
added: disable PS for Anti-Nick/Mod
added: autoKick Anti-Nick/Mod from the Uploadqueue (if Score 0 for this Clients enabled)
added: Auto Unban when Friend to add is a banned client
added: Faster Upload Timer
added: Winsock 2.2
added: CPU/MEM-Optimizer
added: Show CUR/AVG CPU-MEM Usage in Statistics
added: Copy Stats - extended
improved: Datarate per Client
improved: SlotFocus
improved: Save some cycles with an empty Queue
fixed: (GetScore) - it may be possible that clients get a negative score
changed: if Parfile Is Prmission = HIDE & PBF Is enbled ->Upload only for this! Clients (PBF=PS Status in %)
added: clients share visibility
added: unlimited search results
added: clients colors to design settings
added: ipfilter_static.dat
changed: reduce score for leechers to "0", 10-100%->(100%=No Punish), Ban
fixed: language dll "geschwindigkeitsanzeige in der toolbar" ;-)
added: clientupload time for blocked clients
changed: filereasktime
changed: englisch feedback to Ultimativ-mod format -de
changed: language de_DE.dll
added: choosable modstring
added: customable priority
added: upload priority in downloadlist
added: push part files
removed: friends resrtictions
removed: powershare resrtictions
removed: Release Boost resrtictions for partfile
removed: PBF resrtictions
changed: SlotLimiter from min.60 to 1-255
changed: datarate pro client now
changed: leecher standard reduce score from 33% to 10%
added: don't remove spare trickle slot in uploadList (for use client datarate)
added: reasksingle client (downloadList)
added: Drop/Swap Client in Transfer Windows/to another File
added: Kick sngle client from upload
added: Kick all upload slots
added: ban client (all list)
added: clear banlist
added: push client to upload (queuelist)
added: unlimited slot
added: friend boost *200
added: Nick boost *200
added: multichunk transfer
added: antinick punish
added: antimod punish
added: queuerang full punish
added: Up2Mule
added: Show IP (ClientDetailDialog) ,IP ,UserNick ,UserHash ,Clienversion all copyable
added: active permission
added: see OnUploadqueue and feedback
added: colors for antinick/antimod/QR-full/Nick boost/unlimited slot

removed: Ultimativ as bad Nick/UltiMatic as bad mod
remowed: other release bad Mod/Nick's

Homepage: http://www.ultimativ-board.org/

DDL | Mirror | Mirror

Herzlichen Dank fuer das Update!

20 October 2009

TuneUp Utilities 2010 RC 1 Build 9.0.1000.55 - Preview Testversion Download

TuneUp Utilities 2010 Release Candidate 1 - V9.0.1000.55


Release Notes:

Änderungen im Release Candidate 1

TuneUp Probleme beheben

* Es erfolgt nun kein Absturz mehr, wenn man unter Probleme beheben - Details die einzelnen Probleme nacheinander anzeigt.

TuneUp 1-Klick-Wartung

* Die 1-Klick-Wartung wird nun gemäß der vorgenommenen Einstellung durchgeführt.
* Die Beschreibung der OneClick.exe ist nun in der korrekten Sprache.

TuneUp Registry Defrag

* Die Fehlermeldung „remove boot execute record unsuccessfully NTSTATUS = 0x00000000“ erscheint nun nicht mehr.


* Wird das TuneUp-Symbol im Infobereich der Taskleiste angeklickt, so dreht sich dieses nicht mehr mehrmals um sich selbst.

- Deutsche Shareware Testversion Release Candidate 1 - Preview -

CHIP OnlinePC Magazine Chip: http://www.chip.com.tr/forum/tuneup-utilities-2010-9.0.1000.55-rc1_t132913.html

ImageBanana - Unbenannt.png

Ein Online update von einer früheren Beta Version zum RC 1 ist nicht möglich!
TuneUp Utilities 2010 RC1 V9.0.1000.55

DDL Mirror1 | Mirror2

ImageBanana - sig.png
File: TUU_2010_DE_RC1_0055.exe
Size: 19,8 MB (20.831.048 bytes)
CRC-32: 9b968c03
MD4: 701e918caa446e796feca2743c856794
MD5: 7c8a551dad839eed87d8d2c277b46c20
SHA-1: d1b1788b74d1dfd9f665061ecc01bf65b87a9649

