04 April 2007

eMule 0.47c ZZULtimativ 1.2.03

ZZULtimativ 1.2.03 based on
ZZUL BastarD 1.8.3


so letzte TestVersion hab nun alles drin, was ich erstmal drin haben wollte, und noch ein paar Sachen entfernt die ich für unnütz halte, als nächstes werd ich mir mal eure restlichen Wünsche anschauen ...

+ DownInBold[emulefuture]
+ Ip2Country File Origin[emulefuture]
+ Link for Server.met in serverwindow[emulefuture]
+ ModIconDll + Modicondll-Update[emulefuture]
+ Auto Hardlimit[emulefuture]
- Scheduler
- Help
- VersionCheck
- Mobile Mule
+ Official Ratio Code
+ Queuesize 1000 - 30000 oder Infinite Queue[slugfiller]
+ Neue Grafiken in den Optionen THX Son Riab
+ Winsock2[Spike2]
+ Mehr BadMods hinzugefügt und von einigen Boosts ausgeschlossen
+ Andere Creditsysteme hinzugefügt(Lovelace,Official,Pawcio,Eastshare)[NextEvolution]
+ ed2k-Link Forum[Hawkstar]
+ Clientbantime einstellbar[Spike2]
+ Analyzer schaltbar[Spike2]
+ geändert IP2Country[emulefuture]
+ AddOn Directory hinzugefügt[emulefuture]
+ Push & Ban in mehr listen

Hoffe hab niemand im Changelog vergessen, was durchaus sein kann, wenn ja ist das keine Absicht und der jenige wird schon nicht dadran umkommen ;P

ZZULtimativ 1.2.0

+ Readblockfromfilethread[sirob]
+ dynamic hideOS[xMan]
+ hideOS without PowerRelease[Spe64]
+ add more illegal mods
+ remove BigBang from ServerFilter
+ manual Ban
+ some Code Optimations & Memleak fixes[XMan/Wizard]

ZZUltimativ 1.1.X

+ mehr Illegale Mods hinzugefügt
+ ModThief-Detection funktioniert jetzt mit dem Einstellbaren modname

ZZULtimativ 1.1

* manche Sachen erstmal wieder entfernt (HOS/ICS/SON)

ZZULtimativ 1.0.9
* changed HideOs-Code to code from Morph
+ ShareOnlyTheNeed [Morph]
+ Spreadbar[Morph]
+ Reduce Spreadbar CPU use[Morph]
+ WebServerBanFix[Wizard]
+ Memleakfixes in WebServer[Wizard]
+ AntiShape added to official creditsystem[Netfinity]
+ Avoid Credits Accumulate faker[Morph]
+ XS-Workaround[Wizard]
+ make Clientanalyzer Switchable
+ Automatic Firewalled Retries[Wizard]
+ find best sources[XMan]
+ fix arg[Avi3k]
+ WINSOCK2[eWombat]
+ Mod Statistics[Slugfiller]
+ ServerMessageFilter[Wizard]
+ Optimations[WiZaRd/XMan]
+ Obfuscation FiX[Wizard]
+ Show Related Source Colored[WiZaRd]
+ selection fix[Avi3k]
+ Prefs Sidebanner
+ IntelliFlush[Wizard]
+ Dynamic Block Requests[Netfinity]

ZZUltimativ 1.0.8
+ Remove Unused AICH Hashes[XMan]
+ CClientUDPSocket::SendTo() Optimize[BlueSonicBoy]
+ CUDPSocket::SendTo() Optimize[BlueSonicBoy]
+ CPartFile::DrawStatusBar() Optimize[WiZaRd]

ZZUltimativ 1.0.7

+ Smart Upload Control v2 (SUC) [lovelace]
+ Reduced CPU Usage in Uint128.cpp[netfinity/xman]
+ Optimized Spreadbarshader[netfinity]
+ several Memleak-Fixes[Wizard]
+ WhoIs[KTS]
+ Log Friend Activities[MightyKnight]
+ Manual Reask Server & XS[LSD]
+ Drop Single Source[KTS]

