17 May 2007

eMule v0.48a.8 NetF WARP v0.3a.6BETA

eMule v0.48a.8 [NetF WARP v0.3a.6] BETA

Sub-Chunk Transfer
- Crumbs, enables sharing of not yet completed parts
Faster Endgame
- Dynamic Block Requests, tries to make all sources to complete at the same time
- Delayed NNP, keeps downloading sources a little bit longer in case a part turns out corrupt
- Drop Stalled Sources, cancels stalled or slow downloads when file is about to complete to give way for faster sources
- Redownload only data of banned clients on corruption
Anti-P2P Protection
- Safe KAD (slows down the spreading of bad KAD nodes)
Credits and Payback
- VIP ("Payback") Queue, as the Payback queue but with different bandwidth management
- Balanced Ratio Payback, make clients, who have a ratio higher than your inverse ratio, VIP's
- Smart Part File Push, rebalances between complete and part files based on previous upload
All the features of the ESE Mod

Known bugs:
'Only Recover Banned Data' might cause looping downloads or complete stalls if corruption occurs and NetF fail the recovery process.

*** NetF WARP 0.3a.6 BETA
- Based on eMule 0.48a
- Added filtering of KAD nodes based on if the ID xor difference between own / source node have more than 6 bytes identical
- Added recalculation of own KAD ID if more than 6 bytes are identical
- Added modified NetF WARP icon [thanks Typoteus for the original one]
- Fixed lookup when not receiving valid KAD recovery data
- Fixed some messed up type casts
- Fixed a bug with the long term (2hrs) datarate calculation for clients
- Fixed some crashes related to incorrect pointer references
- Optimized CUInt128 class code (made inline)
- Put some often used code inlined
*** NetF WARP 0.3a.5 BETA
- Added 'Fakealyzer' (Colour guiding on search results)
- Fixed a few bugs around the new part/crumb map handling code

Download: eMule0.48a WARP 0.3a.6 17.05.07 bin.zip (2.43 MB) - (DDL)
source: eMule0.48a WARP 0.3a.6 src.zip (4.22 MB)

TorrentPier 0.35 revision 673 mod beta


TorrentPier - BitTorrent tracker fully integrated with phpBB

A short How To Guide (installation, configuration and seeding)

ACP demo: Forum, Tracker

Live demo: Zappateers

Original Pre-modded version: 0.3.5

TP MOD by Aaru Bui and Quake

TP MOD Support forum
Homepage: http://torrentpier.info

TorrentTrader FINAL v1.06

TorrentTrader is a feature packed and highly customisable PHP/MySQL Based BitTorrent tracker. Featuring intergrated forums, and plenty of administration options. Please visit www.torrenttrader.org for there support forums.

Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/torrenttrader
Download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=98584&package_id=180927

Blog Torrent Preview 0.92

Blog Torrent is free, open-source software from Downhill Battle, designed to empower creators. It's the best way to offer large files on your website without using any storage or bandwidth: posting torrents is as easy as blogging.

Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/battletorrent/
Download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=109524

16 May 2007

eMule v0.48a ZZUL 20070516-2000

eMule v0.48a ZZUL 20070516-2000
based on eMule 0.48a

This is just SlotFocus + Powershare + some other small stuff that's always been in ZZUL but isn't in official.

ZZUL 20070516-2000:
several bug fixes

Zzul 20070513-2310:
* First version based on eMule 0.48a

eMule 0.48a ZZUL 20070516-2000.rar (1.66 MB) - (Mirror) - (DDL)
exe only: eMule 0.48a ZZUL 20070516-2000 unicode release.exe (5.09 MB)
ed3k Link:

eMule 0.48a Arabella Third Generation v8.50 HotFix 15.05.2007


eMule Version 0.48a | Arabella`s Third Generation v 8.50 HotFix // 15.05.2007

Arabella Third Generation

Version v8.50 HotFix [15.05.2007]
Based on eMule 0.48a

Version v8.06 [ 17.02.2007 ] HotFix
Basis ist die 47 C .
- Fix: UPnp [ Arabella ]

Version v8.06 [ 09.02.2007 ]
- Remove: Old FriendOnQueue Window [ Arabella ]
- Added: New FriendOnQueue Window [ Wizard / Arabella ]

Diese Fenster findet Ihr nur wenn ihr die zusätzliche Toolbar aktiviert.
Es zeigt Euch die Freunde an die Online und Offline sind. Dazu bekommt Ihr
noch angezeigt was Ihr den Freunden schon gegeben habt und bekommen habt
( auch wenn sie Off sind ) zusätzlich habe ich die DL und UL Rate eingebaut
damit Ihr immer sehen könnt wie schnell der DL und der UL ist.

- Fix: Vista event 4226 fix [leuk_he/Xman] [ Arabella ]
- Fix: Server und KAD suche [ Arabella
- Fix: die hohe fehlgeschlagenen Download Sessions [WiZaRd] [ Arabella ]
- Fix: Copy Feedback in TransferWnd .... [ Arabella ]
- Fix: Anticommunity, die User die eingetragen werden bleiben auch drin stehen. [ Arabella ]

eMule 0.48a Arabella Third Generation 48A HotFix 15.05.2007.rar (3.3 MB) - (Mirror) - (DDL)

Arabella_Third_Generation_48A_14.05.2007.rar (3.5 MB)
ed2k Link:
