14 May 2007

eMule 0.48a X-Mule 0.48a - The portable eMule by winPenPack

eMule 0.48a for your Pen Drive - Portable

winPenPack - X-Software collection
Copyright © 2005-2007 winPenPack.com - All rights reserved

X-Mule 0.48a
Licenza: GNU General Public License
Rilasciato il: 14.05.2007
X-Launcher version: 1.1
Autore: Gabriele Tittonel (tittoproject@gmail.com)
Licenza: GNU General Public License - Source Code: incluso nell'archivio
Autore del progetto winPenPack: Danilo Leggieri (http://www.winpenpack.com)
Licenza: Creative Commons License
Emule home: http://www.emule-project.net/


Il software portatile incluso in questo archivio non richiede installazione
e può essere utilizzato indistintamente da Pen Drive USB o da Hard Disk.
Per avviare l'applicazione fare doppio click su X-Mule.exe. Se si desidera
utilizzarlo con winPenPack, seguire le istruzioni riportate al seguente link:

Supporta il progetto winPenPack effettuando una donazione:

Attenzione: puoi inserire questo X-Program in collezioni di software portatile
simili a winPenPack solo nel rispetto della Creative Commons License
(attribuzione della paternità e note di copyright specificate chiaramente).
Questo documento non dev'essere alterato nè rimosso da nessuna delle copie distribuite.


X-Mule 0.48a
License: GNU General Public License
Released on: 14.05.2007

X-Launcher version: 1.1
Author: Gabriele Tittonel (tittoproject@gmail.com)
License: GNU General Public License - Source Code: included in this package
winPenPack project Author: Danilo Leggieri (http://www.winpenpack.com)
License: Creative Commons License
Emule home: http://www.emule-project.net/


This package include a portable program (X-Program) that can be directly executed
from Pen Drive Usb or Hard Disk without any kind of setup. Just launch the software
by double-clicking on X-Mule.exe.
If you want to use it with the winPenPack, please follow the guidelines to this link:

If you found our work useful to you, please contribute!

Warning: You can include this X-Software in software collections similar to winPenPack
only in accordance with Creative Commons License (origin, paternity and all copyright
notices must be clear). This notice may not be removed or altered from any distribution.

winPenPack project:
Home: http://www.winpenpack.com/
Contact: winpenpack@gmail.com
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/

Download: eMule 0.48a PORTABLE X-Mule 0.48a.zip (3.99 MB) - (Mirror) - (DDL)

eMule 0.48a ZZULtimativ 1.5 BETA 5

eMule v0.48a [ZZULtimativ v1.5]
ZZULtimativ v1.5 BETA
based on 0.48a
Beta 5
+ merged to 48a
+ Set Max Chunks to transfer[mL]
+ some optimations in AuthSystem

Beta 4 (48a BETA2)

+ Higher value for Max Search Results (10000)
+ Queue Per File Push[Slugfiller]
+ No Score for non Mule[Dazzle]
+ SlotFocus/MaxSlots[kts]
+ Push Rare Files[kts]
+ Community/AntiCommunity Detection[MightyKnife]
+ Comm-/AntiComm-/Boost/Punish
+ Automatic Friendslot[kts]
+ Max Segment Size[kts]
+ FunnyNicks[kts]
+ Log Friend Activities[MightyKnife]
+ Friendfix[Wizard]
+ Fix Connection Collesion[sirob]
+ Find Best Sources[XMan]
+ Better Chunk Selection[XMan]
+ Dynamic Block Requests[netfinity]
+ Code Optimations/SaveCPU[XMan/Wizard]
+ Pref SideBanner[eMulefuture]
+ Slidebar[eMulePlus/Wizard]
+ Mod Log [ionix]
* Own Preferences File[Wizard] and own file for AuthSystem
* HideOS should work correct now
- ZZ-Ratio
* merged to 48a BETA2