ZZUltimativ 1.0.6

+ Reask Source after ip Change
+ Enhanced Client Recognization, Recognize more Clients [Spike2]
+ Code improvement [Maella/Xman/Sivka/Sirob]
+ fakemanager[KTS]
+ FakeCheck[KTS]
+ LSD Buttons
+ Emulate Other[Spike2]
+ Ip2Country[EastShare]
+ SLS[enkeyDEV]
+ Drop Sources[LSD]
+ Update Ip-Filter,FakeCheck,Ip2Country.csv
+ MSS-Setting[KTS]

ZZUltimativ 1.0.5

* bugfix in options
+ ShowSharePermission[xmule-mod]
+ FunnyNick[KTS]
+ Decrease Source Exchange Speed[Spanish-Man]
+ permissions modifiziert
--> bei permission friends only kommen nur comm und friends in die queue
--> bei permission none niemand

ZZUltimativ 1.0.4

+ ReadBlockFromFileThread[Sirob]
+ SafeHash[slugfiller]
+ SpreadReask[slugfiller]
+ No Spread Reask for Xtreme[Spike2]
+ SafeDeleteMacros[eWombat]
+ Push Rare Files[KTS]
+ Push Part Files[KTS]
+ einstellbare Comm/AntiComm/Friend/Partfile boosts
+ Splash[SonRiab]
+ Exit Smoothly[TKB]
+ gesendeten Modstring selbst eingeben[Spe64]
+ Deutsche übersetzung des WS[engo3k]

ZZUltimativ 1.0.3

+ Use HideOs without PowerRelease[Spe64]
+ HideOS[Slugfiller]
+ Extented Splashscreen[KTS]
+ UPNP-Support[XMan]
+ see OnUploadqueue[XMan]
+ Show UploadQueue in Feedback
+ Changed Modname to ZZULt1m4t1v (because XMan`s UltiBan)
hatte noch was vergessen im Changelog
+ Optimizer[Xlillo]
+ SystemInfo in Transferwindow & Statistic[sicks]

ZZUltimativ 1.0.2

+ Clientanalyzer[Wizard]
+ QueueSize Fix[Wizard]
und noch nen Bug gefixt wenn Slotfocus deaktiviert war wurden die Clients nicht nach einen Chunk aus dem Upload gekickt

ZZUltimativ 1.0.1

Slotfocus abstellbar[kts]
Max Slots einstellbar[kts]
zusätzliche Pref Page
Up/Down Spalte in Uploadliste[kts]

ZZUltimativ 1.0.0

+ Mod Name geändert
+ Community/Friend Boost funktioniert jetzt
* Upload Only 2 eMule geändert
+ Copy feedback[Miles]
+ Community Visualization [Mighty Knife]
+ Community Boost (10x)
+ AntiCommunity Punish(100x)
+ Friend Boost(10x)
+ Friend & Community Boost (20x)
+ Anonym Mod[sicks]
+ Push & Kick[Telp]
+ Remove & add 2 ip-Filter[sicks]
+ CPU Optimization & Memleak Fixes[Wizard]
+ Optimizations[SpanishMan]
+ UpLoad only 2 eMule[sicks] -> changed that upload to Amule,too
+ AutoUnBan Friend[KTS]
+ Enhanced Client Recognation[Spike2]
+ Faster Reask for Ml-Donkey[Wizard/Spike2]

Homepage: http://web2.golf346.server4you.de/wbb2

Download: emule.0.47c.ZZULtimativ.1.2.03_LINKFIX.rar (2.12 MB) - (Mirror)
BLUE - EdiTion: eMule 0.47c ZZULtimativ BLUE EdiTion 1.2.03.rar (2.4 MB) - (Mirror)

03 April 2007

ReGet Deluxe 5.0.295

ReGet Deluxe is a powerful download manager for professional users. Installs and works on Windows Vista, Windows XP SP2 and higher, Windows 2000 (Server and Workstation) SP3 and higher and Windows Server 2003.

