24 May 2007

uTorrent 1.7 Beta Build 1952 Emu uTorrent 1.6

uTorrent 1.7 Beta Build 1952 Emulation/Spoof uTorrent 1.6 and uTorrent 1.6.1

User-Agent: uTorrent/170B
changed to
User-Agent: uTorrent/1600

User-Agent: uTorrent/1600(%d)
Host: %s%s
User-Agent: uTorrent/1600(%d)
Accept-Encoding: gzip

Host: %s%s
User-Agent: uTorrent/1600(%d)
Connection: keep-alive
Range: bytes=%Lu-%Lu

-UT1600- c@A .iA ‚˜@ n A @ % @ u t t ‰ˆˆ<«ª*?f l a g s . c o n f .net .com O p e r a % c % c % c % c M L d o n k e y % c . % c . % c G 3 T o r r e n t F l a s h G e t % u . % u B u r s t ! % c . % c . % c B l i z z a r d % d . % d B i t T y r a n t U n k n o w n B i t S p i r i t B i t S p i r i t v 2 H T T P B T HTTPBT B i t S p i r i t v 2 U D P 0 UDP0 % s % i . % i B i t L o r d D N A % u . % u . % u M a i n l i n e % c . % c % c . % c M a i n l i n e % c . % c . % c % s / % s A B C O s p r e y P e r m a s e e d T r i b l e r S h a d o w B i t T o r n a d o U P n P U n k n o w n % c % s / % d . % d . % d . % d X t o r r e n t Z i p T o r r e n t l i b T o r r e n t q B i t t o r r e n t U n k n o w n % c % c X a n T o r r e n t T o r r e n t S t o r m T u o T u u L e e c h e r [ F A K E ] µ T o r r e n t µ T o r r e n t F a k e B i t S p i r i t T r a n s m i s s i o n S w a r m S c o p e S h a r e a z a S h a r e a z a a l p h a / b e t a T o r r e n t . N E T R e t r i e v e r L p h a n t l i b t o r r e n t M o o P o l i c e M o o n l i g h t T o r r e n t Q t 4 T o r r e n t E x a m p l e K T o r r e n t e l e c t r i c s h e e p % s / % d . % d % d % d F o x T o r r e n t H a l i t e H y d r a n o d e E B i t B i t S l a v e B i t t o r r e n t X E n h a n c e d C T o r r e n t C T o r r e n t D e l u g e T o r r e n t B i t R o c k e t B i t B u d d y B i t C o m e t B i t f l u B T G A r e s A r c t i c A v i c o r a B i t P u m p A z u r e u s %.8X%.8X%.8X%.8X%.8X etc......
This is not a Leecher Mod!
It's done for Trackers which do only uTorrent up to Version 1.6x allow.
You can test the latest uTorrent 1.7 Beta on every Tracker in emulation to uTorrent 1.6
Tested on privat Tracker where uTorrent 1.7 (all Betas till now) are reject, not allowed!

Download: utorrent-1.7-beta-1952-Emu-uTorrent1.6.exe (204.5 KB) - (Mirror)

same as above uTorrent/170B Emulation uTorrent 1.6.1 (uTorrent/1610)

Download: utorrent-1.7-beta-1952-Emu-uTorrent1.6.1.exe (204.5 KB) - (Mirror)

Emulation BitComet
utorrent-1.7-beta-1952-Emu-BitComet0.0.8.7.exe (204.5 KB)

23 May 2007

KLCP K-Lite Codec Pack Mega Codec Pack 2.1.0 / Codec Pack 3.1.0


New versions

Tuesday - May 22

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 2.1.0 [download] [changelog]
K-Lite Codec Pack 3.1.0 Full [download] [changelog]
K-Lite Codec Pack 3.1.0 Standard [download] [changelog]
K-Lite Codec Pack 3.1.0 Basic [download] [changelog]
K-Lite Codec Pack 3.1.0 Corporate [download] [changelog]

Changelogs for K-Lite Mega Codec Pack

Changelog 2.01 -> 2.1.0 | (2007-05-22)

