10 May 2007

Emule 0.48a Beta2 Released

Changelog since Beta1:

0.48a BETA2
- May, 08. 2007 -
Ornis: Changed to wizzard to set file proper file permission on installed config files
.: Fixed another Bug in the SourceExchange, which caused eMule to not response to requests in certain cases [Xman1]
.: Sorting for cumulative stats in the sharedfiles list is now properly remembered when restarting eMule
.: The "Disable UDP" and Enable "Kad" options now exclude eachother [leuk_he]
.: Fixed a bug in UPnP when the UDP port has been disabled by the user [leuk_he]
.: IRC optional serverports should work prorperly now
.: Fixed a bug in IRC when receiving ed2k links from other users
.: Added a excess flood protection for eMule IRC responses

- May, 05. 2007 -
.: The Spam indicator icon has been replaced [icon by Daan]
.: The first time wizzard is now using the proper ports when testing UPnP in case a user has changed the ports in the wizzard
.: Fixed eMule (error-)handling for files whose paths exceed the operation system pathlength limit
.: If eMule started the Windows UPnP Service but failed to forward ports via UPnP it will shutdown the service afterwards
.: Added an option to disable smileys
.: Fixed a small memleak in the smileyselector window

read more:
eMule v.048a BETA1

Homepage: forum.emule-project.net

Official Downloads:
v0.48a BETA2 - Installer

v0.48a BETA2 - Binary Mirror: eMule0.48a_BETA2.zip (2.67 MB) - DDL: eMule0.48a_BETA2.zip

v0.48a BETA2 - Sources

eMule 0.48a X-Treme 48a Beta 1 by Bauner

This is the new Testversion fo public Betatest start at 10.05.2007

- changed Upload Management
- Wizard, IRC and help added

all other features are the same as in 47c V1

- Wasserstand
- IP to Country
Known Bugs:
- Label for Kick and Ban from Upload missing

- Verbesserte X-Treme Community [Thx Morchel für die Idee]
- Sofort Upload
- Kick aus dem Upload
- Ban
- Startwizard entfernt
- Hilfe entfernt
- Irc entfernt
- Files die auf Release gestellt sind umgehen alle hacks
- Uploadkick (schaltbar, einstellbar)
- Modifiziertes Hardmule Ultimate score
- Bauner Credit System
- Min-Max RQR für die Warteschlange einstellbar (betrifft nur warteschlange, daher bitte nicht zu niedrig einstellen. Die clients für die uploadliste werden vom ultimatescore berechnet)
- Min-Max upload slots einstellbar
- Upload client datarate einstellbar
- Auto Download Highprio (schaltbar, einstellbar)
- Wizards Anti Nickthief
- Autodrop NNS
- Autodrop Full QRS
- Diffqr Anzeige
- Standard Warteschlangengröße auf 7000 erhöht (besser für Ultimatescore)
- Die uploadqueue wird am anfang nicht mehr leer
Banzeit einstellbar
- total up/down anzeige im uploadfenster
- ip anzeige in den client details
- Anti Fakerank
- Nickthief code komplett überarbeitet
- Der community code ist nun resourcenschonender
- Neues Creditsystem (wahlweise umschaltbar zwischen altem und neuem)

Mod Homepage: www.emuleecher.wackytronic.de

eMule 0.48a X-Treme 48a Beta1.rar (1.67 MB) - (DDL)


other eMule 0.48a Beta1 based Mods:

ed2k Links:
eMule 0.48a X-Ray.rar
eMule 0.48a Beta Antares vs Sundawner v1.1 beta 6.rar

09 May 2007

eMule 0.47c PimP ReVoluTioN 2.17d

Code Base ZZUL


Fixed Some crashes while performing the NEW Community-XS (*evil code was broken*)
Added Some New Features to Applejuice which will improve Performance (BETA STATUS)
Fixed Some Minor Bugs
Merged Some CodeParts up to 48a (not full merged, will work on it)
Added TOP-FILE Index for Community (BETA Status, just for testing...) (Nothing which can you bring in trouble is send!!!! Just some stats in DEBUG)

Fixed Some CodeParts in Community-Code to safe some Sercurity Issues
Added NEW Identification For Members
Added NEW Safe AppleJuice Protocol

Fixed Some new Code Parts around DBR
Changed Some Code around Community
Added NEW Community
Added Import Parts
Added NEW Community-XS
Added NEW KAD System for Community
Added New Score-System (Community)
Added Netfinitys Fakealyzer

Changed Some CodeParts around DBR
Fixed some leaks in Comm-Code
Added NEW Community

Enhanced AppleJuice v1.1 now
Fixed Again some BUGS aound AppleJuice :-(
Fixed Some Display Tweaks which should save us some CPU-cycles
Added New Column to CommunityList for AppleJuice

