16 May 2007

eMule v0.48a ZZUL 20070513-2310

eMule v0.48a ZZUL 20070513-2310
based on eMule 0.48a

This is just SlotFocus + Powershare + some other small stuff that's always been in ZZUL but isn't in official.

Zzul 20070513-2310:
* First version based on eMule 0.48a

Zzul 20060914-2117:
* First version based on eMule 0.47c
* Fixed: Last version gave lowid when connecting to 17.13-servers if obfuscation wasn't enabled.
* Fixed: Last version froze if network connection was lost.

Zzul 20060909-0015
* First version based on eMule 0.47b
* Upload chunk detail and show needed parts merged from Morph.
* Various small fixes and improvements.

Zzul 20060416-2305
Fixed bug that often caused connections to other clients to fail. (Bug was introduced in 20060413-2149 version.)
Inserted SiRob's changes of m_bHelloAnswerPending and SendStartupLoadReq()
Small fix in UploadThrottler to do proper sleeping when no upload limit is set.

unicode Release:

eMule 0.48a Zzul 20070513-2310 unicode.rar (1.66 MB) - (Mirror) - (DDL)

eMule 0.48a Zzul 20070513-2310 Source.zip (636.45 KB) - (Mirror) - (DDL)

History Versions

eMule 0.48a ZZULtimativ v1.5 PreFinal (Beta 8)

ZZULtimativ v1.5 PreFinal
based on 0.48a


Beta 8 (PreFinal)
* changed ip2country for work under windows higher then xp (thx 2 dlarge for hint in which file i must search)
+ ModIconMapper[WiZaRd/pP]
+ IpFilterUpdate[pP]
+ Client Percentage[XMan]
+ ClientBanTime[Spike2]

Beta 7
* AuthCode can be edited in Preferences Dialog
+ ed2k Forum link in sharedfileswindow[hawkstar]
+ Gandja-Feedback in Sharedfileswindow
+ save some cycles with an empty Queue[pP]
+ customable priority[Spe64]
+ set server.met url[pP]
+ Ip2Country[emf-Team/pP/mL]
* ModLog code updated to code from R-Mod[pP]
+ Some Icons from R-Mod for Preferences

Beta 6
* SlotFocus option shown correct in Preferences Dialog
* some missing code needed for Upload without SlotFocus changed a little bit to work with MaxChunks transfered[KTS/mL]
* optimized AuthSystem CPU Load - only check AuthCode one Time at startup and cache the UserRights
+ some Loglines for AuthSystem

+ Set Max Chunks to transfer[mL]
+ some optimations in AuthSystem
+ Higher value for Max Search Results (10000)
+ Queue Per File Push[Slugfiller]
+ No Score for non Mule[Dazzle]
+ SlotFocus/MaxSlots[kts]
+ Push Rare Files[kts]
+ Community/AntiCommunity Detection[MightyKnife]
+ Comm-/AntiComm-/Boost/Punish
+ Automatic Friendslot[kts]
+ Max Segment Size[kts]
+ FunnyNicks[kts]
+ Log Friend Activities[MightyKnife]
+ Friendfix[Wizard]
+ Fix Connection Collesion[sirob]
+ Find Best Sources[XMan]
+ Better Chunk Selection[XMan]
+ Dynamic Block Requests[netfinity]
+ Code Optimations/SaveCPU[XMan/Wizard]
+ Pref SideBanner[eMulefuture]
+ Slidebar[eMulePlus/Wizard]
+ Mod Log [ionix]
+ Own Preferences File[Wizard] and own file for AuthSystem
+ Uploading Chunk Display[ZZ]
+ ZZUL Uploadsystem[ZZ]
+ PowerShare[ZZ]
+ SelectiveChunkSharing[Slugfiller/Morph]
+ ShareOnlyTheNeed[Slugfiller/Morph]
+ HideOvershare[Slugfiller/Morph]
+ SafeHash fix[XMan]
+ Optimation don't Update to often[XMan]
+ Spreadbar[Slugfiller]
+ Flush Thread Optimation[XMan]
+ Flush Thread[Sirob]
+ ReadBlockFromFileThread[Slugfiller]
+ SafeHash[slugfiller]
+ Don't send MOD_VERSION to client that don't support it to reduce overhead[SiRoB]
+ Reduced CPU usage in UInt128.cpp[netfinity]
+ ownCredits[VQB]
+ Kick & Ban in Uploadlist[kts]
+ Enable/Disable Slot Focus in Uploadlist[kts]
+ Push Part & Finished Files[Spe64]
+ editable FriendBoost Factor
+ Code to Save Float[Spe64]
+ choose Modstring[Spe64]
+ Support for tag ET_MOD_VERSION 0x55[Maella]
+ Avoid Credits Accumulate Fakers[Morph/WiZaRd]
+ CPU Calm Down[WiZaRd]
+ ClientAnalyzer[WiZaRd]
+ Simple AuthSystem (only can use Bad Options with right AuthCode)
+ Show Download in Bold (official) saveable (wird nach neustart ⁿbernommen)
+ Simple Upload Slot Focus[Spike]
+ make Ban Spammer switchable
+ Variable compression - Reduce CPU usage for high bandwidth connections[netfinity]
+ Better Dumping[WiZaRd]
+ Don't Ban Friends[kts]
+ CodeImprovement[Avi3k]
+ SAFE_DELETE-macros[eWombat/Spike]

