22 May 2007

7-Zip 4.46 alpha 1 by Igor Pavlov

What's new:
- New fast compression mode for Deflate method in Zip and GZip.
- New "Compress shared files" option in GUI and -ssw switch.
- Some bugs were fixed.
- New localization: Norwegian Nynorsk.

Discussion Website

7-Zip 4.46 alpha 1 for 32-bit Windows:

7-Zip 4.46 alpha 1 for 64-bit Windows x64:

21 May 2007

Rapget 1.35 by Alexander Shiryaev

Rapget v1.35

* Rapget is a downloader with code recognition for such share
servers as rapidshare.de, megaupload.com, slil.ru and others

Version : 1.35 (21.05.2007)
Author : Alexander Shiryaev
WWW : http://www.rapget.com

v1.35 from 21.05.2007
[*] Updated rapidshare.com

v1.34b from 15.05.2007
[*] Updated rapidshare.com

You need install SSL libraries for correct working with Rapidshare, download from: here

Download: rapget135.rar (257.39 KB) - (Mirror) - (DDL)

The Grabber v1.4.8.2 Activated Build 2007.05.18

A freeware tool that circumvents the rapidshare time and download limit using proxy servers to change the IP address. A rapidshare explorer (using google site: operator) and proxy checker are build in.
Bypasses download limitations. Download multiple files at once.

What's new
- fixed rapidshare.com grabber
- fixed rapidshare.com link checker
- added huawei tool for renewing IP address for ADSL users(Supported hardware: SmartAX MT882 ADSL Router/Modem) - currently we support only USB mode, next version will alow to specify router address (it is now set to -- you can configure your router to that address anyway so it will work in "Network Mode" -- i.e. when connected to the LAN NIC))

NOTE: This program is not Vista compatible, but works fine with disabled UAC (User Account Control - very useful and inovative thing which renders your computer useless and annoying to use it).

Block the Domain (users.cjb.net) home call on TCP port 80 in firewall for this program or you see this:
The Grabber 1.4.4 activation crackwhen you first run The Grabber 1.4.x, you are prompted to activate the product by entering Login and Password if you did not block the domain users.cjb.net in your firewall or windows hostfile by using this program. *This program call home!
As you can see, to use this software, you need to go through so restrictions also cause there is a online activation check included. Good thing is you only need to go through the 3 restrictions ONCE. The second time you use it, you won't be prompted to enter any password or activation.

The Login and Password to activate The Grabber 1.4.x is:

Or another method to crack it is to run The Grabber 1.4.x for the first time, close it. You will now see a new file called grabber.ini in the same location as Grabber.exe. Open it with notepad, and in [General], you will see setting. Replace the settings line with the code below and save grabber.ini.


Important Note: Make sure the 3 lines above is merged into ONE line when copied to grabber.ini

You should now be able to use latest The Grabber 1.4.x. Enjoy no limit download at RapidShare! Oh, to look for proxy address, just search in Google/MSN or your favorite search engine for "free proxy list" and you should get quite a lot from there.

Homepage: http://www.cmszone.org/portal/content/view/16631/86/
http://www.quicksearch.info - quick search rapidshare files

Download (not activated!):
Grabber.exe (903.5 KB) - (Mirror) - (DDL)

Activated Version incl. ini file:
The Grabber v1.4.8.2 2007.05.18 activated.rar (893.67 KB) - (Mirror) - (Mirror) - (Mirror) - (DDL)

Ratio Faker 0.6.5

Ratio Faker exploits a bug in BitTorrent tracker websites that use ratios. Using this bug users can send to the tracker server fake info about the uploaded data amount. It works on most all popular BitTorrent sites.

Tested with these Trackers:
* scenetorrents.org
* hdbits.org
* oink.me.uk
* torrentbytes.net
* bitmetv.org
* filelist.org
* filemp3.org

How to operate:
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

كتير اوى بيشتكو من تهدي المواقع الخاصة للاكونت الخاص بهم نظرا لقلة ال ratio الخاص بالاكونت وطبعا صعب اوى انك ترفع محتويات يدويا

فما الحل ؟؟؟؟؟

الحل فى برنامج اسمه (ratio faker ) وهو يعمل على وهم الموقع بانك بترفع محتويات مع انك مش بترفع ولا حاجة .

شرح البرنامج :

1_ حمل من الموقع المراد خدعه اى ملف تورنت بس يكون اللى السيدر بتاع الابلودر اكتر من الداونلودر

2_ افتح البرنامج ثم اضغط ( open ) ثم قم بوضع ملف التورنت اللى انتا حملته

3_ اجعل كلمة ( download ) صفر

4_ اضغط على كلمة ( start )

وسيبدأ البرنامج فى خداع الموقع بانك بتعمل ( upload )

Ratio Faker 0.6.5a.exe (52 KB) - (mirror) Shows as FALSE POSITIVE because of the used ExE Packer.