older betas ...
+ Uploading Chunk Display[ZZ]
+ ZZUL Uploadsystem[ZZ]
+ PowerShare[ZZ]
+ SelectiveChunkSharing[Slugfiller/Morph]
+ ShareOnlyTheNeed[Slugfiller/Morph]
+ HideOvershare[Slugfiller/Morph]
+ SafeHash fix[XMan]
+ Optimation don't Update to often[XMan]
+ Spreadbar[Slugfiller]
+ Flush Thread Optimation[XMan]
+ Flush Thread[Sirob]
+ ReadBlockFromFileThread[Slugfiller]
+ SafeHash[slugfiller]
+ Don't send MOD_VERSION to client that don't support it to reduce overhead[SiRoB]
+ Reduced CPU usage in UInt128.cpp[netfinity]
+ ownCredits[VQB]
+ Kick & Ban in Uploadlist[kts]
+ Enable/Disable Slot Focus in Uploadlist[kts]
+ Push Part & Finished Files[Spe64]
+ editable FriendBoost Factor
+ Code to Save Float[Spe64]
+ choose Modstring[Spe64]
+ Support for tag ET_MOD_VERSION 0x55[Maella]
+ Avoid Credits Accumulate Fakers[Morph/WiZaRd]
+ CPU Calm Down[WiZaRd]
+ ClientAnalyzer[WiZaRd]
+ Simple AuthSystem (only can use Bad Options with right AuthCode)
+ Show Download in Bold (official) saveable (wird nach neustart übernommen)
+ Simple Upload Slot Focus[Spike]
+ make Ban Spammer switchable
+ Variable compression - Reduce CPU usage for high bandwidth connections[netfinity]
+ Better Dumping[WiZaRd]
+ Don't Ban Friends[kts]
+ CodeImprovement[Avi3k]
+ SAFE_DELETE-macros[eWombat/Spike]

eMule_0.48a_ZZULtimativ_1.5_BETA_5.7z (1.95 MB) - (Mirror) - (DDL)

ed2k Link:

to enable "Sivka - Settings" Options
by Menu "more" -> "This Is A Beta Version! You need AuthCode to use all Features! don't post it anywhere else ..."
open in hex and edit to bypass/skip auth code snip (point entry dia=15000)

For Sivka Settings infos: http://www.emule-web.de/board/1687-sivka-faq.html

eMule 0.48a final released (original rel. date May 13, 2007)


eMule is a filesharing client which is based on the eDonkey2000 network but offers more features than the standard client.
eMule v0.48a Installer (3.7 MB)
this application installs eMule by a setup routine interactively
Download this file

eMule v0.48a Binaries (2.7 MB)
this archive contains only the files you need to run eMule and needs to be unzipped
Download this file

eMule v0.48a Sourcecode (4.9 MB)
this archive contains only the sourcefile of this release and needs to be unzipped
Download this file

Souceforge eMule project Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=53489


- May, 13. 2007 -
.: Happy Birthday eMule

- May, 12. 2007 -
.: Fixed some bugs in UPnP and changed the behavior for ADSL devices a bit
.: Fixed a bug concerning double adding friends
.: If Vista is running with Aero, eMule will enable Minimize to Tray on Minimize by default (can be changed in the display options)

0.48a BETA2
- May, 08. 2007 -
Ornis: Changed to wizzard to set file proper file permission on installed config files
.: Fixed another Bug in the SourceExchange, which caused eMule to not response to requests in certain cases [Xman1]
.: Sorting for cumulative stats in the sharedfiles list is now properly remembered when restarting eMule
.: The "Disable UDP" and Enable "Kad" options now exclude eachother [leuk_he]
.: Fixed a bug in UPnP when the UDP port has been disabled by the user [leuk_he]
.: IRC optional serverports should work prorperly now
.: Fixed a bug in IRC when receiving ed2k links from other users
.: Added a excess flood protection for eMule IRC responses