1. Download and install regetdxlang.msi
2. Download and install regetdx_5.0_Build_295.msi
3. Reg. with: Registrator_ReGetDx_v5.0.295.exe

Opera Plugin 1.6
HTTPS Support Plugin 1.2
ReGet Shell Extensions 2.2

ReGet Deluxe 5.0.295 incl. all addons (3,33 MB) - (Mirror) - (Mirror) - (DDL)

utorrent 1.6 multi x10 Leecher+Seeder emu1.5 Mod


utorrent v1.6 multi x10 Leecher+Seeder emu1.5 Mod:

utorrent 1.6 leecher & multiplicator 10 emu15.exe
- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10
- Emulate uTorrent version 1.5

utorrent 1.6 seeder & multiplicator 10 emu15.exe
- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10
- download not reported to tracker
- you shown as seeder
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)
- Emulate uTorrent version 1.5

utorrent v1.6 multi x10 Leecher+Seeder emu1.5 Mod.rar (626 KB)

31 March 2007

eMule 0.47c ZZULtimativ 1.2.02


ZZULtimativ 1.2.0X

+ Neue Grafiken in den Optionen THX Son Riab
+ Winsock2[eWombat]
+ Mehr BadMods hinzugefügt und von einigen Boosts ausgeschlossen
+ Andere Creditsysteme hinzugefügt(Lovelace,Official,Pawcio,Eastshare)[KTS]
+ ed2k-Link Forum[Hawkstar]
+ Clientbantime einstellbar[Spike2]
+ Analyzer schaltbar[Spike2]
+ geändert IP2Country[wizard/shadow/eastshare]
+ AddOn Directory hinzugefügt[wizard/shadow]
+ Push & Kick in mehr listen

ZZULtimativ 1.2.0

+ Readblockfromfilethread[sirob]
+ dynamic hideOS[xMan]
+ hideOS without PowerRelease[Spe64]
+ add more illegal mods
+ remove BigBang from ServerFilter
+ manual Ban
+ some Code Optimations & Memleak fixes[XMan/Wizard]

ZZUltimativ 1.1.X

+ mehr Illegale Mods hinzugefügt
+ ModThief-Detection funktioniert jetzt mit dem Einstellbaren modname

ZZULtimativ 1.1

* manche Sachen erstmal wieder entfernt (HOS/ICS/SON)

ZZULtimativ 1.0.9
* changed HideOs-Code to code from Morph
+ ShareOnlyTheNeed [Morph]
+ Spreadbar[Morph]
+ Reduce Spreadbar CPU use[Morph]
+ WebServerBanFix[Wizard]
+ Memleakfixes in WebServer[Wizard]
+ AntiShape added to official creditsystem[Netfinity]
+ Avoid Credits Accumulate faker[Morph]
+ XS-Workaround[Wizard]
+ make Clientanalyzer Switchable
+ Automatic Firewalled Retries[Wizard]
+ find best sources[XMan]
+ fix arg[Avi3k]
+ WINSOCK2[eWombat]
+ Mod Statistics[Slugfiller]
+ ServerMessageFilter[Wizard]
+ Optimations[WiZaRd/XMan]
+ Obfuscation FiX[Wizard]
+ Show Related Source Colored[WiZaRd]
+ selection fix[Avi3k]
+ Prefs Sidebanner
+ IntelliFlush[Wizard]
+ Dynamic Block Requests[Netfinity]

ZZUltimativ 1.0.8
+ Remove Unused AICH Hashes[XMan]
+ CClientUDPSocket::SendTo() Optimize[BlueSonicBoy]
+ CUDPSocket::SendTo() Optimize[BlueSonicBoy]
+ CPartFile::DrawStatusBar() Optimize[WiZaRd]

ZZUltimativ 1.0.7

+ Smart Upload Control v2 (SUC) [lovelace]
+ Reduced CPU Usage in Uint128.cpp[netfinity/xman]
+ Optimized Spreadbarshader[netfinity]
+ several Memleak-Fixes[Wizard]
+ WhoIs[KTS]
+ Log Friend Activities[MightyKnight]
+ Manual Reask Server & XS[LSD]
+ Drop Single Source[KTS]