Changelog older Betas

Pre-order now: TuneUp Utilities – Version 2010 for only USD 19.95!
Pre-order site TuneUp Utilities 2010 Final Version end of October at discount price 60% off for 19,95 USD only - 3 PC's

(Bestellt jetzt in USD und sparrt weitere runde 7 Euro, direkt vom Hersteller aus dem Newsletter oben!!! Einiges billiger im Kurs als in Euro Währung siehe http://de.finance.yahoo.com/waehrungen/waehrungsrechner/#from=USD;to=EUR;amt=19.95 Wechselkurs von 0,6686 am 19. Oktober 2009)
19,95 $ USDollar (USD) = 13,34 € Euro (EUR)

Sometimes Integrator.exe failed to start [Show Startoberfläche can freeze TuneUp on XP]

19 October 2009

eMule 0.49c Xtreme 7.2 -LPE-


eMule0.49c Xtreme 7.2 LPE Mod by morph4u is the smallest eMule 0.49c mod!

eMule0.49c Xtreme 7.2 -LPE-


+ Multi Server Connect [thx sarutobi]
(switchable in serverlist rightklickmenu)
+ To how many Server you connect setable in Preferences->Extended
+ Server Rotation Time setable in Preferences->Extended







Danke für das update!

eMule 0.49c X-Mod build 3 Test

emule X Mod

by Dolphin

emule client, based on emule Xtreme Mod (see https://sourceforge.net/projects/emulextreme/) many enhancements, bugfixes and useful features from other mods. Lite Mod, based on X Mod only keep the commonly used features and reduce memory usage.

ImageBanana - Unbenannt.png

Homepage: http://emulex.sourceforge.net

eMule0.49c-X-Mod1.5.2.4-build3-x86-exe-only.7z 1.6 MiB Wed Oct 14 2009 16:25 | DDL | Mirror: eMule0.49c-X-Mod1.5.2.4-build3-x86-exe-only.7z 1.60 MB

<| Not a "Leecher" Mod |>

One of the best 'Official eMule Mod'

Dropbox 0.7.43 Free 2.25 GB online storrage for Backup, Sync and Share *update*

Free 2.25 Gigabyte online storage for file sharing, cloud storage, online backup and restore, cross platform, sync,
mac windows os x linux, iPhone

* Never e-mail yourself a file again
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Dropbox works seamlessly with your operating system and automatically makes sure your files are up-to-date. Available for Windows, Mac, Linux and iPhonee with bonus space up to a limit of 3 GB!

Dropbox 0.7.43  Free 2.25 GB online storrage for Backup, Sync and Share


Dropbox 0.7.43
- Improvements to the status reporting system.
- Better remaining time estimation when downloading / uploading files.
- Fixed bug on Windows that could cause two instances of Dropbox to run.
- Lots of stability improvements.

Dropbox 0.7.32

- Significant performance/CPU improvements to LAN sync (let us know if it's faster)
- Much better transfer speed and remaining time calculation, noticeable improvement for LAN Sync
- Yet another attempt to fix lingering Office 2007/sharing violation bug (let us know how it goes)
- Fix for failed OS integration on some Windows machines.
- Minor stability fixes

Sync your files and share online and across computers with Dropbox. after sign up and installation you have 2,25 GB free space


1. sign up now
2. Download and install Dropbox 0.7.43 - you get 2,25 GB space

Windows: Dropbox 0.7.43.exe
Mac OS X: Dropbox 0.7.43.dmg
Linux x86_64: dropbox-lnx.x86_64-0.7.43.tar.gz
Linux x86: dropbox-lnx.x86-0.7.43.tar.gz

18 October 2009

Exeinfo PE - 12.10.2009 530 signatures

exeinfo - work version 12.10.2009 (530 signatures)

GUI changed:
- section view,
- about,
- config

two skin changed to color skin

save screenshot added

bug fixed


Homepage: www.exeinfo.xwp.pl