- May, 05. 2007 -
.: The Spam indicator icon has been replaced [icon by Daan]
.: The first time wizzard is now using the proper ports when testing UPnP in case a user has changed the ports in the wizzard
.: Fixed eMule (error-)handling for files whose paths exceed the operation system pathlength limit
.: If eMule started the Windows UPnP Service but failed to forward ports via UPnP it will shutdown the service afterwards
.: Added an option to disable smileys
.: Fixed a small memleak in the smileyselector window

0.48a BETA1
- April, 29. 2007 -
.: The "official" development environment for eMule has switched to VS2003 SP1. VS2002 is no longer supported (but should still compile fine)

- April, 28. 2007 -
.: Sorting in the ipfilter dialog has been fixed on Vista
.: Tooltips now have the proper size on Vista
.: All file related tooltips should look a bit nicer now (on all systems)
.: Added tooltips to the shared files list

- April, 21. 2007 -
.: Sparse files have been disabled on Vista, due to a faulty / limited Vista implementation of them, which cannot be worked arround by eMule

- April, 15. 2007 -
.: Added a spamfilter for search results. It mainly works by remembering files a user has marked as spam and marking files
which seems to be very similar as spam too.
.: Spam results are drawn gray and always put to the end of the list
.: Spam results count max. 5 sources towards the 100 sources global search limit

- April, 9. 2007 -
.: The default paddingsize for obfuscated TCP connections has been increased to 128 bytes (from 16) in order to be harder detectable by size pattern matchings
.: The paddinglength can be changed manually by adding "CryptTCPPaddingLength=[1-256]" into the eMule section in the preferences.ini

- March, 12. 2007 -
.: eMule now supports multi-user installations, which especially is supposed to fix the folder permission problems on Vista
In short: for Windows Versions before vista, nothing will change by default, on Vista eMule will use the current userspecific folders by default
Please consult the onlinehelp for a detailed explanation. The setting can be changed at the extended options.

- March, 11. 2007 -
.: On Vista the half-open connection limit is now properly set to 9 by default (instead of 50)

- Feb, 20. 2007 -
.: When using autoconnect on startup or pressing the Connect button while UPnP is still busy, eMule will wait for it to finish
or timeout. You can enforce on isntant connect by clicking the button again

- Feb, 18. 2007 -
.: Added UPnP support [merged from Shareaza]
.: Added UPnP test button into the first time wizzard

- Feb, 09. 2007 -
Ornis: added Farsi translation [translated by Mory Abdi & Ali Mojarad]
.: The calculation of credits given for the first 9MB (less than one part) has been changed slightly to decrease the reward for clients who upload less than one part

- Jan, 20. 2007 -
.: Fixed a obfuscation related bug in the sourceexchange
.: Changed the sourceexchange protocol to avoid backwards compatibility problems and bugs in the future
.: Added support for multi-related files searches [serverside implementation by lugdunum]

- Jan, 14. 2007 -
.: Fixed crash in Statistics window.
Ornis: added Valencian translation [translated by "Valencian"]
Ornis: major update of Slovenian translation [Gusar]
Ornis: label of category tabs are now displayed in category color
Ornis: return of the context menu on message tabs (Details, Add/Remove Friend, Close)

- Jan, 5. 2007 -
.: Prepared Kad for support of obfuscated packets. This is only passive in this version yet.

- Dec, 13. 2006 -
.: Fixed memory leak in list controls [eklmn]

- Dec, 12. 2006 -
.: Fixed performance problem with too large eD2K links and enabled 'Monitor Clipboard' option.

- Dec, 9. 2006 -
.: Several changes to make eMule work better under 640x480 resolutions.

- Dec, 6. 2006 -
.: Fixed saving/restoring of size/position in collections dialogs.
.: Win98: Fixed missing volume labels and shell icons in directories property page's directory tree control.
.: Win98: Fixed not supported multiline tooltip in tray bar.
.: Win98/WinME: Fixed not supported toolbar customization.
.: Win98/WinME/Win2000: Fixed toolbar chevron.
.: Win98/WinME: Fixed vertical axis labels in statistics graphs.
.: Win98/WinME: Fixed saving/restoring of expanded sub trees in statistics tree.
.: Win98/WinME/Win2000: Fixed invisible buttons in transfers window.
.: Win98: Fixed bug with "ShowActiveDownloadsBold=1" setting in Transfers window.