eMule 0.48a ZZULtimativ 1.5 PreFinal.7z (2.25 MB) - (Mirror) - (DDL)

ed2k Link:

uTorrent Extreme Multi x10 Leecher V.I.P EdiTion Blue

uTorrent Extreme LP x10 Blue
based on Extrem LE v2.5


- Emulate uTorrent 1.61
- Shows on the Tracker 10 times more upload

Download: uTorrent Extreme LP x10 Blue.exe (174 KB) - (Mirror) - DDL: uTorrent_Extreme_LP_x10_Blue.exe

- Emulate Azureus
- Shows on the Tracker 10 times more upload

Download: AzuTorrent Extreme LP x10 Blue.exe (174 KB) - (DDL)

(report, no-report:seeder, tracker/Multi - soon:)

15 May 2007

RapGet 1.34 by Alexander Shiryaev

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

eMule 0.48a ZZULtimativ v1.5 BETA 6

ZZULtimativ v1.5 BETA 6 based on 0.48a

Beta 6

* SlotFocus option shown correct in Preferences Dialog
* some missing code needed for Upload without SlotFocus changed a little bit to work with MaxChunks transfered[KTS/mL]
* optimized AuthSystem CPU Load - only check AuthCode one Time at startup and cache the UserRights
+ some Loglines for AuthSystem


+ Set Max Chunks to transfer[mL]
+ some optimations in AuthSystem
+ Higher value for Max Search Results (10000)
+ Queue Per File Push[Slugfiller]
+ No Score for non Mule[Dazzle]
+ SlotFocus/MaxSlots[kts]
+ Push Rare Files[kts]
+ Community/AntiCommunity Detection[MightyKnife]
+ Comm-/AntiComm-/Boost/Punish
+ Automatic Friendslot[kts]
+ Max Segment Size[kts]
+ FunnyNicks[kts]
+ Log Friend Activities[MightyKnife]
+ Friendfix[Wizard]
+ Fix Connection Collesion[sirob]
+ Find Best Sources[XMan]
+ Better Chunk Selection[XMan]
+ Dynamic Block Requests[netfinity]
+ Code Optimations/SaveCPU[XMan/Wizard]
+ Pref SideBanner[eMulefuture]
+ Slidebar[eMulePlus/Wizard]
+ Mod Log [ionix]
+ Own Preferences File[Wizard] and own file for AuthSystem
+ Uploading Chunk Display[ZZ]
+ ZZUL Uploadsystem[ZZ]
+ PowerShare[ZZ]
+ SelectiveChunkSharing[Slugfiller/Morph]
+ ShareOnlyTheNeed[Slugfiller/Morph]
+ HideOvershare[Slugfiller/Morph]
+ SafeHash fix[XMan]
+ Optimation don't Update to often[XMan]
+ Spreadbar[Slugfiller]
+ Flush Thread Optimation[XMan]
+ Flush Thread[Sirob]
+ ReadBlockFromFileThread[Slugfiller]
+ SafeHash[slugfiller]
+ Don't send MOD_VERSION to client that don't support it to reduce overhead[SiRoB]
+ Reduced CPU usage in UInt128.cpp[netfinity]
+ ownCredits[VQB]
+ Kick & Ban in Uploadlist[kts]
+ Enable/Disable Slot Focus in Uploadlist[kts]
+ Push Part & Finished Files[Spe64]
+ editable FriendBoost Factor
+ Code to Save Float[Spe64]
+ choose Modstring[Spe64]
+ Support for tag ET_MOD_VERSION 0x55[Maella]
+ Avoid Credits Accumulate Fakers[Morph/WiZaRd]
+ CPU Calm Down[WiZaRd]
+ ClientAnalyzer[WiZaRd]
+ Simple AuthSystem (only can use Bad Options with right AuthCode)
+ Show Download in Bold (official) saveable (wird nach neustart übernommen)
+ Simple Upload Slot Focus[Spike]
+ make Ban Spammer switchable
+ Variable compression - Reduce CPU usage for high bandwidth connections[netfinity]
+ Better Dumping[WiZaRd]
+ Don't Ban Friends[kts]
+ CodeImprovement[Avi3k]
+ SAFE_DELETE-macros[eWombat/Spike]