20 May 2007

eMule 0.48a upload limit hack for 56K modem by wyx

1Kb upload limit for eMule 0.48a by wyx
For modem of 56 Kb by RTB (basic wire net) or inferior. Instead of 6 raised Kb/s and 2 Kb/s of slope, is put to 6 of slope and 1 of ascent. 1 Kb/s of slope gains, when releasing 1 of ascent. This is used for the connections that have the slope and raised by himself thread. It does not have sense to put this hack in another type of connections to Internet that are superior to modem of 56Kb, like ADSL, cable, etc., since they have several threads for slope and other so many for ascent. When putting hack would not gain slope. In addition when raising less, so many credits do not gain.

Para modem de 56 Kb por RTB (red telefónica básica) o inferiores.
En vez de 6 Kb/s subida y 2 Kb/s de bajada, se pone a 6 de bajada y 1 de subida. Se gana 1 Kb/s de bajada, al liberar 1 de subida. Esto sirve para las conexiones que tienen la bajada y subida por el mismo hilo.
No tiene sentido poner este crack en otro tipo de conexiones a internet que sean superiores a modem de 56Kb, como ADSL, cable, etc., ya que tienen varios hilos para bajada y otros tantos para subida. Al poner el hack no se ganaría bajada. Además al subir menos, no se ganan tantos créditos.
in hex edit:
eMule 0.48a

9141A: 3D001000005657668B3Dxxxxxxxx73xx3D0028000073xxB903000000F7E1
EB3A al siguiente movzx eax, di (después del ret)
3D00100000 cmp eax, 00001000
56 push esi
57 push edi
668B3D00EC7700 mov di, word ptr [0077EC00]
7310 jnb xx
3D00280000 cmp eax, 00002800
7333 jnb xx
B903000000 mov ecx, 00000003
F7E1 mul ecx

14FB85: 75xx8B1Dxxxxxxxx6A006A00
eMule 0.47c

8B999: 3D001000005657668B3Dxxxxxxxx73xx3D0028000073xxB903000000F7E1
EB3A al siguiente movzx eax, di
3D00100000 cmp eax, 00001000
56 push esi
57 push edi
668B3D00EC7700 mov di, word ptr [0077EC00]
7310 jnb xx
3D00280000 cmp eax, 00002800
7333 jnb xx
B903000000 mov ecx, 00000003
F7E1 mul ecx

138365: 75xx8B1Dxxxxxxxx6A006A00
eMule 0.47b
8B9A9: 3D001000005657668B3Dxxxxxxxx73xx3D0028000073xxB903000000F7E1
EB3A al siguiente movzx eax, di
3D00100000 cmp eax, 00001000
56 push esi
57 push edi
668B3D00DC7700 mov di, word ptr [0077DC00]
7310 jnb 0048B9C9
3D00280000 cmp eax, 00002800
7333 jnb 0048B9F3
B903000000 mov ecx, 00000003
F7E1 mul ecx
136F55: 75xx8B1Dxxxxxxxx6A006A00
eMule 0.47a
8478E: 85D2565777xx72xx3D0010000073
EB5E al movzx siguiente
85D2 test edx,edx
56 push esi
57 push edi
7725 ja 004847B9
7207 jb 0048479D
3D00100000 cmp eax, 00001000
731A jnb 004847B7
128205: 75xx8B1Dxxxxxxxx6A006A00
eMule 0.46c
7B30E: 85D2565777xx72xx3D0010000073
EB5E al movzx siguiente
1189D5: 75xx8B1Dxxxxxxxx6A006A00
eMule 0.46b
7B2BF: 85D277xx72xx3D0010000073
117A95: 75xx8B1Dxxxxxxxx6A006A00
eMule 0.46a
75BDF: 85D277xx72xx3D0010000073
1100F5: 75xx8B1Dxxxxxxxx6A006A00
eMule 0.44d
704CF: 85D277xx72xx3D0010000073
FC005: 75xx8B1Dxxxxxxxx6A006A00

Download Batch file for automatical progressing incl. instrutions: eMule 0.48a upload limit hack for 56K modem by wyx (2.26 KB)

eMule 0.48a ZZULtimativ 1.5 Final by Musiclover

ZZULtimativ v1.5 Final
based on 0.48a

!! Vor dem Start bitte die ZZULtimativprefs.ini im config Ordner löschen um Probleme mit den geänderten Limits zu vermeiden !!
Before start please delete the file ZZULtimativprefs.ini in folder config cause of changes in "limits"!
!! Die Deutsche Sprachdatei mitnehmen damit es keine Anzeigefehler gibt ... !! Komplett Übersetzte Sprachdatei wird nachgeliefert!!
The German Language file is required to solve display errors. A complete translated Lang file follow soon.