- Updated ffdshow to revision 1193
- Updated DivX decoder to version
- Updated DivX encoder to version
- Updated Haali media Splitter to version
- Updated x264 VFW to revision 655
- Added ffdshow whitelist feature. When enabled, usage of ffdshow will be restricted to a list of known compatible applications.
- Moved most ffdshow related things in the installer from Tasks to Components. This should make the available choices more clear.
- Uninstall your old version before updating to this version.
- Minor changes

Download: klmcodec210.exe

eMule 0.48a Shadow mule Mod reloaded v1

eMule 0.48a Shadowmule reloaded v1
ShadowMod based on eMule v0.48a


Kick Release Files after normal sessionmaxtrans
Global Hardlimit
ARGOS Antileech Class
Update fakes, Ipfilter & antileech files @ StartUp
merged to 48a
added undetectable community(European Community)
only upload 2 emule & amule
New Systray Icon from Neomule
Active Downloads in bold & blue
Changed Standard Settings of Argos

eMule 0.47c Shadowmule v1
based on eMule 0.47c

- Active Downloads in Bold
- Uploadmanager
- Upload-Kick in KB/Min
- Uploadslots Min/Max
- User Kick/Ban
Homepage: Shadowmule Mod v1 public Beta

Download: eMule 0.48a Shadow mod reloaded v1.rar (1.75 MB)
ed2k link: Testfile

eMule 0.47c Shadowmule v1

uTorrent 1.7 beta 1952


BETAS NOW SUPPORT AUTOMATIC UPDATING! Preferences -> Other -> Auto-update to beta version (default on in the 1.7 betas)
This will default to off for 1.7 stable (but not override if you turned it on).

Changelog since build 1875:

2007-05-22: Version 1.7 (build 1952)
- Feature: Client ID parsing for Blizzard Downloader
- Feature: Now remembers which log settings you had on each run when changed from the logger context menu
- Change: display text strings instead of numbers for piece priority
- Change: reply with "invalid request" if the webui is queried on the wrong port
- Change: RSS filter by episode can specify ending season in addition to episode
- Change: bt.graceful_shutdown waits for all cleanup before exiting
- Fix: Font size of progress bars in the main listview is the same as the rest of the listview
- Fix: fix piece priority display bug (incorrect index)
- Fix: Copy Selected Hosts now copies multiple hosts with a carriage return and a newline rather then just a newline
- Fix: Crash when clicking in window with torrent and then moving mousewheel outside application
- Fix: Log when the UPNP fails on the timeout (20 minutes), and on each timeout retry 3 times as it does at application launch

Full Changelog here

Three versions are released here for testing. We're trying to see if any weird bugs are caused by PECompact, so we've provided UPXed and unpacked versions of the program. If UPX solves any weird issue, then we'll switch to that as our packer.

utorrent-1.7-beta-1952.exe - PECompact compressed (normal)
utorrent-1.7-beta-1952.upx.exe - UPX packed
utorrent-1.7-beta-1952.uncompressed.exe - unpacked

2007-05-23: Language Pack for µTorrent 1.7 Beta (Build 1952)
2007-05-19: Helfile for µtorrent (english, Update for 1.7 Beta Build 1875)

Blue EdiTion (Icons, graphic are Blue)
utorrent-1.7-beta-1952-Blue.exe (201.5 KB) - (Mirror)

eMule 0.47c CN 188 beta4 update1 no ratio

eMule 0.47c CN 188 beta4 update1 no ratio
eMule v0.47c CN-5 Build 188+ BETA4 noratio

1. Download last full Beta 4 or latest Antileech.dll (from Xtreme), countryflag32.dll, ip2country,...
2. Download this update1 Beta4
3. Extract and replace emule.exe
4. Enjoy

Download: eMule 0.47c CN 188 beta4 update1 no ratio.rar (1.59 MB)

TuoTu Ratio patched (eMule Modul without Ratio)

TuoTu without Ratio, should work with every Version, tested on latest Beta!

1.) replace the emule.dll in folder Tuotu (program files/Tuotu/) with this patched one.
2.) Enjoy!

TeAm XyZta is looking for Translators Chinese - English

Download: emule.dll (2.15 MB)
