05 May 2007

eMule v0.46c [PROTEINE 4.2] Beta

PROTEINE V4.2 beta test

* Based on MorphXT 7.3 *
modded by COoLZERo

Fix: nick default.
Fix: funnynick
Fix: Double click on client detail.
Added: emulate.
Added: automatic drop.
Added feed RSS of the p2pforum.
Added comand "Shoutdown eMule and PC" in Shoulder.
Added option "Delete file from disk" from download windows.
Increase buffer until 10Mb.
Changed: miniemule.
Upgrade leechermod list.
Change: invisible mode.
Show number of max slot in upload in the "Upload" word.
Invert Log whit ServerLog.
Upgrade: optimizer.
Removed completely the proxy code.
Upload management dynamique[himura]
Drop NNS/FQ/HQ adjustable
Emulate other lphant/edonkey/shareaza [wizard]
Fakerank to FQ
upload only complet files [CZ]
optimization fakerank
optimization cpu usage (-50% cpu usage)
and more....

eMule Proteine 3.03 beta

--Feature from Neo mule 3.00--

- SLS Update fix
- Reask On Ip Change Update
- Argos Anti Leecher system
- Argos - Flood detection
- mussic preview
- icons update
- min fragmet size for not BC
- new reask on ip change OP_CHANGE_CLIENT_ID
- check internet connection, stop ul/dl
- Custom warning message
- kad aux port
- customize udp server reask : on/of, time
- extended udp catch
- friends met backup
- Source Limit 1 udp/kad/ed2k/xs/sls
- Source Limit 2 (global/cat)
- merge Neo- with 043b-code
- adapted zzDownloadmanager and other adjustments...
- updated IpCountries & GoIP.dat
- added win2000 transparency (MoNKi)
- added Friend State Columne
- Complete Source Value in SearchList
- added ability to 'Add Friend Links' in FriendList
- MiniMule flicker-Free
- import WiZaRds PeaceMod-TreeOptionCTRL
- some gui-fixes
- Shared Cat's
- MergeKnown
- WebService script
- ...

upload kick 2.3
Fakerank variable indetectable
No share complete files
Void ip in chat windows
community boost
No ratio

eMule 0.46 proteine 4.2.rar (4.27 MB)
Download proteine mod v4.2beta

older Versions:
emule proteine 4 .rar (4.27 MB)
eMule Proteine 3.03 beta.rar (2.5 MB)
eMule proteine 3 final.rar (1.64 MB)
eMule Proteine III.rar (2.4 MB)

eMule Codeine
eMule Zero Division Codeine.rar (1.62 MB)
eMule Codeine 0.2 vB.rar (1.62 MB)

More eMule Mods based on 0.40 to 0.47b eMule can be found here

eMule VVT-I

based on Morph
modded by COoLZERo

new Feature: clients, you try to upload, but connection fail, get a second change. They are put back on uploadqueue, marked with ~~~ and get an uploadslot at their next connection (same handling like LowID)
- new Feature: don't upload on startup without serverconnection. don't accept new upload on lost of internetconnection
- new Feature: advanced Downloadmanager: find best sources
this feature includes 3 features:
- an intelligent dropping wich also drops HQ sources, depending on QR, remote-credits, and avg QR
- dropped clients may not reentering the downloadqueue for 50 minutes
- intelligent swapping, which looks on filepriority and sourcecount to balance the sources between the files, download with highest priority is always prefered
further more, you can now drop and swap manually how much you want, you don't get banned, and you don't get back the dropped sources

- changed: Non SI-Clients get only 80% score
- changed: removed remaining time from transferewindow, now you can see the QR-average
- changed: some timeout settings
- changed: "aksfordownload" - priorities
- changed: method for passive source finding (listensocket, CheckAndAddKnownSource), should take now 2/3 less CPU
- changed: source reask time increased (due to 0.44)
- changed: new method to detect the right NAFC-adapter, works only after receiving a HighID from server, otherwise old method is used

- bugfix: an official protocol bug which can cause failed uploadsessions (also a patch on downloading-side for better compatibility with ed2k-protocol
- bugfix: an official bug wich can cause LowID clients to get a second uploadsession after it finished the first one, althought it hasn't enough score
add FakeRank Variable undetectable with FRK for Full queue
add Variable upload kick (QR Graduation)&(no friend kick)
add Uploadmanagement :(boost friend and VVT-I Mods)(Optimized with Qr Ranking)
add COoLZERo Crédit system
add Kick And Bann ( Client connus/UpQueue/Upload)
add drop (NNS/FQ/TooMan/aask/..)
add disable sources beetwen clients exchanging
add Link to board 'Zero division'
and more...