Fixed Some BUGS around AppleJuice
Enhanced Some Functions at AppleJuice
Added NEW CommunityList and removed the old! (means it will look like all other Lists)
Updated Made some Code optimizations
Fixed A Security Issue at Comm-Identification

Changed Visual Styles ((modified)MenuXP, GroupBox, Nice ToolBar) (NeoMule, X-Ray) *a lil bit to much purple isn´t it ^^
Changed Some Code of Community-List to optimize the speed
Removed IRC
Fixed AppleJuice... I made a mistake SORRY for this!!! Now it should be activated *grin* (See NOTE)
Added Show Clients Percentage of download (as wished ^^ )
Added Show downloading Files in Bold
Added Show downloading Files in Color (changeable in Prefs)
Added More Statistik about Community ( Community-Mods now included)
Added Source Cache (Xman)
Added UPnP Support (emulefuture) See on Tweaks-Pref
Updated Dynamic Block Request Code
Fixed Community.... it will work again and more powerfull as ever... Hope no security issue anymore...

eMule 0.47c PimP ReVoluTioN 2.17d bin.rar (1.67 MB) - (Mirror) - (DDL)
eMule 0.47c PimP ReVoluTioN 2.17c

eMule 0.47c PimP ReVoluTioN 2.17d - bin.rar
eMule 0.47c PimP ReVoluTioN 2.17c - bin.rar
eMule 0.47c PimP ReVoluTioN 2.17b - bin.rar
eMule 0.47c PimP ReVoluTioN 2.17 - bin.rar

eMule v0.47c Merza SmaLL v7.2 final

eMule Version 0.47c Merza SmaLL v7.2
modded by gentil_monsieur
rel. rev.: 04/2007
Connection - NO Upload settings:

eMule 0.47c Merza SmaLL v7.2 final.7z (1.33 MB) (04-15-2007) - (Mirror) - (DDL) - Merza_SmaLL_v7.2_final.exe

eMule Version 0.47c Merza SmaLL v7.2 test.rar (1.32 MB) (04-10-2007) - (Mirror) - (DDL)
show known clients
eMule 0.47c Merza SmaLL v7.2 Fix.7z (1.32 MB) (04-20-2007)
eMule 0.47c Merza SmaLL v7.1.7z (1.26 MB) (04-03-2007)
eMule v0.47c Merza SmaLL v7.rar (1.2 MB) (03-27-2007) - (Mirror) time limited: set the date before March 09. 2007 only in this Version!

Shalom Israel

08 May 2007

BitComet 0.87

Whats new:

v0.87 2007.05.08
GUI Improved: add an option in BT task properties dialog to add this torrent file to my shared torrent list
GUI Improved: add "view task" command to the context menu of my shared torrent list
GUI Improved: add a filter in the toolbar of peer shared torrent list
GUI Improved: display peer shared torrent file number in peer shared node of fav list
GUI Improved: add an option to enable BT task search for HTTP/FTP download source in perferences dialog
GUI Improved: add commands to import/export task list and global settings under file menu
GUI Improved: add "rename task" function in context menu of task list
GUI Improved: detail error information will be displayed in tooltip when mouse cursor hover on the red-cross icon of a task which encounter error like disk full
GUI Improved: task rating information will be displayed in tooltip when mouse cursor hover on comment region of the task list
GUI Improved: add hotkey Ctrl+Home/End to move selected tasks to the top/bottom of task list
GUI Improved: support scroll information in all panes on which the mouse cursor is hovering by rolling mouse wheel
GUI Improved: add an options in perferences dialog to enable submit video file snapshot after task download finish
GUI Improved: add an options in perferences dialog to enable protection against ARP cheating attack from LAN
GUI Improved: new designed BitComet resource browser to accelerate open web page from BitComet
GUI Improved: improve displayed information layout in task summary pane
GUI Improved: add "minimize to system tray" to system menu of BitComet button in windows taskbar
GUI Improved: delete file check box in task delete dialog is displayed in red color
GUI Bugfix: View/download list/Columns menu does not work after switch UI language
GUI Bugfix: all tasks will be displayed as in queue if enabled auto-start task when download rate below specified value
GUI Bugfix: all tasks displayed in task list will be removed if launch clear recycle bin in recycle bin context menu even they are not in recycle bin
Core Bugfix: fix a bug sometimes lead to memory leakage
Core Bugfix: handle some BT task with zero-size file incorrectly


Platform: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista
Hardware Req: tested on AMD K6 266MHz MMX, 128M RAM (detail)
Language Support: 43 Languages

DC++Stealth 0.56 fix

DCPlusPlus Stealth 0.56 fix

  • Slot locking
  • Fake Share
  • Fake File-list (use someone else list)
  • Fake Version
  • Fake hub-count
Dc++ Stealth 0.56.rar (954.47 KB) - (Mirror) - (Mirror) - (DDL)
DC++Stealth_056.exe (1.2MB)