- Nov, 22. 2006 -
.: Reduced long time memory usage for GUI.
.: eMule stores now hashs of filehashs in the cancelled.met for privacy reasons

- Nov, 21. 2006 -
.: Both windows in Transfere window are showing a toolbar to select the window contents.

- Nov, 18. 2006 -
.: Edit controls for Message and IRC window are using slightly larger fonts.

- Nov, 17. 2006 -
.: Fixed bug in IRC window with nick change messages which were not always shown.
.: Fixed bug in IRC window with URL detection with special chars at end of URLs.

- Nov, 15. 2006 -
.: Minor visual improvements for IRC window and Message window text format buttons.
.: Multiline messages in Message and IRC chat windows are intended for improved readability.
.: Some visual improvements in Collection dialogs.

- Nov, 12. 2006 -
.: IRC channel filtering is performed on IRC server to reduce network load, the filter string now supports the wildcard character '*'. (e.g. "#emule-*" to match all channel names which start with "#emule-")
.: IRC window: Activity is now also shown for the 'Channels' window to give some response when user explicitly invoked the "/LIST" command.
.: IRC window: Nick list shows joined modes and names.

- Nov, 11. 2006 -
.: Fixed a bug with single clicking on emule tray bar icon.
.: Fixed bug with requesting eMule friendship via IRC.
.: Changed: By default the IRC channel list will contain only eMule-Help channels.
.: Added: IRC server can optionally contain a port (seperated by ':' character)
.: Fixed bug with background color not reset in IRC colored messages.
.: Added title window for IRC channels.

- Nov, 9. 2006 -
.: Added smiley selector window to Message and IRC window.

- Nov, 7. 2006 -
.: Fixed bug with not outputed IRC notice messages.
.: Fixed Message window splitter.

- Nov, 6. 2006 -
.: Fixed IRC window splitter.

- Nov, 5. 2006 -
.: Fixed bug with reversed sort orders for fresh emule installations.
.: Fixed bug with already used IRC nick when connecting.
.: Fixed bug with changing font size in IRC windows.

- Nov, 1. 2006 -
.: Added showing of smileys to Chat and IRC windows [Smileys by Daan]
.: Reworked AutoScroll feature in all log and chat windows to automatically disable AutoScroll while viewing content not at the end of the window.
.: Fixed right click problem in IRC and chat windows.
.: Fixed some bugs in IRC color code handling.
.: Fixed bugs with black background color in IRC windows.
.: Skins: Fixed problems with foreground skin color in RichEdit controls.
.: Skins: All icons can be read from all file formats which are supported by GDI+ (GIF, PNG, ...)

- Oct, 26. 2006 -
.: Fixed: "exit" command line option no longer starts eMule if it was not already running [DreamWalker]
.: Fixed edk2-URL handling for better support of copying URLs from webpages.
.: Fixed bug in file disk space statistics for pre-allocated files. [AnPapaSeiBua]
.: Fixed bugs in Comment dialog with copy to clipboard functions.
.: Fixed bug with "ed2k::" search expressions when combined with other search attributes. Note: "ed2k::" can still only be used in ED2K searches, not in Kad.
.: Fixed bug in local search result filter with changing column.
.: Fixed bug with Unicode strings in category properties.
.: Added optional drawing of filled graphs in Statistics window.
.: Several performance improvments and minor bug fixes in IRC module.

- Sep, 23. 2006 -
.: Fixed a potential crash when shutting down eMule [DavidXanatos]

- Sep, 21. 2006 -
.: Added support for RealMedia files to 'Content' dialog (any optional available MediaInfoLib will no longer be used for RealMedia files).
.: Added support for publishing meta data for RealMedia files.
.: Added several Kad optimizations to reduce overhead as well as memory usage:
- Redundant meta data will no longer get published.
- File format meta data is no longer published explicitly and handled special in search expressions.
- Removed (currently not used) data from Hello packet.