Download: eMule 0.48a ZZULtimativ 1.5 BETA 6.7z (1.95 MB) - (Mirror) - (DDL)

ed2k Link:
rem.: The "More" Menu for the req. auth. key (under test) may contain almost features for "power releaser". A analyse shows only info about explorits by activation under Sivka Settings!!?? Screenshot follow

14 May 2007

eMule 0.48a X-Mule 0.48a - The portable eMule by winPenPack

eMule 0.48a for your Pen Drive - Portable

winPenPack - X-Software collection
Copyright © 2005-2007 winPenPack.com - All rights reserved

X-Mule 0.48a
Licenza: GNU General Public License
Rilasciato il: 14.05.2007
X-Launcher version: 1.1
Autore: Gabriele Tittonel (tittoproject@gmail.com)
Licenza: GNU General Public License - Source Code: incluso nell'archivio
Autore del progetto winPenPack: Danilo Leggieri (http://www.winpenpack.com)
Licenza: Creative Commons License
Emule home: http://www.emule-project.net/


Il software portatile incluso in questo archivio non richiede installazione
e può essere utilizzato indistintamente da Pen Drive USB o da Hard Disk.
Per avviare l'applicazione fare doppio click su X-Mule.exe. Se si desidera
utilizzarlo con winPenPack, seguire le istruzioni riportate al seguente link:

Supporta il progetto winPenPack effettuando una donazione:

Attenzione: puoi inserire questo X-Program in collezioni di software portatile
simili a winPenPack solo nel rispetto della Creative Commons License
(attribuzione della paternità e note di copyright specificate chiaramente).
Questo documento non dev'essere alterato nè rimosso da nessuna delle copie distribuite.


X-Mule 0.48a
License: GNU General Public License
Released on: 14.05.2007

X-Launcher version: 1.1
Author: Gabriele Tittonel (tittoproject@gmail.com)
License: GNU General Public License - Source Code: included in this package
winPenPack project Author: Danilo Leggieri (http://www.winpenpack.com)
License: Creative Commons License
Emule home: http://www.emule-project.net/


This package include a portable program (X-Program) that can be directly executed
from Pen Drive Usb or Hard Disk without any kind of setup. Just launch the software
by double-clicking on X-Mule.exe.
If you want to use it with the winPenPack, please follow the guidelines to this link:

If you found our work useful to you, please contribute!

Warning: You can include this X-Software in software collections similar to winPenPack
only in accordance with Creative Commons License (origin, paternity and all copyright
notices must be clear). This notice may not be removed or altered from any distribution.

winPenPack project:
Home: http://www.winpenpack.com/
Contact: winpenpack@gmail.com
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/

Download: eMule 0.48a PORTABLE X-Mule 0.48a.zip (3.99 MB) - (Mirror) - (DDL)