eMule vvt-i.rar (1.01 MB)

- No share complet files (share only downloaded files)
- CZ credit system
- uploadkick 2.3mo
- uploadmanagement
- Very small latence
- Ban4Ban
- other secret in test


...more eMule COoLZERo Mods are here

04 May 2007

eMule 0.47c MorphXT v9.0 modified by dlarge

eMule 0.47c MorphXT v9.0
modified by dlarge


- No Ratio
- only Upload to eMule
- removed ZZ Ratio
- add Kick User from Queuelist
- add Push in Upload from Queuelist
- add Kick from Upload
- add Ban from Upload
- add Kick from Upload and put to IpFilter
- add Spam Ban
- add Ban4Ban
- add No Answer after Ban
- Filebufer to 20MB
- Queuesize to 0
- changed all Links to Supportboard
- small sourcefinding Optimations

eMulev0.47c.-MorphXTv9.0-by dlarge.rar (2.56 MB) - (Mirror)

eMule 0.47c MorphXT+ v9.6

MorphXT+ v9.6


CHANGED: Original session zzRatio of 1:3 (UL:DL) increased to 1:7 to works fine
with Italian standard aDSL connections - 1280:256 and 2048:256 [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Minimal upload limit to avoid the zzRatio limitation from 10KB/s to 20KB/s
and average upload limit from 10KB/s to 15KB/s (now you need to give more
than before :p ) [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Minimal upload limit to avoid download limitation from 10KB/s to 20KB/s
(you need to give more than all other eMule clients) [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Many standard icons [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Some default options [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: Modstring to avoid the ban of official MorphXT v6.3 - v7.2 - v.7.7 - v.8.0 or later [FrankyFive]
CHANGED: HDD Protect - Increased max File Buffer Size to 20Mb with steps of 256KB [FrankyFive]
ADDED: HDD Protect - Slidebar on "extended settings" to select Buffer Time Limit (1-30 mins) [FrankyFive]
ADDED: Auto configuration for Italian standard aDSL connections (on Wizard panel) [FrankyFive]

emulev0.47c-MorphXT+_v9.6-bin_(ratio.1-7.+.Ultrabuffer.-.NOT_banned).zip (4.76 MB)

older Versions:
emulev0.47c-MorphXT+_v9.5-bin_(ratio.1-7.+.Ultrabuffer.-.NOT_banned).zip (5.09 MB)
emulev0.47c-MorphXT+_v9.4-bin_(ratio.1-7.+.Ultrabuffer.-.NOT_banned).zip (5.09 MB)
emulev0.47c-MorphXT+_v9.3-bin_(ratio.1-7.+.Ultrabuffer.-.NOT_banned).zip (5.09 MB)
emulev0.47c-MorphXT+_v9.2-bin_(ratio.1-7.+.Ultrabuffer.-.NOT_banned).zip (5.12 MB)
emulev0.47a-MorphXT+_v8.14-bin_(ratio.1-7.+.Ultrabuffer.-.NOT_banned).zip (5.26 MB)
emulev0.47a-MorphXT+_v8.1-bin_(ratio.1-7.+.Ultrabuffer).zip (4.77 MB)
emulev0.46c-MorphXT+_v7.6-bin_(ratio.1-7.+.Ultrabuffer).zip (4.72 MB)

03 May 2007

KLCP update K-Lite Codec Pack Update 03.05.07

NEWS: Thursday - May 05

An update for the current codec packs can be downloaded HERE. It contains updated versions of ffdshow, DivX, Haali Media Splitter and x264.

Latest Changes:
* Codec Tweak Tool
* Updated ffdshow to revision 1126
* Updated DivX decoder to version
* Updated DivX encoder to version
* Updated Haali media Splitter to version

Mirror Download (rar) - Download (exe)

Homepage: http://www.codecguide.com

Relevant: K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 2.01 Final

QuickTime Alternative 1.81 [ download] [changelog]

µTorrent 1.7 build 1625 Leecher Pack

utorrent-1.7-build-1625 Leecher Pack
- download not reported to tracker
- you shown as seeder

- upload and download not reported to tracker
- you shown as leecher

- only upload report

- original

µTorrent 1.7-build-1625 Leecher Pack.rar (471.56 KB) - (Mirror) - (Mirror)