ZZUltimativ 1.0.6

+ Reask Source after ip Change
+ Enhanced Client Recognization, Recognize more Clients [Spike2]
+ Code improvement [Maella/Xman/Sivka/Sirob]
+ fakemanager[KTS]
+ FakeCheck[KTS]
+ LSD Buttons
+ Emulate Other[Spike2]
+ Ip2Country[EastShare]
+ SLS[enkeyDEV]
+ Drop Sources[LSD]
+ Update Ip-Filter,FakeCheck,Ip2Country.csv
+ MSS-Setting[KTS]

ZZUltimativ 1.0.5

* bugfix in options
+ ShowSharePermission[xmule-mod]
+ FunnyNick[KTS]
+ Decrease Source Exchange Speed[Spanish-Man]
+ permissions modifiziert
--> bei permission friends only kommen nur comm und friends in die queue
--> bei permission none niemand

ZZUltimativ 1.0.4

+ ReadBlockFromFileThread[Sirob]
+ SafeHash[slugfiller]
+ SpreadReask[slugfiller]
+ No Spread Reask for Xtreme[Spike2]
+ SafeDeleteMacros[eWombat]
+ Push Rare Files[KTS]
+ Push Part Files[KTS]
+ einstellbare Comm/AntiComm/Friend/Partfile boosts
+ Splash[SonRiab]
+ Exit Smoothly[TKB]
+ gesendeten Modstring selbst eingeben[Spe64]
+ Deutsche übersetzung des WS[engo3k]

ZZUltimativ 1.0.3

+ Use HideOs without PowerRelease[Spe64]
+ HideOS[Slugfiller]
+ Extented Splashscreen[KTS]
+ UPNP-Support[XMan]
+ see OnUploadqueue[XMan]
+ Show UploadQueue in Feedback
+ Changed Modname to ZZULt1m4t1v (because XMan`s UltiBan)
hatte noch was vergessen im Changelog
+ Optimizer[Xlillo]
+ SystemInfo in Transferwindow & Statistic[sicks]

ZZUltimativ 1.0.2

+ Clientanalyzer[Wizard]
+ QueueSize Fix[Wizard]
und noch nen Bug gefixt wenn Slotfocus deaktiviert war wurden die Clients nicht nach einen Chunk aus dem Upload gekickt

ZZUltimativ 1.0.1

Slotfocus abstellbar[kts]
Max Slots einstellbar[kts]
zusätzliche Pref Page
Up/Down Spalte in Uploadliste[kts]

ZZUltimativ 1.0.0

+ Mod Name geändert
+ Community/Friend Boost funktioniert jetzt
* Upload Only 2 eMule geändert
+ Copy feedback[Miles]
+ Community Visualization [Mighty Knife]
+ Community Boost (10x)
+ AntiCommunity Punish(100x)
+ Friend Boost(10x)
+ Friend & Community Boost (20x)
+ Anonym Mod[sicks]
+ Push & Kick[Telp]
+ Remove & add 2 ip-Filter[sicks]
+ CPU Optimization & Memleak Fixes[Wizard]
+ Optimizations[SpanishMan]
+ UpLoad only 2 eMule[sicks] -> changed that upload to Amule,too
+ AutoUnBan Friend[KTS]
+ Enhanced Client Recognation[Spike2]
+ Faster Reask for Ml-Donkey[Wizard/Spike2]

based on
ZZUL BastarD 1.8.3

Download: eMule 0.47c ZZUltimativ 1.2.02.rar (1.95 MB) - (Mirror)
Download: eMule 0.47c ZZUltimativ 1.2.02 BLUE EdiTion.rar (2.21 MB) - (Mirror)

30 March 2007

µTraitor v1.31

based on µT 1.6.1

µGreed - µTorrent upload multiplier
µGreed (µHit) - µTorrent which shows as seeder - 0/1 - (D Multiplication/U)
µGreed (Start) - µTorrent which shows as normal - 1/1 - (D-/U Multiplication)

µLeech (1BU) - µTorrent which shows as normal - 1/1 - (D/Number in front of U)
µLeech (9BU) - µTorrent which shows as normal - 1/9 - (D/Number in front of U)
µLeech - µTorrent which shows as normal - 1/10 - (D/Upload Multiplication)