+ Show Infos about AntiComm & AntiMod in Clientdialog
+ Show BadGuy Symbol for AntiComm & AntiMod, too
+ fixed some bugs
+ removed Text from Splash
+ AntiMod
+ Switch for Upload Ban AntiMod & AntiComm
+ Boost Limits:

Limit for : Min - Max
AntiCommPunish : 0.01 - 1
AntiModPunish : 0.01 - 1
CommBoost : 1 - 10
FriendBoost : 1 - 10
Finished Files : 1 - 5
Part Files : 1 - 5
Max Chunks : 1 - 10
Release Prio : 10 - 100
High Prio : 5 - 50
Normal Prio : 3 - 30
Low Prio : 2 - 20
Very Low : 1 - 10

Score Calculation Infos:
Punish = Normal Score * PunishFactor; (0.01 means the Client get only 1% of score)
Boost = Normal Score * BoostFactor; (10 means the Client get 10 times the score then normal ones)

Beta 8 (PreFinal)
+ higher BufferTimeLimit for larger buffer[pP]
* changed ip2country for work under windows higher then xp (thx 2 dlarge for hint in which file i must search)
+ ModIconMapper[WiZaRd/pP]
+ IpFilterUpdate[pP]
+ Client Percentage[XMan]
+ ClientBanTime[Spike2]
- AuthSystem
+ WinSock2[eWombat]

Beta 7
* AuthCode can be edited in Preferences Dialog
+ ed2k Forum link in sharedfileswindow[hawkstar]
+ Gandja-Feedback in Sharedfileswindow
+ save some cycles with an empty Queue[pP]
+ customable priority[Spe64]
+ set server.met url[pP]
+ Ip2Country[emf-Team/pP/mL]
* ModLog code updated to code from R-Mod[pP]
+ Some Icons from R-Mod for Preferences

Beta 6
* SlotFocus option shown correct in Preferences Dialog
* some missing code needed for Upload without SlotFocus changed a little bit to work with MaxChunks transfered[KTS/mL]
* optimized AuthSystem CPU Load - only check AuthCode one Time at startup and cache the UserRights
+ some Loglines for AuthSystem

+ Set Max Chunks to transfer[mL]
+ some optimations in AuthSystem
+ Higher value for Max Search Results (10000)
+ Queue Per File Push[Slugfiller]
+ No Score for non Mule[Dazzle]
+ SlotFocus/MaxSlots[kts]
+ Push Rare Files[kts]
+ Community/AntiCommunity Detection[MightyKnife]
+ Comm-/AntiComm-/Boost/Punish
+ Automatic Friendslot[kts]
+ Max Segment Size[kts]
+ FunnyNicks[kts]
+ Log Friend Activities[MightyKnife]
+ Friendfix[Wizard]
+ Fix Connection Collesion[sirob]
+ Find Best Sources[XMan]
+ Better Chunk Selection[XMan]
+ Dynamic Block Requests[netfinity]
+ Code Optimations/SaveCPU[XMan/Wizard]
+ Pref SideBanner[eMulefuture]
+ Slidebar[eMulePlus/Wizard]
+ Mod Log [ionix]
+ Own Preferences File[Wizard] and own file for AuthSystem
+ Uploading Chunk Display[ZZ]
+ ZZUL Uploadsystem[ZZ]
+ PowerShare[ZZ]
+ SelectiveChunkSharing[Slugfiller/Morph]
+ ShareOnlyTheNeed[Slugfiller/Morph]
+ HideOvershare[Slugfiller/Morph]
+ SafeHash fix[XMan]
+ Optimation don't Update to often[XMan]
+ Spreadbar[Slugfiller]
+ Flush Thread Optimation[XMan]
+ Flush Thread[Sirob]
+ ReadBlockFromFileThread[Slugfiller]
+ SafeHash[slugfiller]
+ Don't send MOD_VERSION to client that don't support it to reduce overhead[SiRoB]
+ Reduced CPU usage in UInt128.cpp[netfinity]
+ ownCredits[VQB]
+ Kick & Ban in Uploadlist[kts]
+ Enable/Disable Slot Focus in Uploadlist[kts]
+ Push Part & Finished Files[Spe64]
+ editable FriendBoost Factor
+ Code to Save Float[Spe64]
+ choose Modstring[Spe64]
+ Support for tag ET_MOD_VERSION 0x55[Maella]
+ Avoid Credits Accumulate Fakers[Morph/WiZaRd]
+ CPU Calm Down[WiZaRd]
+ ClientAnalyzer[WiZaRd]
+ Simple AuthSystem (only can use Bad Options with right AuthCode)
+ Show Download in Bold (official) saveable (wird nach neustart übernommen)
+ Simple Upload Slot Focus[Spike]
+ make Ban Spammer switchable
+ Variable compression - Reduce CPU usage for high bandwidth connections[netfinity]
+ Better Dumping[WiZaRd]
+ Don't Ban Friends[kts]
+ CodeImprovement[Avi3k]
+ SAFE_DELETE-macros[eWombat/Spike]

Download: eMule0.48a_ZZULtimativ1.5_Final.7z (2.09 MB) - (Mirror) - (DDL)

ed2k link:
eMule0.48a_ZZULtimativ1.5_Final.7z - eMule0.48a_ZZULtimativ1.5_Final.7z

P.S.: An excellent eMule Mod !