- Sep, 16. 2006 -
.: Fixed bug with invisible text in search filter control for high contrast color scheme.
.: Taskbar Notifier: Added support for alpha channel background images.
.: Taskbar Notifier: Changes made to "notifier.ini" file while eMule is running are read automatically without needing to do a restart.
.: Added Unicode support for id3lib (Content dialog and metadata stored in Kad).

eMule v0.48a X-Ray

based on eMule v0.48a Beta1

Download: eMule 0.48a X-Ray.rar (1.66 MB) - (Mirror) - (DDL)

ed2k Link:
eMule 0.48a X-Ray.rar

13 May 2007

TuoTu v3.0.98 beta

Version ChangeLog 2007-4-23
* rewritten and cross-BT agreement downloaded disk cache algorithm, significantly reduced the hard disk read and write, in particular, high-speed download
* remove the mandates of a cross-agreement restrictions on the number of documents that 96 Gongceban
* BT Network interconnection within the mandate may also stop the download bug
* Double-click operation to suspend the mandate. Right on the task of vegetables Single View Lane is a state-flow
* agreement that the suspension of the window display text bug
* Tools that under WIN2000 Huaping column, under 16 color display interface
* bug that produced seeds tracker list Parallel errors, adjustment tracker list in the order void
* some other problems that bug and interface changes.

short english instruction:



1. After your installation has been completed , go to the TuoTu's program folder and execute TcpCrack_2.exe , patch it to 256 as stated. (Don't know if this overlap with the EvID4226Patch.exe which patch half open connections.
2. Run TuoTu and restore the main page.
3. Press CTRL + O
4. An option taskbar will pop-up and it's time to configure the right setting.
Follow the images below.
Then restart the program and run your torrent, sit back and enjoy the changes.
脱兔 TuoTu] BT Client Guide

ref.: http://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showtopic=369072

utorrent, bitcomet, azureus, bitspirit, none of the clients could get pass the throttling by an ISP (speed limits in some countries). TuoTu is the FIRST one that able to do it!

Homepage: http://www.tuotu.com/Download.shtm
some more infos: forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=16663

Download 3.0.97 Beta Setup
Mirror: Tuotu_3.0.97-beta.exe

Download update to Beta
3.0.98: http://www.tuotu.com/install/Tuotu_beta_0510.exe
Mirror: Tuotu_beta_0510.exe

Website mirrors:

other Download sites: http://www.greendown.cn/soft/4815.html

old Version:
with setup installation:
without setup (just unzip and run, no installation required):

12 May 2007

Azureus Hacked Shu Mod by Seba


Hacked Shu Mod ( by seba14


build 194
fix: always enable update button
fix: Show you as a seeder(100% done and no download report) first announce bug
fix: can’t use show as seeder with download reduction mix
fix: can’t use show as a seeder with start fake upload when x% done

build 193
fix: per torrent : show as a seed wasn’t saved correctly

build 192
removed fake seeding mode (up & dl)
removed fake upload multi mixed with seeding mode
added : show me as a seed for Fake Upload Speed Ratio ++
change: console log now show under the “plug” checkbox so you are no longer annoyed by the spam in the console log ^^
fixed: completed flag was sent all the time when showing as a seed using no report.

Homepage: seba14.org

Download Final Version:
Azureus Hacked Shu Mod (8.07 MB) - (Mirror)
OSX Version: azureus. - Mirror
Last Beta: Azureus2.5Shu2.3.0.194.rar Direct Download

uTorrent 1.6.1
Client Spoof Plugin
plugin.version=yEEhaa uTorrent mOd v1.1

uTorrent1.6.1spoof.rar (37.81 KB) - (Mirror)

uTorrent 1.7.0
Client Spoof Plugin (Test Version)
(ua id string send=uTorrent 1.7.0) (in Test!)
uTorrent1.7.0.spoof.rar (37.84 KB) - (Mirror)