µHit, µRun and µStealth
µHit - µTorrent which shows as seeder - 0/1 - (D Multiplication/U)
µRun - µTorrent which shows as seeder - 0/0 - (D-/U Multiplication)
µStealth - µTorrent which is not shown - 0/0 - (D-/U Multiplication)

µSeed (1BU) - µTorrent which shows as seeder - 0/1 - (D Multiplication/Number in front of U)
µSeed (9BU) - µTorrent which shows as seeder - 0/9 - (D Multiplication/Number in front of U)
µSeed - µTorrent which shows as seeder - 0/10 - (D-/U Multiplication)

µTorrent - µTorrent which shows as normal - 1/1 - (D-/U Multiplication)

Do this after the installation:
1. Open µTorrent, press CTRL+P and press the "Associate with .torrent files" button
2. Open the ports 3456 (if using µGreed) and 17861-17865 on your router to become connectable

* The µTorrent clients look best with 1280x1024 as resolution
* Changing the ports is recommended for improved safety
* You can add or remove installed components after the install by running the installer again and selecting modify

Can I use more than one µTorrent at once?
-Yes, but do not use any clients with the same icon (color) at the same time.
Why would I need more than one µTorrent at once?
-For example if you want to download a torrent with µRun and a torrent with µLeech at the same time!
Why does every µTorrent have their own configuration?
-Because you can't use more than one µTorrent at once if they have the same configuration (the icons would also have to be the same color then).
How does the associate torrents with µTorrent thing work?
-The last µTorrent you had on top and are still running will be associated with torrent files, and if you have no one running then µTorrent will open the torrents.
How does the 1BU and 9BU versions work?
-1 Before Upload (1BU) and 9 Before Upload (1BU) versions ads the number 1 or 9 in front of your upload speed. So if you upload at 230kbps then the upload speed will be reported as 1230kbps or 9230kbps..
Which clients share the same settings?
-Those with the same µTorrent tray, taskbar and shortcut icon color.
What do I need start-versions for and how do I use them?
-Start-versions are for the clients which are always shown as seeder. If always shown as seeder, your unable to find seeders. A. Download a torrent with the start-version. B. When the avalibility bar on µTorrent turns blue, close the start version. C. Open the non-start version and the torrent will resume.
How do I open the ports on my router?
-Go to www.portforward.com for help
How do I use µGreed?
-Select the upload or download multiplication you want with µGreed (Tool) and have it running while using µGreed (Start)

-Version 1.31
Update: Information
Fix: Various bugfixes
-Version 1.3
Feature: Select what you want to install
Feature: Modify the installation after installation
Removal: RatioMaster and NRPG RatioMaster removed
Feature: µGreed (GreedyTorrent with it's own uTorrent clients)
Feature: Installation is now .exe (with green icon) and compressed better
Change: Improved settings and various changes

New Version 1.3.1
µTraitor v1.31.rar (3.59 MB) - (Mirror) - (Mirror)

old Versions 1.3.0:
µTraitor v1.30.rar - (Mirror) - (Mirror)

Hacked Shu Mod Beta (

Azureus Shu Mod Beta


build 194
fix: always enable update button
fix: Show you as a seeder(100% done and no download report) first announce bug
fix: can’t use show as seeder with download reduction mix
fix: can’t use show as a seeder with start fake upload when x% done

build 193
fix: per torrent : show as a seed wasn’t saved correctly

build 192
removed fake seeding mode (up & dl)
removed fake upload multi mixed with seeding mode
added : show me as a seed for Fake Upload Speed Ratio ++
change: console log now show under the “plug” checkbox so you are no longer annoyed by the spam in the console log ^^
fixed: completed flag was sent all the time when showing as a seed using no report

build 191
probably bugfix : fixed the real received value

by seba

Hacked Shu Mod ( (8.07 MB) - (Mirror) - (Mirror)
uTorrent 1.6.1 Clientspoof.rar (38.03 KB) - (Mirror)
